Yeah, it's Linda Carter (one of my favorite episodes). Scooter, Lew, Link, Fozzie, and gonzo take a correspondence course on "How to be a Super hero. (the booklet on "how to be a Superhero would be a great acesssory). Also in that episode, Piggy plays WonderPig and the heckler-sting at the end features Statler as "Moneyman!"
So, superheroes in chris Reeve, but some real bad Shakespeare!
OK, now, I'm confused. I thought variants were out (besides the repaints) No are there going to be 7 repaints (plus the Kermit variant) instead of four.
to that end, Zoot's an easy choice for repaint cause he changed color so many times. Hope all is well
Scooter: Anyone can fly as long as he believes that he can. Stand at the top a very tall ladder (looks up ladder) and say to yourself "I was born to fly..." (Muppets repeat this) "...the air is my home...." (Muppets repeat this) Now that you believe that, step off the ladder and float to the ceiling! (muppets come crashing down one by one)