got to agree with punknpuppets here,
if you dont like something dont support it dont watch it, nobody is forcing you to,
secondly, as i have stated before in other threads , any puppet project that uses hand and mouth puppets is going to look muppet like, its a style of puppetery much like animation, Wrner Bros and Disny both did cartoons, does that mean that one was ripping off the other?
its all in the style of hummor and how it is marketed,
avenue q has the same problem, if you saw the show and didnt like the contenet , would you wwrite a letter and tell them that they should change to satisfy your own tastes?
this is America and we all have the right to pick and choose waht we watch and listen to, adn if you are a parnet you have the right to monitor what you kids listen to , but i think it is very wrong to expect that evry thing on Tv satisfies one group of peoples tastes and not another,
i may not like crank yankers even though i worked on it, but some people do, and if they can get past the puppet stigma and enjoy it, thats great it just opens up more doors for puppet programs, to bad greg the bunny didnt catch on , personally , i would rather we had more shows like them, since all we have on tv right now as far as puppets go are some terrible shows like LAZY TOWN, and (yes i realize peoplewill hate me for saying this ) SESAME STREET, the writing is terrible the concepts are way to dumbed down, and if i was a parent i wouldnt let them watch those shows,
bring back shows like fraggle rock , and i think we all would be happy, lol