Accident on Monday


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Good morning, kids.

So it's Monday and it kinda feels weird not having a Monday fic up (despite, you know, having those other two fics up), but I needed to channel my own feelings about today through a positive outlet and this is what you're getting. This is the next in what I call the Monday Series and as I'm sure you can guess, there's an accident and it happens on a Monday.

Our tale starts with an introduction by Scooter...

:wink:: The start of a new year always brings in hopes and wishes of a better year than the year before. That’s what we were all hoping for, anyway; it had been one year since we had gotten back together, after a good seven-year hiatus away from each other. The first year back had seen some crazy things, for sure.

Of course, trying to come back together was the biggest hurdle. Not that we didn’t get along anymore, in fact it felt like old times as though nothing had changed, but obviously things had been said and done that rocked us. Finding out that Kermit had all but sunk our little ship had blindsided us, literally. We all knew he hadn’t meant it; Kermit would’ve done anything and had done everything he could to stop us from hitting an iceberg we didn’t see coming.

But just like the Titanic, he didn’t have enough lifeboats for everyone and like the good captain he is, he was prepared to go down with the ship. And he almost did. If it hadn’t been for Walter, Gary, and Mary inspiring us to put on a show to try to save the studios, we all would’ve gone down. But fate obviously favors fools, especially big ones like us, and thanks to a show, a movie, a bunch of shows, and another movie, we were good to go.

Or so we thought.

While our riding high again was good, we lost people in the meantime. Losing Mr. Henson and Richard had been hard – we still think Henson’s death is what started the downfall – but then we lost friends like Jerry and Jane…we’d had losses before, but we worked with these guys and we loved them and vice versa. It’s so hard to lose someone you’re close to and while we had our experience of losing our human friends from time to time, we had never lost a Muppet.

Until the start of summer…

Accident on Monday

Monday mornings were always hectic in California, at least in the city areas. The start of another week, another day, and another dollar had people frantically trying to beat the traffic as they headed off to work or school, secretly wishing they had one more day for a weekend.

Fozzie Bear, comedian for the Muppets, was one such person.

Mondays for him started with the weekly morning meeting, in which he sat around a rectangular table – ironically nicknamed the Muppet Round Table – with his friends and discussed their past show the night before and prepared themselves for what they would need for that week’s show. And while Fozzie absolutely adored going into work every day, whether he actually did any work or not, that morning he too was wishing for the extra day of leisure.

The bear’s weekend had been a great time had by all. Friday and Saturday he had spent with his best friends in the whole wide world and Sunday, he had delivered what he thought was a stellar comedic routine to all of their fans in the audience and on TV. Then afterwards, he and their piano player had gone out for drinks at their favorite bar; it was a great weekend and the bear was eager to continue the streak all week, but even comics need a break.

Even before their epic break up, Fozzie had been trying to find himself, find who Fozzie Bear really was. Though he loved making people laugh, he had gotten stuck in a rut and had been a bit disillusioned, if he was honest with himself. He had finally gotten to the point where he needed to remember what his roots were and when his agent Gags called him up about doing a gig in Vegas, he was all for it; of course, this was before he realized that the group itself was breaking apart.

The power couple always had their ups and downs, but it had never been as bad as it was, even when their director had fired her once. The director, producer, and captain may have been the bear’s best friend, but Fozzie liked the diva too. It had taken him a few years to see what exactly it was that Kermit saw in her, but when he had, having her leave put a hole in his heart too. With the couple broken and the rest of their lot heading off to other places, Fozzie had almost cancelled his Vegas gig, until their resident stuntman had stopped him from doing so.

From there, it had been gig after gig until he had landed with the Moopets, probably the worst people he had ever encountered and that was saying something. If anything, working with them had made him miss his friends more than he ever thought he could; the crazy dream state he could get into while hanging out with them were intense – Kermit leading a troupe of their friends through the doors for a rescue; Piggy staging a covert, spy operation in which she ninja kicked Miss Poogy all the way back to Jersey; him standing on stage when the bottom dropped out and seeing Gonzo and Rizzo standing there, ready to lead him through the underground tunnels they had been digging for over a year.

They were pipe dreams, of course, but they were what got him through most days back then.

But that was then and this was now, as they said, and right now, he was running late.

Caught up in an unexpected Spongebob Squarepants marathon, Fozzie realized he only had about fifteen minutes to get to the studios and into his seat and the drive from his little apartment to the studios took around twenty minutes. The bear prided himself on being punctual, just as his mother had taught him; he was always the first person to arrive and the usually the last person to leave, but that was the work ethic his mother had instilled in him from an early age. Grabbing the keys to the old 70’s Studebaker he still owned, Fozzie quickly brushed off toast crumbs from his tie and headed out the door.


The usual Muppets’ Monday Morning Meeting took place every Monday around eight in the morning. While it was usually an open forum for everyone to participate in, the usual suspects were their leader, his girlfriend the diva, the stage manager, the comic, the stuntman, and their resident musicians; they were the ones that were counted upon to keep the inmates in line should things get too insane even for them.

In most cases, however, the lunatics usually ran the asylum while the warden did everything he could not to get involved; it usually never worked of course.

The meeting was normally held within an office on the Muppet Studios lot, at the end of what they had affectionately called ‘office row’. This Monday however found the director and stage manager still within the theater proper, lost in a conversation about the small explosion their stuntman had set off the night before. And speaking of said stuntman, he and their pianist were about to sit down for breakfast. The resident diva was still sitting at a vanity at home, freshly showered and putting on her face.

Fozzie Bear was impatiently sitting at a stop light on the way to the studios. Living in the city afforded him the close connections he needed when it came to work and hitting any of the comedy clubs he needed to, but the huge downside was that of city traffic and getting stuck in it. Los Angeles was already known for their dangerous driving conditions, thanks to their many residents and freeways and it wasn’t uncommon to find the daily morning rush of drivers when it came to getting to work on time.

And while the comic would still be right on time, he prided himself on being early, usually the first one in before everyone else and his pristine record was about to be ruined, all because he had been lured into a show about a sponge who lived in a pineapple under the sea. In thinking about that, the theme song to the show suddenly popped into his head and he started singing it, knowing it would probably be there for the entire day unless he could just watch the show.

Finally, as though the fates were also going to have the song stuck in their heads, the light turned green and Fozzie, thankfully first in line, started forward into the intersection.

Now, whether the fates were angry or annoyed at being distracted by a cartoon’s theme song or bad luck was just going to come to Fozzie Bear that morning, what happened next certainly had never been written in one of their scripts before. As the Studebaker crossed into the intersection, another driver thought they could beat the light and also entered the intersection from the left of the car’s drive side door.

Both driver and bear only had seconds to see each other before the eventual impact.


For the second time that morning, fate intervened in the form of the phone ringing in the Muppet Theatre. Ordinarily, the phone hardly ever rang in the theater and sometimes when it did, there wasn’t anyone to actually answer it; today however, the leader and director of the Muppets and his stage manager just happened to be in the theater and standing at the very desk where the phone was.

“Muppet Theatre.”

“Hi,” replied the voice on the other end. “May I speak with Kermit the Frog?”


“This is California Hospital Medical Center. I have you listed as an emergency contact for a Fozzie Bear.”

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Oh my... oh my goodness. The last line has me worried! How did Fozzie get into an accident.

More please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
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OMG! fozzie and spongebob and kermit and monday meetings and emergency contacts and just OMG! MORE PLZ!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I just want you to know, that I'm CRYING Gina!

Fozzie is such a sweetheart...
That childish innocence...

And lol at the prison reference. :stick_out_tongue:



Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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I just want you to know, that I'm CRYING Gina!

Fozzie is such a sweetheart...
That childish innocence...

Fozzie is the heart of the whole gang. Believe me, he wasn't the first person I thought of, but the fact that he even entered my mind was surprising. I'd tell you more, but...I can't.

OMG! fozzie and spongebob and kermit and monday meetings and emergency contacts and just OMG! MORE PLZ!!!!!!!

Working on the next chapter, however you know the drill. Not until Monday.

Oh my... oh my goodness. The last line has me worried! How did Fozzie get into an accident.
Another car t-boned his.

:embarrassed: : It doesn't look good, does it?

Hey now, that's no way to look at it. But

:embarrassed:: I'm afraid to ask!

Next chapter, we'll find out the aftermath of that last line.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Well...I'm bored, so I thought I'd get you all a surprise for Sunday, with a Monday chapter a day early. I'm actually doing pretty good and getting ahead of the game, so we'll see how this goes. This little tidbit is actually a little background point before the chapter, so you'll all be prepared, and then the next chapter will follow, kay?

So the original inspiration for this came from the season three finale of How I Met Your Mother called 'Miracles', during the first five minutes (the stuff before the theme starts); unfortunately, I couldn't find the clip, so if any of you are subscribed to Netflix, Hulu, and/or Amazon Prime, I highly recommend that you watch the first five minutes or so to at least get a visual of what's going on next chapter.

For those of you who DON'T have any of the above or haven't watched HIMYM, here is a brief summary of those five minutes, complete with the song used.

Summary of Miracles - Ted starts by telling his kids about the day that changed his life, starting with his choice of taxis in the morning to get to work. He tells them about how earlier he had broken things off with Stella (streaming vid folks can skip this if you want; you just need to get to this part of the story) and in choosing the cab he did changed everything.

The cab he's in happens to get T-boned by a car (ie, what happens to Fozzie in our last chapter). Scene change over to the hospital, who are calling Marshall to inform him of Ted's accident (scene where hospital calls Kermit about Fozzie, which ends the previous chapter). As Marshall gets the news, Radiohead's 'Nice Dreams' plays as Marshall frantically calls his wife Lily, who then calls Robin, and all three rush to the hospital.

Of course upon reaching Ted's room, they find that he's okay; then the opening credits start. In this, the same may or may not be true of Fozzie.

Those five minutes are what inspired this fic; if you'd like to follow along:

N/H/AP viewers - if you're already familiar with HIMYM, you can start about the time Ted is again talking about the cab he choose that morning or at the moment the black car hits his cab. The scene where the hospital calls Marshall is literally the end of the previous chapter with the hospital calling Kermit. From there, you can head into this next chapter.

Non streaming watchers - I've included the song used below, with the lyrics via YouTube. In the show, the montage starts at the first chorus and then goes into the second verse (right as Robin is getting the call from Lily), but after listening and getting the words, for this fic, you can definitely start it at the beginning.

Hopefully that gives you a visual as you go through this upcoming chapter. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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No one likes bad news.

Worse is getting bad news about someone you know or love.

Time seems to go slowly compared to normal time; perhaps it’s just a perception of the human or Muppet mind, but from the moment Kermit the Frog picked up the phone in the theater and took a call from one of the local hospitals, time seemed to literally stop.

What in actuality probably took no more than ten minutes of activity seemed to take ten hours, ten days, and even ten years. Of all the phone calls Kermit had expected to receive that Monday, it was not one from the California Medical Center and it was certainly not to inform him that one of his best friends had just been in a car accident.

When they went over the events later, it was hard to say what happened or who did what.

Kermit would remember the phone call, of course, but he would never remember the phone dropping from his hand and hitting the desk he stood at. He certainly didn’t recall rushing past Scooter towards the door or getting into his car to head off. He would vaguely recall that Scooter went with him and how surprised he was when the others met them at the hospital.

Scooter would remember Kermit’s face draining itself of all color before dropping the phone and rushing past him; he also remembers picking up the phone and speaking to the nurse on the other end and learning about the accident. He won’t remember that, as he rushed after his boss and friend, that he simultaneously texted Miss Piggy nor does he remember nearly strangling 80’s robot – Kermit’s valet – when it started in on the ridiculous 80’s lingo.

Piggy, the resident diva and girlfriend to Kermit, had just finished getting ready for the day and was heading out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen when she had gotten the text on her phone. She of course would remember the text and she would remember immediately calling someone, though she will forever claim that she called Rowlf and not Gonzo.

Both Rowlf and Gonzo will remember being at breakfast and Gonzo – not Rowlf – will clearly remember Piggy calling him, bravely stomping down panic, to tell him Fozzie was at the hospital. He will also remember the diva insisting that she was just going to pick them up, not caring that they had driven to the restaurant; he will not however remember how long it took Piggy to get there, because it seemed that as soon as he had hung up the phone, she was outside the doors.

The quintet seemingly all arrived at the emergency room entrance at the same time and rushing towards the check in desk. None of them remembered who asked what – it was Scooter and he asked for the room Fozzie was in – but they all remembered turning to see the emergency room doctor approaching them from the trauma bay. And they definitely remember the feeling of their stomachs dropping to the floor.

A T-bone, he had said. The car hit Fozzie on the driver side, smashing in the door and causing the car behind the bear to ram into the other car’s passenger side. All three drivers were being looked at, but it might be some time before he would know where Fozzie registered on the list. Rescue services had to use the Jaws of Life on his car and the staff wanted to be sure that there wasn’t any internal damage or bleeding, especially in the brain. He promised that when the bear was out and into a room, he or one of his nurses would let them know.

The group had no choice but to sit and wait.


Waiting is the hardest thing ever, regardless of what you’re waiting for.

For five Muppets, waiting for word on just how bad their friend might be was probably the worse. Scooter did what he always did, by calling the others and letting them know what was happening and stopping the masses that were all headed down to see the bear themselves. Forward thinking and insight had always been on his side, which prevented the red head from actually naming the hospital where they were. Mercifully, they also hadn’t encountered any news media or otherwise while there, which would have been a nightmare in itself.

Rowlf the Dog, the troupe’s pianist, musical historian, and unofficial counselor, was helping the younger Muppet on that front. As one of the group’s musicians, Rowlf made a point of keeping in contact with all of their orchestra members and singers; it actually took a load off for the red head, who was barely trying to keep up the strong front in light of events.

The Great Gonzo, stuntman and performance artist extraordinaire, had naturally deemed himself guardian of the frog, which was a role he also shared with Miss Piggy, the leading lady. To be fair – and honest – Gonzo had decided to keep an eye on both of them, though he was paying a little more attention to Kermit than Piggy. He had called and sent texts to his own girlfriend and his friend Rizzo to help spread the word about the friendly bear, hardly noticing the fact that his hands were shaking until one of Piggy’s lavender gloved hands had covered one of his own.

Piggy was tough as nails when she wanted to be and she could run rings around those other actresses when it came to burying her feelings deep inside and putting up the professional mask. But even she was having trouble trying to hold herself in check; she may not have been as close to Fozzie as the others were, but she never denied she didn’t like the childlike bear. She never admitted it either, but she hoped he knew how much she did care about him.

Gonzo never minded putting himself in danger, but the thought of any of the others getting hurt was disturbing to him. Fozzie seemed to be the worse, with his sunny disposition and childlike optimism; perhaps it was worse because he had known the bear for so long, had spent so much time with him. Despite going their separate ways and his association with Rizzo, Fozzie was still one of his best friends, along with Kermit.

Kermit the Frog, ringleader, captain, and warden, had taken to pacing every few minutes. He had been sitting, just on the other side of Piggy, but as minutes started to turn to hours, he needed to move; he always could get restless, especially in times of stress. That’s why he could work for days straight sometimes. He also tended to get a bit self-reflective and not in a good way; as he paced, Kermit tried to remember what the last thing he had said to Fozzie. Had he told the bear how great of a friend he had been? That he considered him to be another, yet furrier brother?

That one day he was going to be his best man at his wedding?

He couldn’t remember if he had said anything like that, but he could remember the times he had gotten angry with him, when the inmates were running wild and he didn’t have time to soothe the feelings of a comic bear who was probably way too sensitive to be a comic in the first place.

“Well,” Scooter replied, walking up with Rowlf to the two seated Muppets. “I think between the three of us, we’ve managed to tell everyone what’s going on, while simultaneously stopping them from rushing down here in a mob.”

“Good call, Red,” Gonzo said, knowing a hospital full of unannounced Muppets was never a good sign for anyone involved unless requested.

“No word, yet?” whispered Rowlf. Both Gonzo and Piggy shook their heads in the negative. “Well, the boy wonder and I were talking about heading down to the cafeteria and getting some food.”

“I don’t think either of us is hungry,” Gonzo murmured, causing the brown dog to shake his head.

“It’s lunch time,” he said. “And I know we didn’t get through breakfast, Gonzo, and it’s a sure bet Scooter here hasn’t eaten anything at all, along with our illustrious captain.”

“I’m not hungry either,” came the mumble from said captain, who resumed his pacing, though the others were sure they heard him ask, “What is taking so long?”

Standing up from the chair, Piggy first glanced at the pacing frog before turning her attention back to Rowlf. “Get him something small,” she whispered. “He’s going to pick off it anyway, but at least some of it may get in his mouth. You know what he likes.”

“I don’t know,” Gonzo sighed. He had stood almost involuntarily at the same time Piggy had and was also keeping a third eye on the pacing frog. “Get some me candy or something. Or fruit. I don’t care.”

“A sandwich it is,” Rowlf nodded, completely ignoring anything the stuntman was telling him. “What about you, Princess?”

“I’m good.”

And immediately three sets of eyes glared at her.

“Fine,” she huffed. “Get me whatever you’re getting Gonzo.”

“A side salad then,” the dog nodded.

“Why did you even bother to ask?” grumbled Gonzo.

“Gives you the illusion of choice,” Scooter replied, automatically. He’d already had this conversation with Rowlf.

While the quartet discussed the merits of making someone eat when they didn’t want to, along with choosing their food like a parent towards a child, Kermit had stopped his pacing. It wasn’t because he had received an answer to his prayers or that he had suddenly come to a revelation; it wasn’t even because he wanted a say in this whole making him eat when he didn’t want to argument.

Bred from years of watching over nieces, nephews, and the lunatics that worked for him, the frog instinctively knew when someone was behind him and he seemed to always know when someone needed to tell him something important.

What caused the distraction that Kermit had desperately needed was the appearance of an ER doctor.


A look towards their leader told them what they needed to know and as one, the quartet turned to speak to the doctor that had shown up.

The man introduced himself as Grace, one of the ER doctors who worked on the drivers involved in the accident, namely Fozzie. The doctor was amazed at how little damage the comic actually sustained - a broken left leg and a dislocated shoulder, along with some cuts and bruises. The fact that he had been awake and talkative, though in pain, had been a good sign. As a precaution, they were watching for signs of any head trauma or internal bleeding, hence why he was still within a room in the ER, but the prognosis for him was good.

“Can we see him?”

Dr. Grace wasn’t sure who asked, as the question seemed to come from five different voices. “I can only let a few of you in, two, maybe three,” he began. “And only for about five minutes. He’s still sedated and we’ll be moving him to a room once we’re completely sure he’s out of the woods.”

“You guys go,” Rowlf said, pointing to the trio of Kermit, Piggy, and Gonzo. “The kid and I will steady the troops till you get back.”

“Okay,” Kermit nodded. “Yeah, okay. Thanks, Rowlf.”

“Just follow me,” the doctor said, leading the group to where the emergency room was. The rooms within the ER were set back from the actual trauma center and used for temporary housing for patients most of the time. From here, patients who were deemed out of the woods could be moved to regular rooms or those who may still be critical were taken to ICU.

It didn’t escape anyone’s thoughts that this accident could have been worse, much worse, seeing as it was a near pile up. In the movie universe, you could stretch the boundaries of belief if you wanted to, make the impossible possible, and defy the odds, but always – always – the good guys and gals would come out victorious.

Real life was never like a movie; sometimes the quickly thought up plan failed and the bad guys won. Sometimes, the hero even died.

Muppets, though usually more resilient than the average human, did indeed die, though luckily it was through age more than anything else. And luckily for the Muppets, they had only experienced a few deaths, such as grandparents, sometimes parents, but they couldn’t count the number of their friends that had died.

And Kermit liked it that way.

As did Piggy.

And so did Gonzo.

The thought of trying to imagine a world, a universe, that didn’t have a Fozzie Bear in it was just wrong. Even when they hadn’t talked to each other in seven years, the ability to easily pick up a phone or send an email or text was always available and if something had happened to one of them, they would have known about it.

About seven doors in, Dr. Grace stopped and opened the door, allowing for the trio to enter the room. While the doctors and nurses were fairly sure that the bear would be out of the danger zone in about an hour, it was still shocking to see him – his left leg hung in a sling, wrapped in a fresh cast that would no doubt be hard by the time they left, while his right arm hung in a sling.

A few band-aids were littered around his arms, with an IV connected to the arm that hadn’t been damaged.

“He’s still a little groggy,” Dr. Grace whispered. “And he might have some memory loss, so don’t start interrogating him about the accident. Remember, five minutes.” And with that, he left the three to their business.

Pushing down shock, fear, and pain, the trio approached, with Kermit and Gonzo taking to the bear’s right and Piggy making her way to the other side.

“Aw buddy,” the stuntman sighed, patting his friend on the leg. The action seemed to bring the bear out from his drug induced sleep because his eyes opened and the first thing he saw was a fuzzy green blur.


“Hey,” the frog said, grinning at the recognition. “How ya feelin’?”

“I had the weirdest dream,” the comic slurred. “I was on a cloud. And it was made of marshmallows! I was in marshmallow heaven!”

“Even sedated, you’re still dreaming about sweets,” Piggy murmured.

Hearing her voice, Fozzie turned his head and saw a fuzzy pink blur. Grinning madly at it, he asked, “Is this an angel I see before me?”

“It doesn’t work when Gonzo says it,” she huffed, good-naturedly. “So don’t expect it to work coming from you. Besides, I’m mad at you.”

“’M sorry,” he apologized. “Don’t be mad; wasn’t my fault. It was SpongeBob’s fault. He’s a talking sponge.” Turning his head slightly, Fozzie focused on the darkened wall at the end of his bed, as though he could literally see the yellow sea sponge standing there.

“I think he’s got ulterior motives.”

“Just how high was this marshmallow cloud of yours?” asked Gonzo.

“Gonzo,” warned the frog. “Hey Fozzie, what’s the last thing you remember?”

The bear turned his head back towards the frog, who was much clearer and frog like now. “I was on my way to the studios,” he started. “I was in the intersection and I looked and this car was coming at me and then after that, all I saw was stars. And not the little ones either! The big ones! There was Mr. Gervais and Whoopi was there and Kathy and Ms. Andrews was a singing umbrella, about sugar…”

The pause was dramatic and if he hadn’t been in a hospital bed, in the emergency room, it probably would have been a comedic pause. “I think Brad Pitt’s wife has a crush on me,” he whispered.

“Under any other circumstance,” Piggy said. “This would be recorded.”

“Know what would be good with that?” the bear murmured. “Horseradish.”

“I think we should let you get some sleep,” Kermit said.

“As hilarious as this is,” Piggy stated, leaning over. “If you put us through this again, you will be in so much trouble.” Then in a show of complete tenderness, she dropped a kiss on his forehead.


“Take it easy, Bear,” the stuntman said, repeating his earlier action of patting the comic on the leg.

“It’s hip to be square,” came the drugged answer.

“Seriously, let’s just drug him and put him on stage.”



Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
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OH MY GONZO GINA! Early chapter and Loopy Fozzie and The Waiting and WAAHH!!! I just love it!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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It's good to have another Muppet medical drama fic here.

Fozzie as the heart of the main team, plus the marshmallow heaven... Are you trying to keep him cast as Ray Stantz?

Ms. Andrews as a singing umbrella, something about sugar... That's one of my triggers!
*Locks and clicks ready to shoot.

I'm kind of agreeing with Gonzo. There's no way the hecklers could keep up with a drugged Fozzie. But like Daffy in the devil outfit, it's probably an act not meant for repeated performances.

Horse radish.

More fic please? :halo:


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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It's good to have another Muppet medical drama fic here.
I think I mentioned to Newsie once that this particular series was more dramedy than full on comedy, cause the Muppets get into drama spots (small ones, but drama none the less), but to her point, I do try to lighten it up every once in a while.

Fozzie as the heart of the main team, plus the marshmallow heaven... Are you trying to keep him cast as Ray Stantz?
I wasn't....but now...

Ms. Andrews as a singing umbrella, something about sugar... That's one of my triggers! *Locks and clicks ready to shoot.
Oh geez... :eek::eek::eek::eek:

But seriously, why do you hate that movie so? Granted, it's not one of my absolute favorite live action Disney movies, but it has Julie Andrews in it and you can never go wrong with Julie Andrews (except in Princess Diaries, despite also having Anne Hathaway, I am not a prepubescent girl).

Is too cheery against the book? Well, you know it is Disney, speaking of...

1. there's a movie coming out I guess about Disney working with the author of Mary Poppins. Don't remember the name, but it's got Tom Hanks as Disney and... Emma Thompson (?)

2. I've had this line in my head for like a week now - Piggy: when did we start giving out villain songs? Scooter: You know the reason (looks at her as something very clearly Disney/Mickey related passed by in the background). It's basically a jab at the fact that, at least in most Disney animated films, the villain gets a song.

I'm kind of agreeing with Gonzo. There's no way the hecklers could keep up with a drugged Fozzie. But like Daffy in the devil outfit, it's probably an act not meant for repeated performances.
I thought both lines were funny, though I did think they were inappropriate, but hence why Gonzo is saying it and not Piggy (though she's got her own). I figure that, because of the circumstances, they're nervous and are trying to keep the joking up, which kinda acts as a way of saying, "things are still okay."

Believe me, I've done it.

So what's on tap for next Monday?

* Well...I hadn't planned on it at first, but I threw in a villain.
* The bear realizes just how close he came to performing on the big stage in the sky

And some other stuff I haven't written down yet.