TogetherAgain said:
Um... I'd say you're wrong. It sounds more like "Canyoupicturethat" If you look up the lyrics, I'm pretty sure they say he says "Can you picture that". Now, it may very well sound like "canchabigtacat" to you, but I hear "canyoupicturethat," and according to these funny little lyric thingies, we're both at least a little wrong.
I think I just lost myself again.
I just listened to the song. It's playing right now. I'll go back to that part and double check.
Okay. 2nd verse, Floyd sings except last line is Dr. Teeth.
"Let me take your picture, add it to the mixture, there it is I got you now
REally nothing to it, anyone can do it, it's east and we all know how
Now beings a changing, mental rearranging, nothing's really where it's at,
Now the Eiffel Tower's holding up a flower, gave it to a Texas cat."
Guys, I just transcribed that form listening to it, I swear that's what he says. In the first verse, and the last one, with the Aurora Borealis line, he does the growly "Canyoupicturethat?"