I mean, I'm tired too. . . .
I'm tired of having to put on a mask every single time I go outside (and I wear a respirator, that gets bothersome and uncomfortable after a while)
I'm tired of the smell of my own breath, as well as the filters that are attached to my mask
I'm tired of the mask laboring my normal breathing because the airflow isn't as free
I'm tired of dealing with the mask-ne (mask acne) that's left behind afterwards
I'm tired of certain people always giving me strange glares like I'm from another planet when they see me with my mask (otherwise, some people stop me to tell me how bad@$$ I look)
I'm tired of having to practically scream at the top of my lungs just so people can actually hear me talking through my mask
I'm tired of the pandemic too
But as horrific as this virus is, the amount of suffering people are going through who contract the virus, some of the symptoms and damage being life-long, and even some people
dying from this virus . . . I'm doing whatever I can to keep from getting it myself, and if that means an inconvenience of always having to wear a mask that completely seals off my face whenever I go out in public, so be it. It's not oppression, it's not conformity, it's not fascism, it's not controling us all, it's just being responsible, safe, and considerate . . . if more people would just wear a froggin' mask, that'd help tremendously in the fight against COVID.