Family Guy was great up until the second year (inclusive) that they brought it back. Then the humor changed to convey a new audience, and the episodes suffered. Sure, there's a good adventure episode every so often, but it's just lazy. It's lazy because it's popular and there's no need to try if you're already on top. American Dad is far better written anyway. Even the Cleveland Show has more likable characters.
All Family Guy does now is just have all the characters be over the top nasty to each other. The one where Peter makes Joe's crying his ringtone was in poor taste. But gamers who desecrate bodies when playing Halo love that stuff.
South Park's offensive because it uses offensiveness to bring up a point. FG does it because they exhausted everything that was funny about the show from 1999-2004 and turned into a shell of its former self.
All Family Guy does now is just have all the characters be over the top nasty to each other. The one where Peter makes Joe's crying his ringtone was in poor taste. But gamers who desecrate bodies when playing Halo love that stuff.

South Park's offensive because it uses offensiveness to bring up a point. FG does it because they exhausted everything that was funny about the show from 1999-2004 and turned into a shell of its former self.