Another TV Land Outrage!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2004
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You know, I USED to want to fit in with the cool kids..... but I realized that geeks like me are magnetic. We ALWAYS find each other, and then there's no separating us.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Oh! So you mean 20 something cartoon watching nerds are out of the equation? Aaaahahahahahahahahaha!:big_grin:
Ironicall, no. But they're delegated to (and only to) Adult Swim, with the drunkard college party guys that watch cartoons as well. I like Aqua Teen and all, but AS's best days are behind them. Luckily I can watch those onlie with no problems. The Adult Swim video site uses a much better video compresser than the other CN pages.

You know, I USED to want to fit in with the cool kids..... but I realized that geeks like me are magnetic. We ALWAYS find each other, and then there's no separating us.....
You know, I still don't know where I fit in. I like liking unique stuff and all, but sometimes I feel left out. Plus, I got a problem with the "cool gamer geeks" comin' in, takin' all our womens! :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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But they're delegated to (and only to) Adult Swim, with the drunkard college party guys that watch cartoons as well.
Actually, no. I hate AS with a passion :stick_out_tongue:. Don't lump all we geeks together :wink:.
I'm a toy collecting, anime/cartoon watching, comic book reading, video game playing girl geek thank you :big_grin:!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Actually, no. I hate AS with a passion :stick_out_tongue:. Don't lump all we geeks together :wink:.
I'm a toy collecting, anime/cartoon watching, comic book reading, video game playing girl geek thank you :big_grin:!
That's the only 20 year olds they care about. Not that I hate their shows, I just think the recent crop are crap. They really need a new Space Ghost series. Harvey Birdman is beyond hillarious, but this newer stuff looks like it took 3 hours to make an episode. Plus, I hate how Funimation had to give Shin-Chan an AS friendly dub, like a bizzarro world 4Kids. But at least we're getting an uncut edition.

But there is no toon fan friendly channels out there. I remember seeing a promotional video for something years ago. Don't know if it was a student project or an actual failed network, but it would have been amazing to see that.

There's less and less reason to get cable, I think. Other than having clearer pictures. Or channels that don't go out everytime there's a gentle breeze.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Aw man... I hear rumors that M*A*S*H is being removed from TV Land's lineup for Hogan's Heroes and [scrubs]!:mad: :grouchy: :cry:

Oh well, at least I still have all the good seasons (One through Seven) on DVD, plus there's still Hallmark Channel, both of our local CBS affiliates, and I hear ION (who bought out PAX, right?) will be adding it to their lineup as well, so at least I'll still have my regular M*A*S*H fix... but I'm outraged that TV Land would bump it for the sucky-by-comparison Hogan's Heroes!