I wear glasses.. have thought about contacts.. but, i have really bad allergies too and at times my eyes water something terrible and the thought of having to stick something into my eyes everyday has never really been that appealing anyway...
as for surgery... would love it.. but.. i've worked in an ophthomology office and know way too much for my own good about all the weird things that can happen to your eyes in all sorts of weird situations and have decided that i like having the glasses there as a barrier against the outside world.. i mean.. our eyes are in more then enough danger as it is simply from our eye lashes (word to the wise.. never look through medical procedure books if you don't have to.. eek!! sadly, i worked in billing and needed to know the procedures for talking to insurance... *sigh*)
maybe someday... but for now, i wouldn't be a good candidate anyway.. my vision has never stablized and continues to slowly worsen..

though it does seem to be slowing down.. maybe it'll finally settle... (about stinking time! i'm 31!!!)
ok.. enuf babbling....