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Dreams about Muppets...


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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i had a long dream last night, and only the last part involved muppets but i'm going to tell it anyway!

I was sitting in golf, and all of a sudden i see tanks....it was the Iraqi regime :eek: Saddam Hussein gets out of one of them and comes up to us...he shoots my golf coach, and several others he puts the gun to my head, but a nearby squirrel distracts him (don't ask) and he pulls away...he puts the gun to my head again, but for some reason, leaves in the tank...my golf coach comes up and starts putting blow gun darts in my back (not straight through, like he would lift up flaps of skin and put them in then pull them out) then somehow i get home, i am on muppetcentral, then hear something at the door...i hide behind the couch (which is still in plain sight) and watch as Osama bin Laden goes in our back door and out the front. I immediately run to my parents room and hide behind the bed. I hear the door open, and am in terror, but it is US troops rescue group. They tell us to go to a refugee camp, and give us a ride in the tank. we get to the camp, and i get a pepe plush...they put me in a room with other muppet fans. a man comes in and tells us that we are seeing the new muppet show (it was a sitcom style) he comes in with more plushies, and when he sees my eyes light up he tells me to take the BIG kermit one...it was like 4 foot tall..i was in heaven (well except my back was all bandaged up) then as he leaves he does miss piggy's voice IT WAS ERIC JACOBSON!!! i was in shock as he left and the show came on..i don't remember the show...darn

well that was it weird as it was



Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Wow! That is freaky. Do you remember how Eric looked in the dream?

I don't know if anybody here has actually seen a picture of him or anything.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2003
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I just had another dream. Often I don't participate in my dreams, I just watch. But it's not like I'm watching t.v, I'm really there, (wherever there is) yet I'm not. Like a VR thing, I s'pose. This is one such dream.
The Muppets were... doing... something, but I'm not sure what. All I know is that Floyd had this map. Also, he and some other Muppet were kind of mad at each other. I can't remember who the other one was, except that he had Boober's hair and Clifford's lips. Anywhoozit, they started insulting and yelling at each other, until Boober/Clifford finally made Floyd rully upset. Then they made up, and Boober/Clifford KISSED Floyd! It was rather cute, but when I woke up I was like, "NO!" Now, don't think me a homophobe (can't stand homophobes), in fact I am a slasher. (No, I don't kill people, nor am I any type of horror movie. I'm talking about the other kind of slasher. Yeah. That kind.) But Floyd and Boober? Or Floyd and Clifford? Or whoever the other one was? No. Floyd belongs with Janice (or me if Janice breaks up with him, J/K!) and that's final.
I would like to state that I have nothing against Boober or Clifford.
Boy, that was rambly! *Looks up rambly in the dictionary*


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2002
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Darn right, Hera! How dare you have a dream like that! Just kidding.

Incidentally, nobody answered my previous question about Eric Jacobson. Maybe I should look at some photo galleries online.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Lorde Pompeo said:
That is something that I dream frequently - I'm at school or in the street, and I realize that I don't have my shoes on... Does anyone know what that means?
I have also had dreams like this, I am at school or a public place and I realise I dont have a shirt on or sometimes any clothes at all, either I forgot to put them on or I put them on but they keep disapearing or falling off. I have had the shoe dream too. When I have a dream like this I spend the whole dream running and hiding from people. everyone laughs and chases me, lol.

We joke about shoes here, some people round here dont even wear them at public places and shopping centres. its very primative. I wouldnt be seen dead not wearing shoes in a public place, its a safety and health hazard, you could step on glass or anything. Some people just dont care whether they wear shoes or not, lol. They all can afford them!

I had also had dreams about finding huge loads of muppet collectibles/merchandise most being very old and most being stuff I have never seen before, whole shops full. all the old stuff is from the early 70s and the boxes arent even opened and all the stuff is soo cheap too around 5 or 10 cents, I just go around getting as much muppet stuff as I can. Its too bad its a dream, I hate waking up after a dream like that, its soo disapointing.

I have weird dreams, we all do!

Paul :smile: :excited: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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I just remembered, I have also recently had a dream about me working with Jim Henson on a new muppet movie here in Australia, I remember the movie was supposed to be a secret and all shot in a remote town somewhere. I remember there was a huge warehouse with all the muppet puppets and stuff in it which was hidden away in the desert and had been there for a long time. I remember asking Jim questions but he was too busy to answer them, frank oz and Brian told me heaps of stuff though. that was a weird dream too. I think the reason Jim didnt talk was because he was sort of a ghost as they were all talking of him like her wasnt alive any more but he was there still.

A very weird dream! lol.

Paul :excited: :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2003
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I've had two Muppet dreams...

1. It was when I was about 5, I dreamt I was in Muppet Treasure Island. I kept changing roles, I was even the guy in Fozzie's finger...

2. I was sick, I'd been dreaming something about the Muppets. I woke up, and was half :sleep: , and I think badly dehydrated. I started thinking, "Miss Piggy needs new hair, Miss Piggy needs new hair..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2003
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A while back I dreamt the Muppets had done a third special with John Denver, and it was a lot like the RMH one, and I owned it on DVD. I don't remember much other than that.

The dream I had last night was cool because I owned lots of Muppet DVDs that I don't really have- lots of which that don't exist in reality. One involved Floyd... playing an accordion... and he had a daughter... and at one point he had short hair and looked human and wasn't as cute but thankfully that part didn't last long.

It also involved someone being in a room full of lava, and the floor was falling away, so they were getting trapped, and Animaniacs, and some other cartoon but I forget what.