Hey, I've enjoyed your site a few times!!
I looked at it today and the different photos are neat.
Of course, Big Bird is who I met, and the only one I know, so he's my favorite and the one of which I'm a big fan!
My own special Big Bird experience came during a trip to Gatlinburg, TN, in the mountains. There was this rest area with a restaurant, shop, and indian teepee beside it. In the shop, Big Bird and Cookie Monster were there, and I got to meet them. The Big Bird is a horrible remake of the original character, but you can tell that's who it's supposed to be, and the performer was sweet and kind, and loved my Big Bird doll I had brought along on the trip.
There was also my Cookie Monster puppet and Cookie Monster was funny and energetic and ran around the store scared of my little puppet of himself! We have photos and slides that are cool to look at!!
As far as these other 'birds,' Big Bird (USA and China) obviously is what looks most familiar and comfortable to me, though I've never seen the Chinese SS. Turkey's Minik Kus is the same Big Bird as US and China, it appears, but he looks like he fell in chocolate and powdered sugar!!
Pino has the same body, but in 'bluebird of happiness' fashion, and I like that. Blue is my favorite color, but his beak seems shorter than I would have thought it'd be. Abelardo is another more familiar character, and I have dolls of the Plazo Sesamo.
Grobbevogel and Tocatta look way different, and Grobbevogel doesn't look anything like a Muppet fashion at all to me, but Tocatta looks like he could definitely be a member of the Muppet Family, and looks like to me he might be very funny.
Finally, the one that disturbs me more, is Garibaldo! Freaky looking dude!! I mean, he scares me! YIPE!
Those are the best ideas I can give on what I think of the different characters.