Grey Men Talk about commentary?
commentary I'm back! See? I get to interrupt the story again. Yay! Ok, so this chapter was the hardest one to name. I had to go to my sister for help. Which was a little awkward, because until then, she hadn't even known I was writing a story. Her suggestion was something about meeting the grey men, but I'm like, that doesn't work, they've been around since chapter three. So I twisted it a bit and came up with "Grey Men Talk." You know, I still need to print all this off for my mom and sister to read. end commentary
Two grey men sat in the cabin of the pick-up truck as it bounced down the road. Ten others sat in the truck bed with the muppets.
The man who had talked to Miss Piggy seemed to be second in command. His short blonde hair kept blowing in his face, and his brown eyes glinted in the sunlight. He reached around and knocked on the driver's side window.
commentary So this is where I start telling you that this is Brian Henson we're talking to. end commentary
"Take the long way, Eric," he said, and then he turned to face the muppets. "We're really worry about what we've been putting you all through."
commentary He was talking to Eric Jacobson. You know, the guy who took over for Frank Oz? Yeah, he definately did not hurt Miss Piggy at all. How lucky of him, that he is the first grey man to be refered to by a name. end commentary
"Yeah, right," Floyd said.
"I mean it," the man said. "We never wanted to do any of it."
"Then why did you?" Fozzie asked.
The man hesitated.
"Just tell them, Brian," another man said.
"Be quiet, John," Brian said.
commentary Brian and John Henson. They're brothers. And Jim Henson's sons. Hey, have I ever mentioned how good I am at stating the obvious? Anyway. I was originally going to have Brian tell John to shut up, but I decided he's nicer than that. end commentary
Then he looked at the muppets. "Galt told us to do those things," he said.
"And why listen to him?" Rowlf asked.
Brian's face darkened as he looked at the dog. "We have families, you know."
commentary This adds a whole new element to Galt's evilness. He can't even get some honest workers on his own, he has to threaten them into it. What a scum bag. end commentary
The men all nodded. The muppets looked at them, amazed.
"You mean you're scared of him, too?" Robin asked.
Brian looked at the frog sadly. "Yeah, kid," he said. "We're scared of him."
commentary I thought that was cool, having Brian talking to Robin. It's the muppet child and Henson's child. Or something like that. Anyway, I thought it was cute. Kind of crummy circumstances, though. end commentary
"That's why we're trying to help you out," John said.
Brian nodded. "We have to bring you to Galt's house. But we're doing everything we can to keep him from hurting you."
The rest of the men nodded in agreement. But somehow, the muppets weren't quite convinced.
commentary Well of course not. These guys sure don't seem to be doing "everything they can" by taking them all back to Galt's house. But you have to keep in mind, they're all petrified of Galt. So we the readers know that the grey men, as muppeteers, will not hurt the muppets. But the muppets don't know that. They're not quite sure who these people are. end commentary
Back in the dungeon, Kermit had taken one of the rags from his pile and done his best to clean as many of Miss Piggy's wounds as he could reach. When she woke up again, he helped her to lean up against the pile of rags in her cell. Then he tried to clean some more of her wounds. She was still weak, but her strength was slowly beginning to return.
commentary Oh, we're back here again? Aw... Well, this isn't as bad as last chapter. This is Miss Piggy getting better, stronger. I'm not hurting her anymore. I can stay around for this. end commentary
"Kermie?" She managed to say. "What are we going to do?"
He sighed, set the rag aside, and took her hand. "I don't know, Piggy."
"Shh," he hushed her, gentley stroking her cheek.
commentary He's trying so hard to help her. He's trying to clean her wounds, but all he has is some old rags, and he can't ever reach all her wounds because they're in seperate cells. He just keeps trying to make her feel better, it's so... heartwarming, I guess? Although it's kind of hard to be heartwarming when some one is so cut up like Miss Piggy is. end commentary
The door slammed open. Startled, they turned to see Galt standing there. He unlocked and opened the door to Kermit's cell.
"Come here," he ordered.
Kermit didn't move. There was no way he wanted to leave Miss Piggy's side. He did not release her hand, nor did he move his other hand from her cheek.
commentary He's standing by his pig. He knows she needs him, and he's not going anywhere. Not by choice, anyways. That, and he has a feeling that whatever Galt did to Miss Piggy, he's going to do to him, too. Now I ask you, who would voluntarily go to get beat up? I mean, besides Gonzo. But actually, under the circumstances, I don't think even Gonzo would volunteer for this. end commentary
Galt stormed over to the frog, grabbed his neck, and lifted him into the air.
"Now," he said, and he started to carry the frog out.
Kermit was shaking He turned his head back towards Miss Piggy. She was petrified, trying to hold back tears.
commentary And now he's splitting them up again. Does anybody else here really want to beat Mr. Galt to a pulp? I didn't realize I had such a violent nature. end commentary
"Kermie..." she whimpered.
"Don't worry, Piggy," Kermit said, still shaking.
commentary Look at that. He's petrified, absolutely petrified, and he's still trying to comfort Miss Piggy. What a frog. No wonder she's so controlling of him. Guys like that are hard to come by. end commentary
Galt laughed as the door slammed shut behind him.
commentary And he LAUGHS at them! What kind of monster... ok, that does it. He needs to get up. Now if only he was real so I could actually hurt him. Wait, I don't want him to be real, then it would be real! Ok, now I'm confused. I'll just go back to providing commentary. It's simpler. end commentary
Miss Piggy sat up, alarmed. "
KERMIE!!!" she shouted. Then she collapsed back onto the rags, slipping into the darkness once more.
commentary She doesn't have the energy to be as worried as she is. But she's only out for a couple minutes this time. Because the door wakes her up, and the other muppets just missed seeing Kermit and Galt in the hallway. end commentary
She awoke to the sound of the heavy door creaking open. The twelve men bustled in and placed ten muppets in their cells. On the left hand wall, the first cell was given to Dr. Teeth, followed by Janice, Floyd, Animal, and Zoot, and Robin was put in the cage. The right hand cage was given to Camilla, and next to her was Gonzo, then Fozzie, and then Rowlf, with Miss Piggy still lying on her pile of rags, next to Kermit's empty cell.
Then the men left, with Brian staying behind, stopping in front of Miss Piggy's cell.
"I... I'm sorry... Miss..." he stuttered, before hurrying out the door with the others.
commentary Yes, that's right, Brian. Take a look at what your so-called boss is having you do to your father's creations. I think it's time for you to stand up to him, don't you? Of course you do. You are currently in a state of being my character, and that means I control you. Sort of. Not really. But I can pretend. end commentary
The muppets stared at Miss Piggy, with her knotted hair, her ruined clothes, and her cuts and bruises.
"What happened?" Rowlf asked.
She felt a little stronger knowing that her friends were there.
commentary Like Kermit said in the last chapter, where would anyone be without friends? Just having them there makes her stronger. Isn't that wonderful? end commentary
"When they... They took me... They put me in... in this room, and... and Galt was there... and... and he... he..." She winced. The pain was starting to come back. She didn't want to think about what had happened. But she pushed on. "... he... tied me... to a... to a chair.... and he... he
beat me..."
By now she was crying. They could see she was in pain, and they didn't want to push her any more.
"Shh. It's alright, Miss Piggy. It's alright..." Rowlf tried to comfort her.
"Yeah," Fozzie said. "It'll be okay."
commentary And they try to comfort her, too! Oh, you've gotta love these guys. end commentary
But Piggy shook her head. "No," she said through her tears. "He took Kermit!"
commentary Oh, that's bad. As scared as they were when they saw Miss Piggy beat up, the fact is they just plain like Kermit better. He doesn't karate chop them. And he's their leader. We've already determined that they are absolutely lost without him. So now they are petrified. ...Again. end commentary
Silence fell in the room as Miss Piggy's sobs trailed off.
commentary I had to make Miss Piggy stop crying. While it's very powerful to hear nothing but sobs, it is much more powerful to have absolute silence. end commentary
Robin gripped the bars of his cage, holding them tight, as though it would help to hold himself together.
commentary I love that image. I do that sometimes. I mean, I don't hold onto bars of a bird cage, but I do tend to squeeze the life out of stress balls and teddy bears, as well as the occasional rubber duckie. It's very theraputic. Although it's usually easier to just watch a muppet movie and laugh it all away. end commentary
He sat down, deeply concerned. "Uncle Kermit..." he murmured.
Fozzie looked around at them. Kermit was gone? Galt had taken Kermit? He looked at Miss Piggy, and how battered she was. Then he looked around again. Wasn't there anything he could do?
commentary This is second-banana Fozzie trying to step up to bat again. Emphasis on trying. There's a reason he's only second banana. In fact, he's sort of more of third banana, but Miss Piggy isn't exactly at her best right now. end commentary
"We called Gina," he said in a very matter-of-fact sort of way.
Miss Piggy looked up, encouraged. "What did she say?" she asked.
Fozzie looked down. "Well... um...."
commentary Yeah, that isn't going to work, Fozzie. Like I said, there's a reason he's not the top banana. He's no Kermit. He just can't lead. But you've gotta give him credit for trying. end commentary
Miss Piggy looked around, confused. They each shifted their weight, none of them wanting to tell her.
Dr. Teeth spoke gentley. "Galt's men came and took us before she could really say much of anything," he told her.
Miss Piggy drooped her head and sighed. A feeling of despair settled in all of them as silence fell once more in the dungeon.
There was nothing left to do.
commentary Now this is the part where everyone wants to know where Gina is already. I was torturing RedDragon about it. "She got lost. She called me and asked for directions. Well, first she called and asked me what the proper etiquette was for leaving a wedding early. Oh, and she's hungry, she stopped to get a sandwich before heading for Galt's. Actually, she's not quite sure where the muppets are right now..." I am so cruel. end commentary