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Fan-Fic: Muppet High


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Here is chapter 2!

Fan-Fic: Muppet High Chapter 2:

*Gonzo and Kermit are seen walking down a crowded hallway*

Gonzo: Come on Kermit hurry or we'll be late for lunch!

Kermit: Boy Gonzo I'm glad you know where your going, because I sure don't.

*They enter a crowded cafeteria*

Gonzo: Come on we better get in line, today's Thursday surprise day!

Kermit: Thursday surprise?

Gonzo: Yeah, it's the chef's speciality!

Kermit: Oh good, because I don't have anything else to eat.

*They approach the front of the line, and see...*

Swedish Chef: :sing: Dum de dum :sing:

Gonzo: Hiya Chef!

Chef: Ooo! Hooloo Goonzo! How aree yooo?

Gonzo: I'm fine. Chef this is my friend Kermit the Frog.

Kermit: Hello.

Chef: Hooloo Frooogy. Doo yuuu woont too try soome oof my Thoorsdy Soorprice?

Kermit: Sure I geuss.

Gonzo: A double order for me thanks.

Chef: *Scoops a pile of bubling green goo on their trays* Heere yuu go fellas enjoy!

Gonzo: Thanks Chef see ya tomorrow!

*They sit down at an empty table*

Kermit: Is this stuff edible?

Gonzo: It depends on your sense of adventure.

Kermit: I think I'll bring my lunch tomorrow.

*Enter: Fozzie*

Fozzie: Hiya guys, you mind if I join you?

Gonzo: Not at all Fozzie.

Fozzie: Ahh thank you! So are you guys taking anyone to the dance next Friday?

Kermit: Dance? What dance?

Gonzo: The big senior dance is next Friday. It's the biggest event of the year!

Fozzie: So Gonzo are you taking anyone?

Gonzo: Yeah! I met this really nice girl named Camilla, wait 'til you guys meet her, she's a fox! What about you Fozzie?

Fozzie: Oh I'm taking my mommy! So, anyone you want to ask Kermit?

Kermit: Not yet, but I haven't really been here that long.

*Enter: Piggy*

Piggy: Hello losers, I see you have admitted a new member to your group. Well, why don't you turn around so I can see the face I'll be mocking until the end of the year?

Kermit: Sheesh.

*Kermit turns around to face Piggy*

Piggy: :flirt: You, you, your, your, I, me, they...

*Enter: teen versions of Link Hogtrob; wearing a letter jacket; Annie Sue; wearing a cheerleading outfit; and Clifford; wearing a letter jacket.*

Link: Piggy are you coming?

Piggy: Yes, yes, I'm coming. Why would I want to sit with these dorks?

*They leave*

Kermit: Gosh, she's beautiful!

Fozzie: Who Annie Sue?

Kermit: No Fozzie, Piggy!

*From under the table...*

Rizzo*wearing white tank top and ball cap*: No way! She's tottally out of your league!

Kermit: Do I know you?

*From under table...*

Pepe*wearing black biker jacket and sunglasses*: Don't be such an optimist Ritzo! *To Kermit* Dat was sarcasam. Hokay? Ritzo, I'm sure dis green froggy man can date de pig if he really wants to.

Kermit: Do I know you either?

Pepe: Sadly no, he es Ritzo. Hokay? Sleeze ball with an empty stomach.

Rizzo: Yep that's me!

Pepe: Si, and I am Pepe the King Prawn! Hokay? Foreign exchange student from Mexico. Hokay? OH! And did I mention dat I am so gosh darn sexy it hurts! Hokay?

Kermit: What are you doing here?

Rizzo: I was hungry, so I was makin' my usual rounds when I saw Piggy stop at your table, thought maybe she'd throw some food at Gonzo and Fozzie like she usually does, and I'd pick up the scraps.

Pepe: Si, and I followed him because he promised me de moneys if I found him any food. Hokay?

Kermit: Ok...

Pepe: So like I was saying, jew can't give up de pig. Hokay? Jew two would make such a cute couple.

Rizzo: Yeah whatever. Come on shrimp, we've got work to do.

Pepe: I am not a shrimp! I am King Prawn!

*They leave*

Fozzie: I think the shrimp's right, if you really like Piggy, you've gotta get her to go with you to the dance!

Gonzo: Yeah, and we can help whenever you need us!

Kermit: You guys are right, I can't give up just like that! As you two as my witnesses! I will get Piggy to go to the dance with me!

Gonzo: Kermit, I think you said that loud enough that now eceryone in the lunch room are your witnesses!

Kermit: Whatever works!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I like it a LOT!

BUT, I do have to correct your Moke Swedish....if you don't mind...

theprawncracker said:
Chef: Ooo! Hooloo Goonzo! How aree yooo?

Chef: Hooloo Frooogy. Doo yuuu woont too try soome oof my Thoorsdy Soorprice?

Chef: *Scoops a pile of bubling green goo on their trays* Heere yuu go fellas enjoy!
Chef: Urcombe Gon-de-vuird! You don, flerden ferly?

Chef: He gon de flipper floo. Thoorsdy Specioool *blip, blip, blip* Surproon!

Chef: *Scoops a pile of bubling green goo on their trays* Spurgon slop-de-mousky! Globble uppdevoooi!!!

(To me, that smacks more of Moke Swedish...)

But the rest...wow! Cool. I like it a lot. Specially Biker link and Clifford.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Mock Swedish never seemed so complicated!:confused: :eek:

Oh well. Oh and Link and Clifford are supposed to be jocks, not bikers.:big_grin:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah, Link and Clifford as jocks... hence the letterman jackets. You know, the ones with the initials of the high school?
So, is Annie Sue supposed to be Clifford's girl?
Mostly everything's good... But I'm not sure about Kermit "*gulp* wanting Piggy as his girl. Sorta kills off Piggy as the one making advances on the frog if you know what I mean.

But then again, it's your story Ryan, and it's starting off well enough without our meddling.
Keep it comin'.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Very funny, nice touch getting pepe's line from MWOO in their, it's cracking me up, keep it coming.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
wYou might also want to put some refferance to the fact that Gonzo used to have a crush on Piggy, but of course it is your decision. It is truly excelent, howevYou might want to make some refferance to the fact that Gonzo used to have er.
a cruer
sh on Piggy, but of course it is your decision. It is tru excelent, however.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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I'm sorry that was so badly written, and I'm sure you will know what I meant, but just in case, I was trying to say that you might want to mention the fact that Gonzo used to have a crush on Piggy, and that this is a terrific story!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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theprawncracker said:

Mock Swedish never seemed so complicated :eek:

Oh well. Oh and Link and Clifford are supposed to be jocks, not bikers.:big_grin:
Oops! Sorry, my bad!

And, it's not that complicated. I 'm just picky! :stick_out_tongue: Ignore me...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Muppet High Chapter 3:

*Kermit, Gonzo, and Fozzie are walking down an empty hallway*

Gonzo: Man, math class was hard!

Kermit: Your telling me.

Fozzie: Well I told you Gonzo.

Gonzo: Told me what?

Fozzie: I told you that you should have signed up for biology instead.

Gonzo: Don't they disect things in there?

Fozzie: Ummm, yes...

Kermit: Can we change the subject please?

Gonzo: Fine by me. Kermit what are you doing after school?

Kermit: Oh I'm taking an after school class.

Fozzie: Which one?

Kermit: Band. You guys ever take band?

Gonzo: No. Music's not really my thing.

Fozzie: Yeah and they wouldn't let me do any comedy shtick!

Kermit: Good greif. Oh well here's the band room, see you guys tomorrow!

Fozzie: Yeah see ya!

Gonzo: Bye, and good luck figuring out away to get Piggy to go to the dance with you!

*Kermit walks into the band room hearing loud music when he sees...*

Rowlf(wearing a white t-shirt, purple vest, glasses, and a tie): Stop the music, stop the music!!!

*Kermit looks and sees the Electric Mayhem teen versions, with Janice wearing a tye die t-shirt; Floyd wearing a red t-shirt and jeans; Zoot wearing a yellow tank top and jeans; Dr. Teeth wearing a green and blue t-shirt, a frilly orange and yellow vest a silver top hat, and glasses; and Animal wearing a tattered white t-shirt, and chakis*

Dr.Teeth: Hey aren't you the new kid?

Kermit: Who me?

Floyd: Of course you! who else would we be talkin' to?

Rowlf: Lay off guys. You must be Kermit, I'm Rowlf, Rowlf the Dog. I'm the music teacher.

Kermit: Nice to meet you. And who are you?

Dr.Teeth: This is my band! We call ourselves Dr.Teeth and the Electric Mayhem!

Kermit: What are you a doctor in?

Dr.Teeth: Oh, I have a PHD in ivory ticklin'.

Floyd: My name's Floyd Pepper, I play bass.

Janice: Like I'm Janice the lead guitarist. Fer sure rully!

Zoot: I'm uh, umm, I'm Zoot! Yeah that's right Zoot, and I blow sax.


Rowlf: Yep, well that about raps it up for all of us here in band class. So Kermit, do you play an instrument?

Kermit: I play the banjo. I've taken lessons, and I think I'm pretty good.

Rowlf: Well can we here you play?

Kermit: Oh, um I didn't bring my banjo to school with me today, do you have one I could use?

Rowlf: Yeah, *goes into supply cabinet* here ya go. *hands Kermit a banjo* So, do you now any songs?

Kermit: Yeah, I can play the basics, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "Old McDonald." Stuff like that.

Rowlf: Okay, that's a good place to start. I'll teach you one of my favorites. here. *he hands Kermit a music sheet*

Kermit: "Rainbow Connection" hmm, did you write this?

Rowlf: Naw, I'm not that good. An old friend of mine wrote it. It was designed to be played on the banjo.

Kermit: Oh good, I'll take it home and practice tonight.

Rowlf: No hurry, we have all semester.

Dr.Teeth: Well teach, what do we do now?

Rowlf: Well, I say you all play, while Kerm and I listen to if you've improved or not.

Floyd: Souds good to me. Alright gang, hit it!

*The EM plays until the end of class with Rowlf interupting them at points to tell them something was wrong, and Kermit listened the whole time pondering, plotting, planning, on how he was going to get Piggy to go to the dance with him*