Ask Ken at Palisades


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Is the case pack for series 2 going to be even or heavy? If it is heavy packed Gonzo and Fozzie then that would mean 1 of each Floyd per case, right? I am all for the band reapints as chase figures. It's a great way to handle the situation cause now it will be available to everyone. If we were to get a new Dr. Teeth repaint, about what series would you pack him in. Where does this leave Animal in the repaint scheme. Will his only repaint be SDCC or will we get chase variant Animals along the way also. One last thing what happened to your website, I was all ready to view my Daily Bit and there is nothing there. In the words of the other forum........ME WANTEE....


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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FER SURE Is the case pack for series 2 going to be even or heavy? If it is heavy packed Gonzo and Fozzie then that would mean 1 of each Floyd per case, right?

Nope. 3 Fozzie, 3 Gonzo, 3 Harry, 2 Floyd, 1 Floyd repaint (has a blue jacket, green pants...really funky look).

If we were to get a new Dr. Teeth repaint, about what series would you pack him in.

No idea. But all you'd really have to do to make a cool version is replace his jacket. Do the tux jacket with the ripped sleeves that was in one of Jamie's icons.

Where does this leave Animal in the repaint scheme.

SDCC will probably be it. Dunno.

What do you think Ken, if we start a seperate thread, and people can post their stories, and maybe send in a picture or other evidence of their action, Palisades can issue a reward of some sort to the winner on a bi-wekly basis?

I would say do your thing. Any service to the cause deserves some reward.

SPECIAL ED hey ken have you guys thought about putting out a cd with electric mayhem stage .

No, but if you ever want to hear the coolest CD idea of all time, ask Mike. He might tell you.

Foreignman Personally, I think, if the toys get into the area of Muppet Movies, the first playset should deffinitley be Kermit's Swamp with Kermit and Banjo... Are you sure you would do the Electric Mayhem bus first, rather than this?

That's just my own personal preference...who knows what would get made first. By the time we get that goin' they could be on Muppets XXII: Piggy versus Jason...



Active Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Originally posted by kane31666
So Special Ed, by resembling that remark, you are your own father?
no im your father but seriously,whats the status on getting those con exclusives.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Ken- Thanks so much for clearing that up. I was a little confused with all the recent changes.

Mike- I want to hear the coolest CD in the world. Put me on the list. It isnt Tibetan throat signing....... is it?

Michael Crawford

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Kitchen playset

I've been fortunate enough to see what Ken has planned with the Kitchen playset, and it is amazing! It's a work of art - it shames Da Vinci! Well, okay, maybe not Da Vinci, but at least Whistler.



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2002
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you wouldn't mind giving me a little bit of the details ken didn't say about the kitchen would ya?


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Love the Floyd repaint proposal! Very cool. I might even get a case pack this time seeing that it might be easier and an even number of characters comes in each. I may have to buy dupes of the regular assortment now just to have a complete sealed set! I'm not one for that kind of stuff, but I do think it's important to do that with at least a couple of the figures. Still trying to figure out how to display them.

Dr. Teeth Variant 2 sounds like an interesting possibility. I always liked that pic in my old signature selection. Actually that's how I originally thought the variant would look like. Here is a link to the pic for those of yall who don't know what he looks like. Kind of groovy, huh.

Bummed about the Beaker delay, but Meep happens I guess and it's just a couple more weeks of the rest of my life. Anxious to have the figues in some sort of playset. I'll likely get some red tissue paper to make some curtains on my bookshelf for now.

Still on vacation until next Monday. Can't help but stop in and see how it's all going.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Saw a cool thing at the TRU in Warwick, RI today... they finally managed to get more of the figs on the ONE PEG they've allotted for Muppets figures (they had Dr. Teeth and Piggy now, where before they only had Kermit and Bunsen... still no Tux Kerm though). But as I was waiting in line to check out (finally got an Ep 2 Yoda, the one EP2 figure I really wanted, but now I may need to pick up a couple more...) I noticed they had hung a Kermit and Piggy figure on one of the support poles near one of the registers, in plain sight for people waiting in line (like me) even at 2 or 3 registers away.

Gotta admit, they looked pretty sweet displayed like that... the classic Muppet Show logo was clearly visible, and those two characters are so iconic and immediately recognizable. I can just imagine people who have no idea these figures were coming out waiting in line and having their eyes fall on those figures, and it sparks something form the past, and they're like "What the hey... they're making figures of those now? That's awesome!" And they happily give up their place in line to go examine the figures closely. At least that's how I would've reacted, if I hadn't know about these toys before hand and hadn't been anticipating them since last fall...

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