Dixie Chicks Shut Up And Sing


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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They are great singers I suppose, but I must say that I've lost so much respect for them and other celebrities that have behaved similarly.


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Jun 9, 2006
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BEAR said:
They are great singers I suppose, but I must say that I've lost so much respect for them and other celebrities that have behaved similarly.
I agree, I think that if we wanted their opinion on politics, we would ask them. They think that we actually care what they think when really we don't. I think that's a good reason why Kerry lost the election. But that's just me.



Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I don't know much about the Dixie Chicks, not my type of music. I know celebrities have opinions just like everyone else. And they certainly have the right to express them.

But sometimes there is a big of arrogance, like we're so lucky to get to hear their amazing opinions. They can have opinions, but being famous doesn't make them more important than everyone else's.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I guess I just get bothered by the celebrities that expressed their opinions in an inappropriate way at an inappropriate time. Like wasn't there an incident when Chevy Chase made some incredibly disrespectful comments about the current President at an awards show? Chase called him a really bad name. I think he got boo-ed offstage. Look, I am not big into politics and we all have our opinions, but what he did was way out of line. It was uncalled for and had nothing to do with what was going on at the awards. That's what I don't like.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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People don't understand, you can state an opinion without insulting anyone. And you're more likely to get people to agree with you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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BEAR said:
I guess I just get bothered by the celebrities that expressed their opinions in an inappropriate way at an inappropriate time.
It's funny... y'see... so often, people lump celebrities as being democrats, but there are both on each side. The Dixie Chicks saying something bad about the president is no different from another Country musician telling people to vote for Bush or something during their concert. This is America. If someone wants to give their stupid opinions, they have every right to. If someone wants to believe that 9/11 was really caused by Aliens and the ghost of Elvis trying to destablize the Earth, so they can take over, they can.

Personally, I give the Dixie chicks credit for saying that stuff because it was during a time when people were ferverent over others not liking the elected president, or his policies. Half of everyone shut their mouths for such reasons. Some people even reluctantly agreed (politicians, mostly) these policies because they were afraid of reprisal.

I really think it's hillarious, because the same people who critizie people for saying nasty things about Bush were the same EXACT people who laughed at every predictable Clinton sex joke. And BOTH Left and Right wingers made fun of Clinton. Just because something like 9/11 happens when your in charge doesn't make you invincible or untouchable by comedians or anyone.

I find that threatening everyone else's free speach is the most unAmerican thing out there. You can idolize Bush, or chastize him. It's all a matter of choice. While those people are free to express their opinions in favor of Bush, doesn't make it any less of an opinion than being against him.

Something I remember from both episodes of Studio 60 was this line:
"I'd make fun of Democrats too, if they actually DID anything."

And I feel that it was kind've immature for for their fans to stop buying their albums.
Actually, it was more immature for them to buy their albums just to Burn it. You still give them money either way. If you pay for something, say a Barney doll, it doesn't matter if you keep it in the package for collecting, give it to a 3 year old kid, or rip off his arms and legs and use it for toilet paper. They still get the money.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I agree, we're allowed to speak our mind. We're even free to insult to a certain extent. But sometimes people do take it too far, democrat or republican and it's not polite or productive. Freedom of speech should protect something meaningful.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Exactly. but the funny thing is, rightwing pundants like Ann Couilter can say absolutely reprehensable things, likening anyone with a different opinion as the one she's paid to give as "Nazis." I find that both insulting and ignorant. And if a Democratic person said the same things, they'd be arrested for treason. It's all hypocracy based on the favoring of a certain political agenda.

I feel more people need to excersize the agreement to Disagree. Personally, I think BOTH parties are crap, and independants are made up 90% crackpots. I don't play favorites, but I don't like inequality. People are free to have whatever pointless opinion that no one cares about no matter what side they're on. But if I witness one side taking over the other (especially since the Left basically just barely defends itself as it is), I find it just blatant hypocracy.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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It's not so much a matter of freedom of speech that I have a problem with. I can support freedom of speech. It's just the way in which some go about preaching their speech that turns me off. Some just have no class. You see, I am neither Democrat or Republican (I'm registered an Independent). I sit on the fence politically so I am able to listen and consider both sides of an issue as fairly and reasonable as possible. The 2 major parties spend way too much time bashing each other rather than try to work together peacefully and respectfully in running our country. To be honest, I think one of the biggest wars going on right now is within our own country and it needs to be regulated. Just my 2 cents. Do what you will with it. :wink: