COVID-19 Coronavirus News and Updates


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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They cleaned out so much on the store shelves it looks like a war zone.
Do you want to know how ridiculous this panic is getting?
Ready for this?
Forget toilet paper, now people are hoarding CANDLES!!!!!!

Folks, the virus isn’t going to make us lose power! It’s not a tornado!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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The fear mongering is outrageous. 99.5% survival rate for those not at risk. I'm not saying people should start licking doorknobs, but just taking a little caution is all we really need to do.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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the majority of the panic stems from the fact the news is intentionally leaving out the rational reasons as to why things are closing down. people panic when something is unknown and scary, and that's what the news is encouraging.

while it wouldnt solve the whole issue, if places actually said the reason why things are closing (to prevent the spread of the virus to people who WILL be badly effected by it), instead of just saying 'because it spreads so fast', i think a lot of misunderstandings would be avoided.

also hand sanitizer doesn't do much against a virus, or even really bacteria since it still stays on your hands so like... :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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The ironic thing is my mom has been among the many different people in America who have been panicking all these weeks: she's literally been calling drug stores, grocery stores, medical supply stores, even hardware stores like Home Depot for masks, and everybody's been out (I've even told her medical experts are saying to only wear those if you're already sick to prevent spread, and she's also wanting to horde hand sanitizer as well.

It's only now that all of the grocery stores are literally cleaned out of everything like toilet paper, cleaning supplies, bottles of water, boxed meals, canned goods, etc. that she things the mass hysteria is going too far and becoming ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hand sanitizer doesn't do much and the people wearing masks for protection are laughable. It's not airborne,and if it were the masks don't filter out a virus. I saw a woman wearing a 3m dust mask and then she took it off anytime she spoke to someone so.... why even bother?

This is pointless panic and greed, but if it means less people on the train ride home from work, let these fools keep it up. In a few days the stores will be restocked and everyone will have a mountain of toilet paper that will last them until next year.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I have a respirator mask as well, but I only wear it for building puppets for protection against the toxic fumes from the contact cement and other adhesives.

Otherwise, I've actually been hording toilet paper for years before the coronavirus made it uncool: toilet paper is a precious commodity in recessions.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Adding my three cents!

1) I am doing well right now. No health issues here, but my school district has shut down for the next week at the very least. So now all classes are moving to the "distance learning" model of instruction, AKA online classes. It'll be interesting to see how this unfolds...
2) People are overreacting to this thing. This is what it's come to: people let their emotions override their common sense in these extreme situations. My advice: calm the h3LL down and take the necessary health precautions! It actually doesn't take that much effort, and it keeps you and your loved ones safe. Personally I prefer the hand-washing method over hand sanitizer, masks, and the other BS that the media has been putting out there for the past few weeks.
3) Depending on how long this lasts...I think that this outbreak is going to be a major factor in the outcome of the 2020 election. Think about it: if the Republicans REALLY botch this (which it seems like they have already), they could lose support down the road. People are looking to see what the Trump administration is going to do, and so far it's next to nothing: