Oh crap! I just noticed something! I'm sorry I forgot the mention this, but that poem was a joke. I was deliberately trying to be as depressing and overly dramatic as possible for dark humor purposes and I'm sorry I forgot that you aren't too familiar with my writing and sense of humor. The intention was a similar style of humor to the Robot Chicken sktch of the Pound Puppies saying
"If you don't buy us we get killed!". It's so dramatic and borderline unrealistically sad it's funny. Robot Chicken often does uses this style of humor such as the sketches where a cat gets killed by a Grim Reaper cat, the one of the Kraken hanging himself, the America's Most Tragic Home Videos skit, and the one of the Wampa beast trying to live life the same way after Luke Skywalker cut off his hand. It's so depressingly sad to a cartoonish level and that's why I often laugh at sketches like that. Family Guy is that way too like the time they did a cutaway of a man dying in The Revolutionary Way with no joke at all. It's funny because it's not funny, if you know what I'm saying. Another example is the Monty Python sketch where the man gets his liver brutally ripped out of his body. If you watch enough of my 1visualfxguy and 2MattTV videos, you will realize that sometimes my sense of humor is extremely morbid sometimes bordering on nightmare fuel and intense tear jerkers with little to no visible comedic purpose other than the technique of exaggeration. My videos have had sketches about serial killers, the world blowing up, cute characters dying, zombies, scary movies, terrorism, families fighting each other, characters betraying each other and nearly every other mayhem imaginable:but it's all in the name of comedy. This was a really bad example of Freud's Law, which means that people don't know whether your joking or not unless you include a
or a
. The poem was actually a parody of the Shrek sketch from Robot Chicken:
Sorry I didn't say that. I hope you can forgive me for not clearing things up, LOL!