I literally said I was diagnosed with depression and was specifically stating there was an abundance of diagnoses. I didn't say ALL diagnoses were false or that ANY were self inflicted.
However, the amount of people that are diagnosed with depression, ADHD, autism, etc has greatly increased. Its at a point where most people on social media state they are clinically depressed or have anxiety. You can't tell me that in the last 10 to 20 years all of a sudden tons of people are legitimately chemically imbalanced.
Again. Didn't say ALL, but the increase in diagnoses is suspect and I think it is in part due to people not being in a society that values true human connection while at the same time glorifying victimhood. More and more kids are being raised to not play outside and sit in front of a screen. Then we wonder why they grow updepressed and unable to deal with society.
I was diagnosed with severe social anxiety and depression. I tried to medicate for awhile and it made me a little more even, but I still didnt know how to deal with situations. Then I chose to ditch the meds and deal with it. I put myself in uncomfortable situations. I took a job that made me interact with people daily. Eventually, I learned how to cope to the point where I was able to give public speeches. Sure, I relapse now and then, but I don't define myself by my depression. I live with it, I don't struggle with it.