These are two dreams I had recently involving Richard Hunt
First of all, this was a dream I had last night:
I was hosting a TV talk show, and Richard was the guest star I was interviewing because for Muppet movie. (perhaps a sign?) It was very cool until I woke up for school.
This one I had a week or so ago, and I found it fairly creepy that I could still remember Scooter, Beaker and Janice in my dream and also that they were all performed by Richard Hunt (time travel, perhaps?):
I was in a movie theater with one of my puppets (a dog named Maggie to be exact) and Richard Hunt was sitting next to me with Scooter. (Was this National Puppeteer in Public Day or something?

) Of course I was completely excited to meet one of the Muppeteers, but I managed to stay somewhat calm, (and by that I mean not shrieking like those girls at Jonas Brothers concerts) and introduced myself and we had a small conversation. Then we went back to watching that stuff they show just before the movie previews until the projector broke, and everybody in the theater had to leave. Then just outside the theater we had another conversation.
And this was something funny that happened at the end of the dream:
In movies a guy kisses a girl and she faints. In my dream, Richard Hunt hugged me and I woke up.