Heh... all of these major corporations donate to politicos with nasty agenda. It
s not about supporting supporting political views... the truth is they're just buying themselves tax cuts and deregulation. And it's due to the fact that said bigoted politicos ALSO are pro-mutant business. Every corporation covers its butt like that. Target's just the only one that got caught. And my conspiracy theory is that they LET that one out so people won't hear about how Fox News gave a fortune to the Republican Governer's association. But enough about that. It's not like I buy all that much anywhere. I got no money anyway.
OH! That's what I was gonna complain about. I swear to frog WHY does NBC want to shove the unfunny, dated, pile of moose droppings Whitney in my face every 5 seconds? All summer long... every time I would watch something there's like 8 advertisements about it. Nothing got promoted that much on any network. It's bad enough the show's unfunny, but do you have to remind me when I watch something that's actually of value on your network?
I know they do, but I try my best to avoid ones that I know donate to ones that I particularly hate as best as I can. I know it's futile but I still try. I only went to target recently for an exclusive item they had.
I have never heard of that show.... But I don't watch a lot of stuff that's not cartoon or reality stuff(guilty pleasure).
But ugh, I just remembered something I wanted to complain about, too. It's all these new commercials for Animal Planet with the 'surprisingly human' tag. I hate that. Do any of their shows REALLY focus on animals anymore? It just seems to be mostly be stupid reality shows with animals involved a tiny bit. I remember when I used to watch Animal Planet and I'd actually learn. **** I remember when TLC had educational programming on it. When it stood for "The Learning Channel" before they replaced learning with loser.
There was another commercial I saw late at night once, had to be this year or last year... It seemed to want to taunt me specifically. It was for a DVD set from the History Channel about Nazi Germany. It started off with something like "They laughed, the played, theyloved/had families etc" like it was actually going to be a objective look into the SS/Hitler and all that, then it ended with "THEY KILLED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE" and continued talking with the same old stuff that everyone always says because they don't want to scare people into reminding them that we're all humans and all equally capable of horrible deeds.
It literally felt like my TV was trolling me specifically, knowing I was bored with reading the same old stuff over and over. To make it worse they used a video clip I wanted to find to show some of my other History Buff friends but I never found it. It's the only time I ever saw that commercial too.