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Change of Heart


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I totally agree with the Count, please post more soon!

Missing this fic, missing all of your fics actually

Please update them when you can! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Eight

Every night, the dream was the same. Every night, she wandered the house alone. Kitchen, living room, bedrooms, office… All were filled with boxes, boxes, boxes, boxes…

The owner wasn’t here yet.

Every night, the dream was the same.

Mother and Father were waiting, sunlight streaking around them as they smiled. She smiled back at them, trembling as she gave…

A smile from Father, and a tight hug, and soft, gentle words…

A smile from Mother, and a warm, soothing embrace, and a tender kiss, and a sweet laugh…

And then it was her turn.

One last smile… One last hug…

Every night, the dream was the same.

She turned and walked away with a precious, heavy burden.

The angels stopped singing and began to grieve.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

“Do you think she’ll come today?” Gonzo asked, his nose pressed up against the window.

Fozzie looked at him. “Why wouldn’t she?” he asked. “She said she would.”

“That was almost a month ago,” Gonzo said.

“Three weeks,” Scooter corrected.

“Whatever,” Gonzo sighed. He did a double take at his reflection in the window, and then breathed on it and used his sleeve to wipe away the smudge his nose had left on the glass.

“I think she’ll come today,” Fozzie said, nodding at the rain outside as if it were somehow agreeing with him.

“Ehhh dunno guys,” Rizzo said as he dug through his bag of M&M’s. “I t’ink it’s kinda hard ta trust her now.”

“Me mee mint!” Beaker insisted, emphatically pointing one finger at his own palm as he made his point. “Me mee me may meep me me meemer mee mee.”

The Muppets stared at him. As the only one in the room who could do so, Floyd blinked.

“…Yeah, sure,” Rizzo said. “But like I was sayin’, she sorta neglected ta mention da whole tabloid t’ing…”

“So you doubt her word,” Rowlf said quietly from his usual seat at the piano.

“Well, why shouldn’t I?” Rizzo said with a touch of indignance.

Most attention in the room settled on Rowlf. His eyes were thoughtful as his paws trickled over the piano keys, notes as soft as the rain outside. “…She hasn’t lied,” he said. “There’s no reason to doubt her word. Just the lack of her word.”

Again, Floyd blinked on behalf of the room. Then he nodded. “So we can trust her sayin’ she’ll be back today, but question the fact that she left a message on the answering machine when she knew we’d be at the theater.”

Zoot picked his head up and looked at the bass guitarist. “…You understood that?”

“Fer sure,” Janice answered for Floyd. “Like, rully, that was like, nothing compared to Dr. Teeth!”

The guitarists chuckled. Zoot blew a single note on his saxophone and presumably went back to sleep.

The Muppets turned back to the windows, looking out at the rain and pretending they weren’t waiting for Miss Piggy.

“…I wonder if Kermit thinks she’ll come today,” Scooter mused.

“Of course he does,” Fozzie said simply.

“Then why isn’t he here?” Gonzo asked.

“He’s takin’ Little Green Stuff to the bookstore,” Floyd said.

“But he could do that any day,” Gonzo said. “Why not stay home today?”

“Because Piggy’s coming,” Fozzie said. “And, she’s bringing someone.”

“He would usually wanna be here if someone new was coming,” Clifford said, frowning out at the rain.

The discussion was interrupted by the sound of a new hole forming in a wall. They turned to see what had caused this one.

A small end table landed and shattered in the middle of the room. Pepe the King Prawn kicked himself free of what remained of the drawer. “UN-believable!” he complained as he began plucking out splinters. “I can’t believe it! Dat crazy chef man who can’t even cook! Him an’ d’ose penguins, hokay! Look what dey did to me. Look at dis!”

“It looks fantastic!” Gonzo said, his eyelids high as he surveyed the wreckage and—through the hole in the wall—the catapult that had caused it. “Hey, Chef! Can I try next?”

“Nürbin skøør de lüshie!” the furious Swedish Chef cried. “Mür de høør dem shkür!”

“Aw… pretty please?” Gonzo pleaded.

“Nürbin nøøskie NÜ!”

“Well why not?” Gonzo persisted.

“De nürpen møørfi türbles!” the Swedish Chef irritably proclaimed.

“Oh.” Gonzo thought about this, doing his best to decipher it. He stuck his head through the hole. “Well maybe you could shoot me through the wall in a counter—“

Gøønz de mürvsky øøt!” the Swedish Chef proclaimed, and an odd sort of swordfight ensued, with the weapons actually being the Swedish Chef’s fire poker and Gonzo’s nose.

“Ha ha ha! This is great!” the weirdo ecstatically exclaimed.

“MEE! MEE!” Beaker frantically pointed out the window. “Mee MEE me! MEE! MEE meme MEE mo!”

Scooter looked outside. “Guys, there’s a taxi!” he announced.

Swordfight and shattered table were forgotten as the Muppets flocked to the windows, trying to peer around, over, under, and through—er, between—each other to see out into the rain.

“Is it Piggy?”

“I dunno!”

“I can’t see!”

“It’s gotta be her!”

“I see pig ears!”

“Blonde hair!”


“She’s on the porch!”

“She’s COMING!”

“Back up!”

Quick, everyone! Act normal!”

They all stopped to stare at Gonzo, who had made this last remark.

He shrugged. “Well… you know what I mean,” he said.

They scrambled into various corners of the room, feigned preoccupation, and stared at the door as it flew open.

Hi, everybody! I’m back!” the blonde pig proclaimed with her arms outspread.

The Muppets stared at her, heaved a deep, collective sigh, and looked down, too disappointed to even sneak a second glance at Spamela Hamderson.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Alright, so I didn't post it exactly as soon as I finished, but that's because I finished this chapter around 4:15 this morning in a fit of insomnia. However I did post it as soon as I finished typing... But I digress. I have some thank-you's to give this round, because some of the things that happened in this chapter are entirely thanks to other people. Allow me to first show you this little exchange between Prawnie and me on MSN:

Toga: ...<has idea>
Toga: <wonders how to execute it>
Prawnie: Hehehe.
Prawnie: Gonzo: Might I suggest a catapult?
Toga: ...You might.
Prawnie: Gonzo: I suggest a catapult.
Toga: I will consider that suggestion.
Prawnie: Red: Will you table it?
Toga: Until I can counter it.

<Ahem> Therefore, the catapult, table, and counter had to be added to the chapter. Then later, when I was struggling to continue writing:

Toga: <pokes scene>
Prawnie: *whacks paper with a fireplace poker*
Toga: ...<contemplates adding poker to scene>

<Ahem> So as you can see, much of this was a collaborative process. So thank you Prawnie.

And then there's the matter of Leyla, to whom I said, after posting the previous chapter, "I used one of your tricks." To which she said, "I only have one trick, and that's to stop a scene in the middle of a word." Now, it is true that stopping a scene in the middle of a word is legendarily Leyla's trick. She's really only done it once or twice, but oh, you should have seen the fit I threw... However, it is not her only trick. She also has this trick of building up something you expect, and making a big to-do about it, only to ultimately reveal that it's not at all what you thought it was--for example, all of the Muppets fighting to answer the phone... to talk to some nice telemarketer lady. So when Leyla tried to tell me that she only has one trick, I reminded her of this favorite trick of hers, and I said to myself, "Self? ...And the other two minds, too... Let's use THAT trick, too!" Enter Spamela Hamderson, stage right. So thank you Leyla. Sometimes the mentor can learn from the protege. :halo:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Huggles for der Lisa. You know... When you started building on the arrival of the taxi, spotting pig ears, blonde hair, etc., I thought it was Link already bracing for the let-down. But Spamela is of course much cuter a replacement. Then again, I suppose Annie Sue could've done just as well. If you need inspiration or silly conversation, you can reach me via PM or email if it's easier for you that way.

Oh yeah, before I forget... More Please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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And what a great literary trick it was!

Please post more soon. I'm dying to know what happens next!



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2008
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Pfft! XP I was expecting Annie, but Spamela works too! *laughing*

*goes off to find Ailie so she can read this chapter*


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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HAHAHAHA! ! ! Spamela! ! I was NOT expecting that! At ALL! I honestly thought it was Piggy!

Can I comment on how perfect you wrote EVERYONE in this scene? Gonzo was amazing, Fozzie was SOOOO perfect! I can't get over it. Floyd, Zoot, Janice... AWESOME. Rowlf, Rizzo, Pepe, Clifford, Scooter, CHEF! ! ! WOW. They were all SO good. And... of course... BEAKER! WOW! I loved it. All of it. SO MUCH! How long has it been since you wrote random Muppet goings on? :halo:

I loved it all. The dream concerns me, but I loved it all. Spamela really through me for a loop, so I commend you on that.

Oh, and anytime you need random objects thrown into a chapter I'll be glad to contribute. :stick_out_tongue:
