Oh my God. I am utterly and completely stunned right now. Kevin, oh my Lord, what, what happened to Earl? I didn't even know he was ill! We hadn't actually spoken or e-mail messaged in nearly a year (almost met up at Disneyland again last year, but sadly, didn't get to), but I was definitely going to visit him next year when a huge family group of mine are going to Disneyland together; I was going to ask him to give us "his" tour of the park. He's one of the few people I knew that loved that place as much as I do!
Really? Is this real?? I can't believe this thread, and that I'm talking about Earl in the past tense!! This is so incredibly sad. I'm going to have to go through my pictures and see if I can find a group shot we took at the park, Kevin, do you have one with me and Earl and you together? I really just can't, oh gosh. This sucks. I don't post much anywhere anymore, but I remember posting not too long ago, and asking Earl for some info I think, hadn't seen him post for a while, but wasn't worried - that guy was always so busy!
So, so sad. Having suffered a great family loss on the second day of this year (still suffering, always will be), my heart truly, truly goes out to Earl's family. God bless that most wonderful man. Love you Earl.