Hey Everyone,
I skipped most of the conversation, though it looks like the recent news of a possible plot has already gotten into the thread. I definitely would rather they treadded brand new territory, and not do another save-the-theater thing, as it has been done, whether you thought it was good or bad. I would hope this one would be better, but still, I'd prefer something totally brand new. Either way, the idea that they're looking to outsiders to freshen up the brand, rather than pretty much letting it stagnate, at least as far as new productions are concerned, seems to be a good thing.
A lot of people out there in younger Hollywood, in the comedy scene, especially, still have fond memories of the glory days of the Muppets, and hopefully this will be realized. The fact that it's been said that it will be old-fashioned is definitely a sign of hope. If I had my way, hopefully it will focus on the old core group, and Pepe will not be paraded in front of our faces. He's okay for what he's worth, but it was disheartening for me to see him given a door on the main page of the new Muppets.com, alongside the core classic group. Biases aside, it's good to know that something is in the works. Hopefully it won't end up in "development ****" as so many other rumored new Muppet projects have, over the past decade or so. Otherwise, if you want to see some comments and lots of silly possible movie titles made by uber film-geeks, check out this link:
http://www.aintitcool.com/talkback_display/36218#comment_1984309 . See ya!