Well, one's clearly been a-gunnin' for an Iran war (Cough Cough McCain), the other at least makes some semi-realistic proposals.
I just don't wanna see a Deval Patrick type deal. Story time, kiddies... once upon a time, there was a dark man named Mitt Romney that ran as a Republican in a blue state to say that he has cross appeal. he also cut taxes for the wealthy suburbanites, while chopping needed programs left and right. After 2 years of being in office, he decided to leave his post, run for president, and bad mouth the state he got elected in to appeal to the same old conservative crowd. Just before he left, he unwisely slashed the budget (when there was nothing wrong with it) and left the state in financial ruins. Along comes a man that spoke of hope, and he won the governement seat. Unfortunately, he spent so much time defending him self, after being put under a microscope for being a liberal, that he couldn't get anything done. And now we still have a crappy budget... and it's ALL MITT'S FAULT!
I have some faith in Obama there, since that's the worst case scenario. Worst case scenario with McCain? We're still in Iraq, but now we're fighting other countries we should have kept our noses out of.
Plus, with McCain's runing mate hunting small animals from helicopters (Modest means my foot), we're gonna have a bigger catastrophe than when Cheney shot the guy when hunting.