Did someone else do Statler in AVMMC?


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Sep 7, 2002
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S-s-sorry, Chef. W-we'll be good. Yeah, Dave's Waldorf sounds similar to the original's only not quite as gruff. I think the reason Jerry's Statler sounds different is because he wasn't trying to imitate Richard's. I think he just uses his own voice for that. That's just my opinion though. I don't know how he sounds in real life. I'm just guessing. I wish I had a copy of that Weezer video on tape or something so I'd know how Steve's Statler sounds.

Super Scooter

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Dec 17, 2002
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Originally posted by punkNpuppets
i think steve would be better at waldorf, i mean he's been a replacement for most of Jims puppets. and i also think he should play Guy Smiley, cuz his voice is basically just Kermit after lots of cofee.
Actually, originally, Guy Smiley sounded a lot like a hyperactive Rowlf. It's just that Jim Henson couldn't do Guy Smiley all the time because it hurt his throat, so he changed him. Steve Whitmire only has done... three (?) of Jim's characters in the past, that I know of. He's done the Chef once I think, he did Link Hogthrob on Muppet Racemania, and he does Kermit. He's not good at the scratchy voiced ones like Waldorf or Rowlf.

I think Steve's Statler sounds alot closer to Jerry's Statler than it does to Richard's. I like that Jerry's playing Statler. It may not sound like him, but he's got the character down. Plus, the voice is getting closer all the time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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hey, i'm all for jerry to continue to doing statler...it's his character now and i don't think someone else should start performing statler, not unless jerry can't perform him or doesn't want to perform him for some reason. dave too. i think dave does great with waldorf. after the death of henson and hunt, statler and waldorf could have been retired, but they got new performers and are still making fun of the muppets, so we all should be thankful these guys are still around...


Chilly Down

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Apr 13, 2002
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I like Jerry's Statler just fine, but to give a completely different perspective on things: I think Steve should have been given all of Richard's characters rather than Jim's. I understand why they gave Kermit to Steve--he's a brilliant performer who didn't have a major character of his own (at the time) within the core group of Muppets. But when they gave Ernie to Steve several years later, it made no sense. It was just sort of like "well, Steve's doing Jim's characters now." But everyone knows that Steve's falsetto (?) voice is not a close match for Jim's.

On the other hand, Richard had a higher voice too, and Steve's Beaker is dead-on. (Yes, I know it's just "meeping," but I can't get my voice to go that high.) I didn't notice any difference in Statler's voice in the Weezer video the first time around--I'll have to check, but many have commented that it's closer to Richard's. Again, I'm not picking on Jerry, I like his Statler. But the whole thing just makes me wonder: what if, starting with MCC, all Richard's characters (including Scooter) had been around because Steve was playing them?

Just fun to think about.

Super Scooter

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Dec 17, 2002
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Actaully, Richard Hunt had a very deep voice. Just a lot of his characters had higher voices. I don't know if Steve would be able to do Richard's characters, though.


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Oct 10, 2002
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I am not a big fan of Jerry`s Statler. Not because it sounds completely different (Richard Hunt's voice is extremely hard to imitate) but because he doesn`t make me laugh anymore. In TMS, Statler was my favourite of the two. Now it`s Waldorf. Jerry's chararters all talk very slow and relaxed. That suits Floyd and Pops, because Pops is really an old man with little energy. Statler is an old man too, but is as passionate as a young boy.


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Sep 7, 2002
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Steve does perform one of Richard's characters now, Beaker. His Beaker is good, but here's something I've noticed. Steve's Beaker seems to have a little bit of a bigger vocabulary than Richard's. I've noticed on the original series, he mainly just said "Mee-mee-mee," but in the new movies it sound more like he's trying to talk more. For example, in "Muppet's From Space" when Bunsen said "sadly temporary," Beaker repeated "Meemee memporary." He also had that "You have a great mind" line in IVAMICMUM or however you want to abbreviate it. Just a little observation I had. I don't know if anyone else noticed this.


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Oct 15, 2002
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Um...what about the original question? Did someone else do Statler for the line "Historical landmark?" ?

It sounded like maybe Bill did it but who knows from just one line? All I klnow is that it sounded nothing like Jerry.

BTW. In TMM Beaker had the exact same line as in MFS. When he was trying to say sadly temporary. In fact a few lines were reused in MFS. When Statler and Waldorf were talking on the bench about life on other planets. That was taken from TMS. And in AVMMC the whole theater scene about deferring paychecks was from TGMC! Just something I noticed. But yes Beaker does speak ocassionaly.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Re: Reply

Originally posted by Daffyfan2003
Steve does perform one of Richard's characters now, Beaker. His Beaker is good, but here's something I've noticed. Steve's Beaker seems to have a little bit of a bigger vocabulary than Richard's. I've noticed on the original series, he mainly just said "Mee-mee-mee," but in the new movies it sound more like he's trying to talk more. For example, in "Muppet's From Space" when Bunsen said "sadly temporary," Beaker repeated "Meemee memporary." He also had that "You have a great mind" line in IVAMICMUM or however you want to abbreviate it. Just a little observation I had. I don't know if anyone else noticed this.
The line from MFS was taken from The Muppet Movie. "Sadly Temporary."


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
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I haven`t noticed yet that Beaker speaks real words. But something I noticed is that Beaker speaks more at all. Richard's Beaker rarely made sounds, while Steve`s speaks a lot more.