Okay, I’ve been looking at a lot of older posts from 2017-2020 and….. wow. There really were a lot of things that messed with my mental health:
Finishing college in 2017 really caused a lot of mood swings for me during the summer and fall of 2017. But that year overall was just a big poop dumpster.
2018 was even worse in all honesty, one of my biggest stressors being the mistake of applying for that incredibly disorganized company Mobile Cuts Boston. And the fact that my boss just eventually ended up taking advantage of me when he “offered” me a paying job just to completely ghost me again.

It also didn’t help that I ended up cutting ties with a lot of friends that year (who all turned really toxic af).
2019 was slightly better but not by much. One of my biggest stressors that year was the start of having to re-decorate my house (which I still miss greatly) and starting to feel like I was developing a self-hatred of myself due to my learning disability, mainly because I felt like it was causing me to just eff up on certain situations. Thankfully that self-hatred has now since gone away.
2020? Do I even need to start with this year? This year completely DESTROYED my mental health with everything going on. Though I will also say this, it has seriously shaped me up a lot and I’ve now reached that point where I’m very careful who I bring into my life.
This year my depression has pretty much been on and off, but in all honesty I’d say it really has improved quite a bit. Especially with not having to constantly hear oRaNgE mAn BaD 24/7 (and also discovering the gold mine of a huge library of SS episodes!
