Had a strange dream last night. I was in a Boy Scout troop, and the troop leader was Richard Nixon for some strange reason. We were going to go into a huge barn with a giant shish-kabob sticking out of it. When we got inside, there was a party, with several old friends and Muppets partying. I can’t remember any specific characters, but characters from TMS, SS, and Emmet Otter were there. At one point I was hanging out by the entrance to the party. At the entrance there is a Hispanic lady, standing around. Suddenly, Fraggles starting coming into the barn, including Mokey, Red, and some weird bald one that looked like Gobo. I begin to greet them, but the Hispanic lady grabs all the Fraggles, starts yelling about how they weren’t invited and throws them out (literally). I shout to them that maybe they can hold another party with Dark Crystal characters, and that if they did, I would come. Later, the party became a square dance and I started dancing. A girl from elementary school walks up with Miss Piggy, Alice Otter, and several other female Muppets. The girl says “Wow, HuggaMahna, you’re so good at square dances. That’s why you’re never in any.”