Hey, no matter what they did, there was no good outcome. of course, had they agreed on the ORIGINAL version of the bail out, the market wouldn't have fallen 700 points in one day.Here's something in the form of stupid. This past week people who worked at AIG got money from the government in the form of relief and used some of it to go play golf, had a nice fancy dinner, and got manicures. Unbelievablyfreakin stupid.
I can say that both parties are to blame for this, but mostly the right... half of the financial crisis is all this deficit spending... and you ALL know what the funding went to... I'm NOT bringing it up. I have more hope the left will sort of kind of maybe do something than the right, who'll just do the same things they've been doing that don't work.I doubt the ability of either party to make this right. We will recover, but it will be despite them, not because of them.