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Aaaand we're back! Sorry it's taken me so long to return to this story, but I have some fantastic news: the FINAL ACT is here! And it begins now with this chapter! 
Within a dark alley, a faint light blinked in and out of thin air. It was soon followed by the ghostly outline of a blue police box, fading in sequence with the light above it, until it finally solidified there in the alley. Its seven passengers stepped out through the double doors, opening in the opposite direction from what was directed on the instruction posted upon the left side door.
“Well, it sure does look like New York City,” Miss Piggy observed of their surroundings. “It’s just as filthy, that’s for sure.” She was certain she might have stepped on a wad of bubble gum (though it didn’t smell like it).
“It doesn’t feel like it to me,” Wanda said.
“What does it feel like?” the Doctor asked her.
“Like…we’re somewhere else.”
Pepe groaned. “So, we’re still not home? Oh, boy. I’ll be inside the weird box, watchin’ fantasy football, okay.”
“Not so fast, shrimp!” Piggy restrained him.
Suddenly, the Doctor spotted a husband-and-wife couple walking by the alley. They were Muppet canines, each of different breeds. “Uh, excuse me?” he beckoned their attention, and they responded by looking his way. “Ah, yes. So sorry to bother you. But would you mind telling us where—?”
“What are they, Herb?!” the wife screeched in terror.
“I don’t know, Marge!” Herb answered, sounding more terrified than his wife. “But we better get outta here before they come anywhere near us!”
The Doctor and his companions watched in confusion as the mortified couple ran away. “Well, that wasn’t much help,” Piggy said of the brief encounter. They then walked out of the dark alley, getting a better view of the new world they arrived in. The entire city had a 1930s motif and was occupied by dogs of various shapes, sizes, and colors.
The presence of the seven interdimensional travelers quickly attracted the attention of the Dog City residents – including the local authorities. “You there! Stop!” one of the officers demanded before blowing his whistle.
However, there was no sound that came out of it.
“I think his whistle is broken,” Beauregard surmised.
Upon closer observation, Vision realized, “No…he’s blowing a dog whistle.”
“Do we still run?” Wanda inquired.
“Basically…yes!” the Doctor verified, and so they ran.
The Dog City police officers chased them on foot. The pursuit stirred quite a bit of chaos among the blocks that the two parties passed through, either from the otherworldly appearances of the seven travelers or the many fruits and vegetables stands that were accidentally trashed by the pursing officers.
It gave the seven travelers an advantage, as it put some distance between them and the police. When they happened across an abandoned building, one trench-coated canine with a pink bow stuck his head out through the front door and whispered to them, “Quick! In here!” He was the only Dog City resident who didn’t appear to be frightened by their appearances.
With not much of a choice, they followed the trench-coated canine into the abandoned building. “Thanks for your help,” the Doctor told their new ally.
“No prob,” the trench-coated canine acknowledged.
The Doctor and his companions discovered that the dog wasn’t alone in the building. There was a female collie with him. “The coast is all clear, Ace,” she notified. “Those cops were thrown off by the scent.”
“Good work, Colleen,” Ace told her. “This former cheese factory is the perfect hideout. You can still smell the limburger.”
“Is that what that smell is?” Pepe said. “I thought one of us cut one – and I don’t mean the cheese, okay.”
“Why did you help us?” Vision asked Ace and Colleen.
“You guys are clearly friends of Scott Lang,” Ace replied. “Who else would walk these streets with those crazy mugs?”
Wanda beamed with surprise. “Scott’s here?!”
“Who’s Scott?” the Doctor asked.
“The Ant-Man,” Wanda elaborated. “We fought together at the Leipzig-Halle Airport, during the clash over the Accords. Vision was there as well.”
“Yes,” the synthezoid confirmed. “If I recall of the incident, I phased through his body when he was in his giant form.”
“If he’s here, then he’s just as lost as we are,” the Doctor inferred. He then turned his attention to Ace and Colleen and asked, “Where is he?”
“He was kidnapped by Them and his gang,” Colleen disclosed.
“Who and his gang?” Beauregard asked.
“No, not ‘Who’ – Them!” Colleen contradicted.
“That’s what I’m asking you,” Beauregard said.
“Who? Me?” Ace stepped in.
“No, her,” Beauregard pointed to Colleen.
“She’s a Yu, too – by marriage,” Ace told him.
“I’m married to her?” an extremely baffled Beauregard queried.
“No, I’m married to her!” Ace retorted in frustration. “She’s now ‘Colleen Yu’.”
“Why is she calling me?” Beauregard asked.
“CAN WE GET BACK TO THE STORY ALREADY?!?!” Piggy bellowed, visibly infuriated by the sudden routine.
After Piggy’s outburst, Colleen got back to the topic at hand and divulged, “Bugsy Them is the leader of the gang here in Dog City. He got a hold of Scott Lang the moment he laid eyes on him, and now he’s planning on showcasing the poor fella at the Dog House like some sort of sideshow freak.”
“The Dog House?” Piggy questioned.
“Dog City’s most popular restaurant,” Colleen detailed.
Piggy shook her head in disgust. “No originality whatsoever.”
“Regardless, we need to get into this ‘Dog House’ and free Mr. Lang from his captors,” the Doctor established.
“Well, you’re not getting in with those mugs,” Colleen indicated. “You’re gonna need disguises.”
“Good thing there are plenty in this abandoned factory to go around,” Ace said.
He approached one of the crates, prying it open to reveal it was full of dog costumes, a few of which were of appropriate human size. Seeing them, however, confused Wanda. “I thought you said this used to be a cheese factory,” she mentioned to Ace and Colleen.
“It also used to be a costume factory,” Ace said.
“That made dog costumes for dogs?” Pepe noted.
Ace and Colleen nodded affirmatively. “Of course!”
“This place is really weird,” Piggy muttered.
Ace’s plan for getting into the Dog House was a terrible one. Regardless, the costumes that Piggy, Pepe, Beauregard, Vision, Wanda, and the Doctor all wore managed to fool the majority of the Dog City residents that passed them. The only one not in costume was Animal, who was pretty used to acting like a dog already. Beauregard kept control of his chain leash.
The disguises even managed to fool the guard dog at the Dog House entrance, though he did bother to ask, “Hey, why youse guys not wearin’ any clothes? It ain’t that kinda party!” Nevertheless, he allowed them inside.
The Dog House was packed with city residents interested in seeing Bugsy Them’s “freak of nature.” The performance stage had a large red curtain hanging just for the evening’s event. Bugsy himself appeared on it to commence with the entertainment. “Good evenin’, ladies and gents! Youse all been gathered here tonight for some senseless entertainment. Well, it don’t get any more senseless than this. I present to youse the one and only Hairless Freak of Dog City!”
The curtain parted to reveal the sideshow attraction: the “Ant-Man,” Scott Lang.
He stood in a cage made specifically for him, accommodating his height and width, although there was not much elbow room. He looked miserable and humiliated – and rightfully so – as the audience of dog-people gaped in awe and disgust of his human appearance. He was thankful Bugsy still allowed him to wear his Ant-Man suit.
“Poor Scott,” Wanda pitied him. “Why doesn’t he just shrink or grow his way out of this mess?”
“Something is wrong with his suit,” Vision analyzed.
“You can tell that from underneath a ridiculous costume?!” Piggy inquired, sounding both amazed and revolted.
“Let’s get him outta there,” Ace said. “You ready, Doc?”
“Ready.” The Doctor gave a firm nod, slightly shaking the head of his costume.
Ace and Colleen dashed to the stage, standing defiantly in front of Scott’s cage. “Alright! Show’s over!” Colleen declared.
“Hey now, what’s goin’ on here?!” Bugsy growled. “You got no business disruptin’ my business, Yu and Yu!”
“We’ve got plenty of business, Bugsy!” Ace growled back. “You got no right caging this fella and putting him on display!”
“I gots plenty of rights, ‘cause this freak’s got no rights of its own!”
“Hey, buddy, I’m standing right here!” Scott grumbled. “Now I know how Charlton Heston felt in Planet of the Apes.”
“We’re gonna stop your sideshow attraction before it ever takes off, Bugsy,” Colleen avowed.
“Oh, yeah?” Bugsy challenged. “Youse and what army?”
“This army!” the Doctor exclaimed before he, Wanda, Vision, Piggy, Beauregard, and Pepe removed their disguises, exposing themselves to every dog in the restaurant that began to panic from their presence.
“Eek! More hairless freaks!”
“And they got some sort of pig, gopher, and shrimp with them!”
Pepe presumed that he fell into that last classification. “I am not a shrimp! I am a king pra—!”
“SHOOT THEM!” Bugsy ordered, only to find himself being the target of his own gang, as they fired on him instead. “Not ‘Them’ as in me! ‘Them’ as in those freaks over there!” He pointed to the Doctor and his companions for emphasis.
The gang turned their Tommy Guns to their intended targets.
Before they could pull the triggers, Wanda used her psionic abilities to disarm them. Bugsy’s gang were spooked by the display of power, running out of the Dog House along with all of the frightened attendees.
“Hey! Where youse guys goin’?!” Bugsy barked. “Youse gonna let a parlor trick scare you like a bunch of fraidy cats?!”
Before Bugsy knew it, he was on the receiving end of a massive karate chop courtesy of Miss Piggy. The mad gangster bulldog was flown across the restaurant, violently smacking against Scott’s cage. The impact broke the lock, subsequently freeing Lang.
“You guys are lifesavers!” He praised his rescuers. “I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to see people that look like me!” He looked to Piggy, Pepe, Beauregard, and Animal and told them, “No offense.”
“None taken, hairless freak,” Pepe snickered.
“Mr. Lang, I’m the Doctor. I need you to tell me how exactly you got to this dimension. It may help us discover a way for all of us to get back home.”
“It was an experiment Bunsen and Beaker conducted on multiverse exploration – something about a guy with a long scarf that gave them the equation they’d been searching for, thirtysomething years ago.”
The Doctor’s eyes flared with recognition. “Adric’s Quantum Realm equation!”
“What?” Scott frowned.
“Do you still remember it?”
“N-No…but my suit records everything. It might have—WHOA!” Scott jumped in surprise once the Doctor began scanning his Ant-Man suit with his sonic screwdriver. “W-What is that thing?!” He glanced over at Wanda – the only person he was previously acquainted with among his rescuers. “Who is this guy?” he asked her, but she seemed too preoccupied with inspecting Bugsy Them’s unconscious body.
“He’s a man you can trust,” Vision told him.
The synthezoid’s company only unsettled Lang even more, as it sparked an uncomfortable memory. “You’re not gonna p-phase through my body like Patrick Swayze again, are you?”
Before Vision could answer, the Doctor finished his scan and told Scott, “Your suit’s sustained some damage on your journey, Mr. Lang.”
“Yeah, that’d explain why I can’t change my size,” Scott acknowledged. “It doesn’t explain why I can’t reach Bunsen and Beaker. I’ve tried to call them to bring me back home, but they’re not answering.”
“Well, they very well may have given us our one-way ticket to your Earth,” the Doctor noted, pocketing away his sonic screwdriver as he began leading the group out of the restaurant. “Let’s get back to the TARDIS.”
As most of them started to leave, Vision noticed Wanda crouching beside Bugsy.
“Wanda?” Vision summoned, but Wanda remained intently staring over Bugsy. Curious, he inched closer to her and asked, “Wanda, what’s the matter?” At close glance, he noticed her slip something off Bugsy’s paw. She finally looked up at him, smiling as she held what appeared to be Bugsy’s ring.
Embedded into the ring was a glowing orange gem…
The Soul Stone.


“Well, it sure does look like New York City,” Miss Piggy observed of their surroundings. “It’s just as filthy, that’s for sure.” She was certain she might have stepped on a wad of bubble gum (though it didn’t smell like it).
“It doesn’t feel like it to me,” Wanda said.
“What does it feel like?” the Doctor asked her.
“Like…we’re somewhere else.”
Pepe groaned. “So, we’re still not home? Oh, boy. I’ll be inside the weird box, watchin’ fantasy football, okay.”
“Not so fast, shrimp!” Piggy restrained him.
Suddenly, the Doctor spotted a husband-and-wife couple walking by the alley. They were Muppet canines, each of different breeds. “Uh, excuse me?” he beckoned their attention, and they responded by looking his way. “Ah, yes. So sorry to bother you. But would you mind telling us where—?”
“What are they, Herb?!” the wife screeched in terror.
“I don’t know, Marge!” Herb answered, sounding more terrified than his wife. “But we better get outta here before they come anywhere near us!”
The Doctor and his companions watched in confusion as the mortified couple ran away. “Well, that wasn’t much help,” Piggy said of the brief encounter. They then walked out of the dark alley, getting a better view of the new world they arrived in. The entire city had a 1930s motif and was occupied by dogs of various shapes, sizes, and colors.
The presence of the seven interdimensional travelers quickly attracted the attention of the Dog City residents – including the local authorities. “You there! Stop!” one of the officers demanded before blowing his whistle.
However, there was no sound that came out of it.
“I think his whistle is broken,” Beauregard surmised.
Upon closer observation, Vision realized, “No…he’s blowing a dog whistle.”
“Do we still run?” Wanda inquired.
“Basically…yes!” the Doctor verified, and so they ran.
The Dog City police officers chased them on foot. The pursuit stirred quite a bit of chaos among the blocks that the two parties passed through, either from the otherworldly appearances of the seven travelers or the many fruits and vegetables stands that were accidentally trashed by the pursing officers.
It gave the seven travelers an advantage, as it put some distance between them and the police. When they happened across an abandoned building, one trench-coated canine with a pink bow stuck his head out through the front door and whispered to them, “Quick! In here!” He was the only Dog City resident who didn’t appear to be frightened by their appearances.
With not much of a choice, they followed the trench-coated canine into the abandoned building. “Thanks for your help,” the Doctor told their new ally.
“No prob,” the trench-coated canine acknowledged.
The Doctor and his companions discovered that the dog wasn’t alone in the building. There was a female collie with him. “The coast is all clear, Ace,” she notified. “Those cops were thrown off by the scent.”
“Good work, Colleen,” Ace told her. “This former cheese factory is the perfect hideout. You can still smell the limburger.”
“Is that what that smell is?” Pepe said. “I thought one of us cut one – and I don’t mean the cheese, okay.”
“Why did you help us?” Vision asked Ace and Colleen.
“You guys are clearly friends of Scott Lang,” Ace replied. “Who else would walk these streets with those crazy mugs?”
Wanda beamed with surprise. “Scott’s here?!”
“Who’s Scott?” the Doctor asked.
“The Ant-Man,” Wanda elaborated. “We fought together at the Leipzig-Halle Airport, during the clash over the Accords. Vision was there as well.”
“Yes,” the synthezoid confirmed. “If I recall of the incident, I phased through his body when he was in his giant form.”
“If he’s here, then he’s just as lost as we are,” the Doctor inferred. He then turned his attention to Ace and Colleen and asked, “Where is he?”
“He was kidnapped by Them and his gang,” Colleen disclosed.
“Who and his gang?” Beauregard asked.
“No, not ‘Who’ – Them!” Colleen contradicted.
“That’s what I’m asking you,” Beauregard said.
“Who? Me?” Ace stepped in.
“No, her,” Beauregard pointed to Colleen.
“She’s a Yu, too – by marriage,” Ace told him.
“I’m married to her?” an extremely baffled Beauregard queried.
“No, I’m married to her!” Ace retorted in frustration. “She’s now ‘Colleen Yu’.”
“Why is she calling me?” Beauregard asked.
“CAN WE GET BACK TO THE STORY ALREADY?!?!” Piggy bellowed, visibly infuriated by the sudden routine.
After Piggy’s outburst, Colleen got back to the topic at hand and divulged, “Bugsy Them is the leader of the gang here in Dog City. He got a hold of Scott Lang the moment he laid eyes on him, and now he’s planning on showcasing the poor fella at the Dog House like some sort of sideshow freak.”
“The Dog House?” Piggy questioned.
“Dog City’s most popular restaurant,” Colleen detailed.
Piggy shook her head in disgust. “No originality whatsoever.”
“Regardless, we need to get into this ‘Dog House’ and free Mr. Lang from his captors,” the Doctor established.
“Well, you’re not getting in with those mugs,” Colleen indicated. “You’re gonna need disguises.”
“Good thing there are plenty in this abandoned factory to go around,” Ace said.
He approached one of the crates, prying it open to reveal it was full of dog costumes, a few of which were of appropriate human size. Seeing them, however, confused Wanda. “I thought you said this used to be a cheese factory,” she mentioned to Ace and Colleen.
“It also used to be a costume factory,” Ace said.
“That made dog costumes for dogs?” Pepe noted.
Ace and Colleen nodded affirmatively. “Of course!”
“This place is really weird,” Piggy muttered.
Ace’s plan for getting into the Dog House was a terrible one. Regardless, the costumes that Piggy, Pepe, Beauregard, Vision, Wanda, and the Doctor all wore managed to fool the majority of the Dog City residents that passed them. The only one not in costume was Animal, who was pretty used to acting like a dog already. Beauregard kept control of his chain leash.
The disguises even managed to fool the guard dog at the Dog House entrance, though he did bother to ask, “Hey, why youse guys not wearin’ any clothes? It ain’t that kinda party!” Nevertheless, he allowed them inside.
The Dog House was packed with city residents interested in seeing Bugsy Them’s “freak of nature.” The performance stage had a large red curtain hanging just for the evening’s event. Bugsy himself appeared on it to commence with the entertainment. “Good evenin’, ladies and gents! Youse all been gathered here tonight for some senseless entertainment. Well, it don’t get any more senseless than this. I present to youse the one and only Hairless Freak of Dog City!”
The curtain parted to reveal the sideshow attraction: the “Ant-Man,” Scott Lang.
He stood in a cage made specifically for him, accommodating his height and width, although there was not much elbow room. He looked miserable and humiliated – and rightfully so – as the audience of dog-people gaped in awe and disgust of his human appearance. He was thankful Bugsy still allowed him to wear his Ant-Man suit.
“Poor Scott,” Wanda pitied him. “Why doesn’t he just shrink or grow his way out of this mess?”
“Something is wrong with his suit,” Vision analyzed.
“You can tell that from underneath a ridiculous costume?!” Piggy inquired, sounding both amazed and revolted.
“Let’s get him outta there,” Ace said. “You ready, Doc?”
“Ready.” The Doctor gave a firm nod, slightly shaking the head of his costume.
Ace and Colleen dashed to the stage, standing defiantly in front of Scott’s cage. “Alright! Show’s over!” Colleen declared.
“Hey now, what’s goin’ on here?!” Bugsy growled. “You got no business disruptin’ my business, Yu and Yu!”
“We’ve got plenty of business, Bugsy!” Ace growled back. “You got no right caging this fella and putting him on display!”
“I gots plenty of rights, ‘cause this freak’s got no rights of its own!”
“Hey, buddy, I’m standing right here!” Scott grumbled. “Now I know how Charlton Heston felt in Planet of the Apes.”
“We’re gonna stop your sideshow attraction before it ever takes off, Bugsy,” Colleen avowed.
“Oh, yeah?” Bugsy challenged. “Youse and what army?”
“This army!” the Doctor exclaimed before he, Wanda, Vision, Piggy, Beauregard, and Pepe removed their disguises, exposing themselves to every dog in the restaurant that began to panic from their presence.
“Eek! More hairless freaks!”
“And they got some sort of pig, gopher, and shrimp with them!”
Pepe presumed that he fell into that last classification. “I am not a shrimp! I am a king pra—!”
“SHOOT THEM!” Bugsy ordered, only to find himself being the target of his own gang, as they fired on him instead. “Not ‘Them’ as in me! ‘Them’ as in those freaks over there!” He pointed to the Doctor and his companions for emphasis.
The gang turned their Tommy Guns to their intended targets.
Before they could pull the triggers, Wanda used her psionic abilities to disarm them. Bugsy’s gang were spooked by the display of power, running out of the Dog House along with all of the frightened attendees.
“Hey! Where youse guys goin’?!” Bugsy barked. “Youse gonna let a parlor trick scare you like a bunch of fraidy cats?!”
Before Bugsy knew it, he was on the receiving end of a massive karate chop courtesy of Miss Piggy. The mad gangster bulldog was flown across the restaurant, violently smacking against Scott’s cage. The impact broke the lock, subsequently freeing Lang.
“You guys are lifesavers!” He praised his rescuers. “I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to see people that look like me!” He looked to Piggy, Pepe, Beauregard, and Animal and told them, “No offense.”
“None taken, hairless freak,” Pepe snickered.
“Mr. Lang, I’m the Doctor. I need you to tell me how exactly you got to this dimension. It may help us discover a way for all of us to get back home.”
“It was an experiment Bunsen and Beaker conducted on multiverse exploration – something about a guy with a long scarf that gave them the equation they’d been searching for, thirtysomething years ago.”
The Doctor’s eyes flared with recognition. “Adric’s Quantum Realm equation!”
“What?” Scott frowned.
“Do you still remember it?”
“N-No…but my suit records everything. It might have—WHOA!” Scott jumped in surprise once the Doctor began scanning his Ant-Man suit with his sonic screwdriver. “W-What is that thing?!” He glanced over at Wanda – the only person he was previously acquainted with among his rescuers. “Who is this guy?” he asked her, but she seemed too preoccupied with inspecting Bugsy Them’s unconscious body.
“He’s a man you can trust,” Vision told him.
The synthezoid’s company only unsettled Lang even more, as it sparked an uncomfortable memory. “You’re not gonna p-phase through my body like Patrick Swayze again, are you?”
Before Vision could answer, the Doctor finished his scan and told Scott, “Your suit’s sustained some damage on your journey, Mr. Lang.”
“Yeah, that’d explain why I can’t change my size,” Scott acknowledged. “It doesn’t explain why I can’t reach Bunsen and Beaker. I’ve tried to call them to bring me back home, but they’re not answering.”
“Well, they very well may have given us our one-way ticket to your Earth,” the Doctor noted, pocketing away his sonic screwdriver as he began leading the group out of the restaurant. “Let’s get back to the TARDIS.”
As most of them started to leave, Vision noticed Wanda crouching beside Bugsy.
“Wanda?” Vision summoned, but Wanda remained intently staring over Bugsy. Curious, he inched closer to her and asked, “Wanda, what’s the matter?” At close glance, he noticed her slip something off Bugsy’s paw. She finally looked up at him, smiling as she held what appeared to be Bugsy’s ring.
Embedded into the ring was a glowing orange gem…
The Soul Stone.