I'll drink whatever. Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew, 7-Up, gasoline...er...wait. Scratch that last one.
Coke is sweeter and has a little more "bite" to it than Pepsi.
Although I find Diet Pepsi sweeter than Diet Coke. Go figure!
I'd say Mountain Dew is sweeter than either Sprite or 7-Up. Actually, I don't know
what Mountain Dew is supposed to be...probably some bizarre mix of chemicals that make you temporarily all-powerful, like in the commercials.
Hey, I can dirt-bike off a cliff, float through the air, drop 1, 256 feet, and still land on my two wheels, as long as I'm guzzling a can of Mountain Dew! Yeeeeeeeee-haaaaaaaaaaaw!
Actually, I don't drink much soda. I don't dislike it, I just drink a lot of water.
Never tried that experiment, where you put a tooth in a glass of cola, and it will eventually dissolve. I never had a spare tooth around...