I was never a fan of Andy and Randy Pig. I mean, there were a bunch of annoying characters on Muppets Tonight, but for me they take the grand prize. They literally never got anything right and they were too dumb to realize their mistakes. The shtick got old pretty quickly. They made Beauregard look like an Oxford graduate.
Yeah there's a fine line there between endearingly incompetent and annoyingly incompetent! I think a lot of it depends on the attitude. Being stupid in itself isn't funny. It's the juxtaposition of how the character reacts to the damage he's causing. Beauregard's an easy going, humble sort of guy. He notices when things go wrong, he's just kinda slow on the uptake. Andy and Randy are more like those losers in school who delight in how ignorant they are, lol.
Like, when I was a kid, I mentioned to some fellow students that there were actually four Musketeers, because my Dad had told me the story how by the end D'Artagnan ends up becoming one. These genius classmates of mine proceeded to laugh in my face about how wrong
I was, because the only musketeer they knew about was the candy bar! Andy and Randy remind me of them (and I guess that made me Sam the Eagle! Lol

Fozzie was somewhat like this on the first season of Muppet Show, before they got him right. Like when he gets locked in the magician's box and shouts to Kermit, "The show needs me, Kermit! Who cares about a frog?!" and the little window closes behind him, I actually wanted to cheer, lol.