I think it makes PEFECT SENSE on what is happen right now, lets think of it as the Henson family learing a lesson of bussness and they are Luckly getting there father's company back, a man on which there would be NO Muppets without. This sale was MENT to happen this way, it took time but worked out in the end, God works in misterious ways, this work out pefect, it's like the end to a Happy Muppet Movie!!!!!!And all thanks to a June Bug!!!LOL and the Henson Family's 78 Million
HEY! I think I know what QUINN did with the money he won!!!!LOL j/k
I am going to share with you what is going in my mind right now.
Think of this large hidden base under a large mountain, it's run by Michael Eisner and nasty greedy comapanies and people and everything and anything bad you can think of...and then some!
This whole devilish oporration was about to swallow the Muppets, but Brian Henson and his family broken in there and swooped all the muppets up in a jet plane, as fozzie Bear was ruing to the plane he triped on the "MOUNTAIN SELF DISTRUCT Leaver" then Rowlf helped him up and they got on the plane and ZOOMED outta there! just then the WHOLE, THE WHOLE DANG mountain blew SKY HIGH! Kermit looks back and signs with releave and wipes the sweat off his face, then looking to see a rainbow shine down on them all!!!!
Then from the steaming plie of baddiness baddens, you hear one of Disney's neardy works say"ready to buy the Muffets Mr. Eisner Sir???" You then just hear an "AAAACCCKKK!!!! from Michael Eisner followed by the choking of that neardy worker!
LOL! hahahaha! The story with a HAPPY endding!!!!!
Zack)Rowlf the, I know, I know!...I watch TOO many goodie goddie Cartoons!...LOL!Dog