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Fan-Fic: Remembering The Good Times We Had


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Are you asking which type of rules it is? Or what? I might cover that later. But I just couldn't tear myself away from my story today, so I'll post another chapter or two before school tonight. I'll also think about how the story would go tonight! Very, very glad you love it Ed! *huggies The Count*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Chapter Five

"...So like I told you guys, I saw these two weird looking people in Uncle Deadly's room!!"

Beauregard had to tell them nearly 4 times now. No one believed him, except for Robin. Whom was missing at the time. He had gone wandering around the theatre, he heard soft piano playing from backstage.

"Hey Rowlf! How ya doing?"

The brown dog looked up from the piano, and smiled. "Doing fine, little guy. Something's bothering you, what is it??"

"It's Uncle Deadly...he's not acting all scary and stuff like he normally is. He's so moody too..."

"Well, have you talked with him yet? Ghosts may be dead...but they got feelings to I'd guess."

"I have. He's missing his wife...or she was gonna be his wife, Eleanor."

"Oh, I see.." He starts playing a soft tune on the piano, and Robin sits silently listening to him.

Scooter also heard Beauregards pleads for Kermit to check up on Uncle Deadly, but Kermit didn't have the time for that, it being just two days before the show, so Scooter elected to go check it out. He knocked on Uncle Deadly's door, then he poked his head inside.

"Uncle Deadly?? Uncle Deadly, what's going on??"

Deadly looked over his shoulder, from where he was in the chair, his yellow eyes glowing softly in the darkness. He saw Scooter, and was reminded of Jerry....his expression turned dark, he was reminded without words...that he still has no heart, for he is dead.

His voice is deep and gravelly, "You caused this, you cretin."

Scooter stepped inside the room, and he sighed. "What did I do, Uncle Deadly?"

"...You were scared, you didn't come towards me, child, when I was to help you...."

Scooter took a step backwards, getting a little worried about what Uncle Deadly was talking about. "Come towards...you? What on Earth are you talking about?!"

He boomed, standing up out of the seat, and taking a step towards Scooter.

"Jerry!! You did this TO ME!!!"

His eyes widened, in the darkness, his expression becoming more and more angry by the second. He lunged forward, clamping his hand against Scooter's chest tightly, slamming him against the wall, he sneered, showing his fangs towards Scooter.

Scooter's clipboard dropped out of his hands, clattering on the floor. It seemed like such a loud noise to him at the time.

Then...complete and utter blackness.


"Guys! Guys...hush!!! He's coming too!!!" Gonzo stood over Scooter, watching him carefully.

"Wha...what happened??" He tried to sit up, but Gonzo kept him from doing so. "Ooww...guys, what happened? Why am I on the floor?"

Fozzie shifted uncomfortably, he didn't like the boiler room, it was too hot for him. "We'd like to know that too, Scooter."

Gonzo finally let Scooter sit up, and Scooter realized why he wasn't letting him, his glasses were gone, and his jacket was as well. His clothes looked like an animal had mauled him, and on his arms he was bleeding still as well. He had a long cut on his face, which was still bleeding as he spoke. Gonzo carefully pressed a wad of gauze to his face, helping him. He squinted over at Gonzo, then he smiled a little.

"..T-Thanks...um...I don't know, guys. Last thing I remember was...." He stopped cold in his tracks, his mind racing.

'Could Uncle Deadly have done this to me?? He wouldn't...he's a ghost...but...would he??'

Kermit looked at Scooter, and frowned slightly. "Scooter? What was it?"

Scooter cleared his throat, and started to stand up, he wanted to get out of that hot room, and back to the Boarding House. He didn't want to talk to them. Gonzo helped him up, and Scooter quickly found out his right ankle was sprained, and without another word he limped out of the boiler room.

He found his old Simon Smith costume, and he wore that back to the Boarding house, it was better then his shredded clothes...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well, if you want to work in some rules... Was just a joke, since you've referenced that part from PrawnCracker's story. And if you ned some time to figure out how the story's gonna go, that's OK too.

But know this, it's going great so far. And PrawnCracker hasn't even come in here yet, nor TogetherAgain either.
Wait till they do, and you'll rully see some reviews...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Chapter Six

He sat in his room, in just some shorts, wrapping gauze across his chest, and on some spots on his legs and arms. He spied the full-length mirror in the corner, so he decided to take a look.

"Woah...whoever did this...really did a number on me." He gently touched the gauze that was wrapped across his chest, it had looked before like they were trying to rip his heart of his chest. He had thought about it, and figured out that whoever did this, threw him into the boiler room, and he must've gotten knocked out because of it.

Someone knocked at his door, and he frowned a little, he slipped on another one of his jackets, and limped over to the door. "Yes, who is it?" He spoke to the closed door.

A familar voice rang out from the other side, slightly timid sounding, "It's just me, Scooter. It's time for dinner...and Kermit would really like to talk to you..."

Scooter opened the door, and he smiled at Fozzie, who was messing around with his ascot, he was a little nervous, he took a step back, when he saw just how badly Scooter was hurt. "Uh, uh, let me help you, Scooter. You look really bad..." He extended his paw to Scooter, who graciously took it, and the two made their way down the stairs. Scooter was only in shorts and an open jacket, but no one really noticed it.

"Yo, Scoot! You get mauled by Animal or something??" Clifford spoke up, seeing Scooter.

"MAULED! MAULED!!" Animal yelled, banging the table with his fists. He was getting hungry too.

"Down man! Back, down..!" Floyd pulled at Animal's chain, and he calmed down quickly, breathing heavily.

Scooter just sat down between Fozzie and Gonzo, and laughed softly. "No, Animal didn't do this, I'm okay."

Clifford lifted his sunglasses up, and looked at Scooter, quizzcaly. "You're okay? You look like a mummy with all that tape, man. Something had to have happened..."

So, Scooter told them, what he remembered.

"...but it still dosn't make sense to me. He is a ghost...a phantom, you know. But for him to lash out at me like that. I don't think he even knew who I was! He kept calling me Jerry for some reason..."

Kermit stopped eating, and he looked over at him. Uncle Deadly had told him of what happened with the theatre. Nearly all of it.

"Did he say this guy's full name, Scooter?"
"No, Chief, just called me Jerry. He said it twice."
"Sheesh. Maybe you should talk to your Uncle sometime, Scooter. He might be able to give a little light on this subject. I need to go and take care of something guys."

He stood up, grabbing his coat, starting to leave the room. Miss Piggy stood up in her seat, looking over at Kermit.

"Kermie?? ..Where are you going?"

"To the Theatre. I need to speak to Uncle Deadly about something. I don't think he did this to Scooter. And if he did....he didn't mean to. I'll be fine. If you guys do decide to follow me. Don't. Or...at least keep away from us."

Scooter just sat there, thinking, staring at his uneaten dinner.


Kermit opened the door, and took off his coat, he frowned. "Uncle Deadly!! I need to speak to you, NOW!"

Deadly leapt down from the rafters, and leaned casually against the wall, not smiling at all. "Yes, Frog? What is it you need?"

"Why did you do that to Scooter?"

Uncle Deadly, looked away from Kermit. "I did not harm the boy, Frog."

"Didn't harm him!? He's got gauze and wounds all over him now, due to what happened to him!!"
"I told you I did not harm him, Kermit!"
"Then WHO DID!?"

Soft footsteps are heard, from everywhere and nowhere in the theatre.
A figure walked out from behind Uncle Deadly, and stepped between the two. Uncle Deadly, he tryed to get away from this figure. It seemed to be a formless shadow, no visible features at all. The voice is ghostly, and wavered while it laughed, seemingly seeping into Uncle Deadly's body.

Deadly took a few steps backwards, his eyes shut tight, as if in pain. "N..No...please...don't....I do not wish...." He kneels down, looking upwards at Kermit, he reaches out a hand towards Kermit's flippers, softly gasping.

"Leave...now....for your...s-safety....LEAVE FROG!!"

Kermit took one last look at Uncle Deadly, who was on his side, internally fighting whatever had just taken him over. He left the theatre, closing the door behind him tightly. He could only wish the old phantom would be alright.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The Count said:
Well, if you want to work in some rules... Was just a joke, since you've referenced that part from PrawnCracker's story. And if you ned some time to figure out how the story's gonna go, that's OK too.

But know this, it's going great so far. And PrawnCracker hasn't even come in here yet, nor TogetherAgain either.
Wait till they do, and you'll rully see some reviews...
Oh okay!! Yeah, I can't wait to see what they think of it! I'm just going along, making it up as I go. I'm probably done for today, sorry if it's getting to angsty and stuff. I'm so used to drama and soap opera type stuff. XD


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Whoa! Now it's getting deep! I love it though! You're very creative in your writing style!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ooooh... Suspense... Fighting old shadows from one's past? What'll happen next...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Chapter Seven

Kermit made his way back to the boarding house, and he opened the door, walking inside. He took off his jacket, and sat on the couch, exhaling, trying to relax after what he just saw. Miss

Piggy walked over to Kermit and sat down, she looked worried.

"Piggy? You okay?"
She only shook her head softly, not saying anything.
"Piggy...what's wrong? Is Scooter alright?"

She looked to Kermit, and whispered to him, she didn't want anyone else to know about it yet.

"I can't find little Robin, Kermie."

His breath was caught in his throat right then. He knew where Robin was then, if he wasn't at the house.

His voice was hushed, and shaking. "He's at the theatre, Piggy."


The little frog picked his way, hopping over the many seats. He was looking for Uncle Deadly. And every time he called out his name, he wouldn't answer back. It was getting frustrating to him.

"UNCLE DEADLY WHERE ARE YOU!?!!" His little voice was getting hoarse now, he sat in the 3rd row now, then he took a mighty leap up onto the stage. He sat down for a moment, gathering his energy. He felt like crying now, and he wasn't sure why either...

"Un-Uncle Deadly....why won't you answer me!?" He was clutching the paper in his hand, the letter that Deadly had written before.

A soft, wavering voice piped up behind Robin. "That is because...little one....he is not long for this plane...."

Robin felt himself get more chilled, the entire theatre was becoming more and more cold. He gulped, and turned around, looking over his shoulder. "W-Who's there??"

The shadow cackled, a shrill noise unearthly, a dark shadowed hand clamped down onto little Robin's shoulder, still laughing. "And...be careful little one....or you might be next for me..."

Robin turned around to face the shadow, who was now only as tall as Robin. Still formless, featureless, black as coal. It removed it's hand from his shoulder, and although he couldn't see it, he felt it smirking. "You hurt Scooter, didn't you??"

"Oh, the go-fer? Yeeesss.....he got too close to him...as you have. Now...what will I do with you, little frog? Ironically drown you? Torture you slowly?? Perhaps also get your pesky Uncle as well...he'll just die when he sees you....." It sneers, getting closer and closer to Robin's face.
The little frog could pratically smell death on it's breath, if it had any.

Robin puffed his chest out, trying to look brave. "I'm not scared of you! Uncle Deadly isn't scared of you!! Uncle Deadly!!!" He backed up, seeing no one come towards him... "UNCLE DEADLY!!?!?!"

The old phantom stood up from the stairwell, where the shadow deposited him after vacating his body. He grasped his head lightly, it throbbed with pain, as did his body.

"Little Frog! I'M HERE ROBIN!! BE GONE FOUL SHADOW BEFORE I CAST YOU TO THE DEPTHS OF ****!!!" His voice rang out through the theatre, hoping to frighten the shadow momentarily so he can get Robin out of there.

He had to do, what he has to do, to be rid of that spirit.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Wow... Now where will we turn to for...

Robin! Get out of there!

*Exits moviehouse... Hey Lisa, you there? Oh, it's just you Shadow (from BITBBH). Anything I can help... Oh, you want some popcorn. Sure, come on, let's get some before heading back to watch the rest of this.