I had a Muppet dream about 2 years ago. In the dream, I was a spy, Agent 003 and I worked for Mr. Frog (Kermit). He sent me to infiltrate Piggy Galore's hideout, as she was trying to blow up the world and I had to go and disable her doomsday device. Bunsen and Beaker gave me this spy suit that could do anything I wanted as long as I thought it. Scooter escorted me to Piggy's hideout, I ran through green lazer beams (same shade as Kermit ironically enough), then I ran into a room where I was beat around a little bit by chickens, and then I was going to fight Sweetums, but I had my suit flip over him instead.
Then I got to Piggy's command central, I was about to stop her when of course she showed up, we started to fight, she cut all my hair off with a katana, I stunned her with a blow to her snout and as I was about to shut down her whole operation, she started pulling my hand away from the button I had to press in order to stop everything and then I told her I was going to 'Make some bacon' and then I woke up very freaked out!
I wrote this all down when I woke up and I even wrote it into a fanfiction