A Heart of Gold


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Lisa I hug you for this chapter times a million! There's so much happiness! The theatre, the banjo, the singing, everyone getting excited and then Piggy bringing in Robin and Kermit saying "Hi ho there" and Robin saying "Hi Uncle Kermit" and oh! It's so sweet and so wonderful and they're going to do a show and yea! ((((HUGS)))) for making me almost get up and dance at work (yes that's right, I'm reading this from work, but I almost always do so that's just how it is) then deciding I probably shouldn't dance if I want to keep my job. MORE PLEASE!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Quietly: Thank you Lisa. Great chapter. Would say more, but I'm a bit tired and need a breather. So many stuff I want to get to, but it just keeps piling up and there's not nearly enough time to do it all. Oh well, ideas for another day. Here at MC, where it rocks.


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Dec 14, 2004
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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAAAAAW!! Oh other half!! THAT WAS SO AWESOME!!! And you know what an awesome chapter needs?? An awesome review!!
And now said:
Kermit was reaching for his pillow to thoughtfully wrap his left arm around it and rest his chin. Fozzie noticed that the blankets on his bed, which had been extra-neat since his return, were now thoroughly scrunched and lopsided.
HA! Fozzie WOULD notice that!! HAHAHA!

A feat of amazing stupenduality! (More words for the PTD.) said:
More importantly, he noticed that Kermit's eyes, though still distant, were not nearly as distant as they had been in the past three days. They were filled with a certain magic that was always just out of reach; he was pleased, but ambitious.
Oh ho ho, VERY ambitious... *snickers* I love Fozzie... And Kermit's eyes. Very nice paragraph.

I will make said:
Fozzie had seen that look before, and he was scarcely surprised at the words that came out of Kermit's mouth. He was more surprised that Kermit had known he was there.
Ooh! How exciting! At first I thought they were gonna be about Piggy... Boy was I surprised!

"What's been going on with the theater, anyway?"

Yes! Right before your very eyes said:
"For the soldiers," Fozzie said.

Kermit smiled. "Thanks," he said quietly.

Fozzie shrugged bashfully. "Don't mention it," he said casually.
ZOW!! That is SO Fozzie and Kermit!! SO SO SO!!! WHOOOOOOOOO!!!

Or thick air said:
"We should do something," Kermit said, and Fozzie would have sworn that the magic was dancing. "I mean, it's been long enough since we did, don't you think?"

"Absolutely!" Fozzie said.
SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHA!!!! *squeals like littler girl/other half*

Yes! Now said:
"Where'd I put my banjo before I left..." he said as he walked straight to the corner where his banjo had been resting for far too many months. He picked it up, brought back to the bed, and set it in his lap. He looked it over with all the affection of a long lost friend.

Wait... Where'd I put my magic box...? said:
Fozzie grinned as he watched. From the doorway, many others were peering in with curiosity, and upon seeing the banjo, they spread wild whispers through the hall.

Hold on... Where did I put my other half?! said:
Kermit plucked a very familiar chord. He shook his head. He wasn't ready for that song, not yet. He plucked towards another song... But no, that song couldn't quite capture this moment.

Did I leave my magic box WITH my other half...? said:
He thought for a moment. Then he slowly smiled and began to pluck.
Camilla: Pluck plagawk?

No, you cluck, not pluck.

Or did I leave my other half with my magic box...? Hmm... said:
"When the curtain goes up and we hear the applause, it's the moment we live for, and you are the cause."
YA-HOO-HOO-HOO!!!!!!! *dances with song* *loves other half to death* *kills other half* Oops...:stick_out_tongue:

Gonzo! Have you seen my magic box? said:
With two pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other, Miss Piggy pushed through the crowed and leaned against the door jam to watch Kermit play. Most of the Muppets were still stuck in the hall, and Kermit's room was now standing-room-only. She jumped in at her solo.
HAHA! Of course she makes her solo! LOVE IT!

Hey Rowlf said:
Kermit grinned at her.
You're even ushy gushy when you're subtle!

No! Not my giraffe! My other half! said:
They flew through the song from there, and before long, it was reaching its close.

"Cause it's the sound that we adore! When you're shouting, more, more, more, more, MORE!"

No said:
She scooped him up and pushed into the room until she was sitting next to Kermit on the bed, with Robin in her lap.
OH I LOVE THAT PIG!! ...No Piggy, not like that. That's Kermit's position. One I never, ever wanna be in with a female pig. *braces self for karate based injury*

What?! NO! Don't send in a giraffe! said:
He wasn't paying an ounce of attention to her hands. He was looking straight at his nephew. "It sure will," he said as he set his banjo down, and he scooped Robin into his own lap and hugged him tight. "Hi-ho there," he said quietly.

And now I! The Amazing Prawnford said:
Robin hugged him even tighter. "Hi Uncle Kermit," he said quietly.
WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HOO HOOO HOOO!!! ZOWWWWWW!! It's so-*is trampled by giraffe*

...Ugh... More... Please...


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Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Eighteen

“Hi Dad!” Robin was on the phone after dinner. “Yeah, today was a really good day!”

Kermit was standing next to him, waiting his turn and watching his nephew with pride.

“Well some of Uncle Kermit’s friends from his unit came over for a little bit, so he’s in a good mood.”

That was the most Jimmy had heard of Kermit’s difficulty with looking at Robin. The young frog had simply said that sometimes Kermit was in a bad mood. Jimmy had accepted that from Robin, but had asked Kermit to explain. Kermit had just said that it was hard to adjust.

“Okay!” Robin was saying. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you too. Bye Dad!” He handed the phone up. “Here y’go, Uncle Kermit!”

“Thanks, Robin,” Kermit smiled at him. He took the phone. “Hi Jimmy!”

“Hey Kermit!” Jimmy said. “Good day today, huh?”

“Yup. A very good day.”

“So when are you gonna come visit the swamp?”

Kermit tensed. It was the same question every night. “Not yet,” he said.

“Not yet?” Jimmy said. There were faint sounds of a scuffle. “You’ve got about ten seconds to change your mind before Maggie steals the phone from me.”

Kermit grinned. “Forget the ten seconds and put her on,” he said.

“Aw, you take all the fun out of it...” Jimmy’s voice faded.

There was a pause as the phone changed hands.

“So what’s taking so long?” his sister’s voice demanded.

“And hi-ho to you too!” Kermit said. “I was wondering when you’d start bugging me.”

“Well it’s nice to hear you’re still Mit,” she said. “Come on, don’t you think you should see Mom?”

“Of course I do,” he said. “I just...” He thought of the torrent of young frogs that would greet him there. “I just need a little time here,” he said.

“Mit... Please?” Maggie whined teasingly. “What’ve you been UP to over there?”

Kermit glanced at Miss Piggy and smirked. What had he been up to? “Well um...” He squirmed. “Just... catching up.”

Maggie hesitated, assessing his tone of voice. “What KIND of catching up?” she pried.

He scrunched his face. “So how have you been, Maggie?”

“Oh, so THAT kind of catching up!” Maggie giggled triumphantly. “Well I’ve been waiting for my BROTHER to come home!”

“I’ll come, I’ll come,” he said. “Just not yet.”

“Why not?”

He took a deep breath. “Well I’d kind of like to get the ball rolling on a new show or something...”

“Ah, we’re second to your dream again,” she sighed.

“Hey, Mags-“

“I’m teasing!”

“Oh good.”

“You’ll come home soon?”

He took a deep breath. “As soon as I can,” he said.

“All right. See ya, Mit.”

“See ya, Mags.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

The building was still there, the glass doors were still glass, and the big sign still proclaimed it to be the Muppet Theater. Kermit could feel his heart pound as he gazed at it with pride and magic in his eyes. It was a wonder he wasn't twitching with the electric excitement coursing through his limbs.

"Ready Boss?" Scooter grinned as he put the keys into Kermit's hand.

"Ready and waiting," Kermit said. He unlocked and opened the door.

Most of the crowd rushed in ahead of him and vanished from the lobby. He took his time, walking slowly, gazing at every corner and niche and detail like the whole building was a present he had just unwrapped.

"This is great," he said softly in simple amazement. He looked at Fozzie. "This is great."

"Just like you left it!" Scooter said proudly.

Kermit smiled as he gazed at the walls. "It's great."

"Kermit?" Rowlf said. "It's just the lobby."

Kermit grinned at him. "It's a good lobby!"

Miss Piggy linked her arm with Kermit's good one. "Wait till you see the stage," she whispered to him.

Fozzie opened the next door, eager to reintroduce his friend to their theater. They proceeded into the house, and Kermit's eyes seemed to shine as they stretched across to the stage.

Fozzie grinned at him. "Welcome home, Kermit," he said.

Kermit breathed deeply, taking in everything. "Home," he whispered. After another moment, he slowly strolled down towards the stage, his arm still linked with Miss Piggy's, quietly scatting the theme song.

They stopped at the band pit, where several musicians were all ready setting up. Kermit looked them over with pride and gazed up at the stage.

"Hey Green Stuff," Floyd said as he chained Animal to the drum set. He nodded upwards. "Why not hop your froggy little self on up there?"

"I would," he said quietly. "But I can't balance right with my arm in a sling." He steered off to the left and led the small group away. "We'll save that for last."

They strolled through every room of the theater, including the dressing rooms, cafeteria, and the storage closets, until they finally stood at Kermit's desk. It was only then that Miss Piggy released his arm.

He put his hand on the back of his chair as his eyes danced over the desktop. He pulled the chair back, stood in front of it, and affectionately brushed his fingers along the edge. He smiled at the little white coffee cup with his name on it. Finally he turned his head and looked out at the stage.

"Boss?" Scooter said quietly.

Kermit looked at him.

"It's waiting."

Kermit looked at each of them. Their eyes were shining with encouragement and they nodded to him.

He turned and slowly stepped onto the stage.

They watched him, grinning broadly.

He crossed to center stage and looked out at the empty seats. He looked up at the blinding lights. He looked at the curtains. He looked at the stage he was standing on.

He smiled.

He looked at the box where Statler and Waldorf were not sitting.

He turned towards the wings. "Hey Fozzie?" he said. He nodded towards the box. "Are they still alive?"


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Dec 14, 2004
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Other half you made me cry!!! Tears of joy were rolling down my cheeks during that entire last section! YOU ROCK!! I LOVE YA HALF!!! YOU GET THE AWARD FOR BEST ENDING. EVER!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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And Prawny gets the award for unintelligibilite reply!
J/K. Great chapter Lisa. So good to know that Kermit's back home... Muppet Boarding House, check. Now the Muppet Theater, check. Only the swamp's left, if only they'd stop nagging... Then again, we don't stop nagging you for more story so why shouldn't they.

The sign that still confirmed the theater was still "The Muppet Theater", jab at Prawnydew's Don't Trip The Driver?
The band's there chaining Animal to the drums... Good.
Kermit's inspecting everything and Piggy only relinquished her hold when they reached the desk... Like the jailor paroling their ward, this was well done, as it helps reinforce her hold and the real world's hold on Kermit as he comes back into the welcoming arms of the magic of the Muppets.
Statler and Waldorf, not alive? *Gasp! Have they joined Uncle Deadly as roaming spirits of the stage? No, they're probably sound asleep back at the boarding house.

Thanks Lisa, more please!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Yea!!!! Kermit's back where he belongs, in the theatre! I love how happy that theatre makes him. I'm so glad he's there and it's just so wonderful. Interesting line about Statler and Waldorf. I'm sure there's a good reason as to where they are. :smile: Fun chapter, looking forward to more!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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DADDY SAID I CAN TURN MY COMPUTER BACK ON! YAAAAAAAAAAY! <Dances> I missed you guys! But I'm here now! And I'm gonna post another chapter! And by the way, the amount of story actually written is officially longer than all of Swamp Call! And it's not even done yet! And yes I fully intend to end every sentence in this post with an exclamation point because I'm just that happy to be BACK! For real! Without sneaking! HALLELUJAH! Okay I gotta go get the next chapter I'll be right back with more story YAAAAAAAAAY!


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Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Nineteen

"I'm nervous," Kermit said quietly.

He was sitting at the foot of his bed, his chin in his hands. Miss Piggy was next to him, her arms gently wrapped around him.

"Don't be," she whispered soothingly. She kissed his cheek. "They're your family."

"Yeah, but so's Robin," he said, dropping his hands and turning to look at her forlornly. "You know I needed time with him..."

"So take time with them," she said simply.

"But there's thousands of them," Kermit said. "I mean... Well you saw me when I saw Robin. He- he didn't need to see me like that. And they don't, either. I don't..." He sighed. "I'm scared I'll just start crying again. And then there'll be thousands of little frogs all upset and traumatized because Uncle Kermit's crying when he sees them instead of hugging and smiling and laughing."

She put her hand on his cheek. "Well," she said, "Vous don't... have to go yet." She pulled his face close to hers. "You could... stay here... with moi..." She kissed him softly.

"Mm…" He put his hand on her waist. "Appealing," he said. He frowned. "But I all ready promised Maggie we'd come tomorrow..."

"Oh, Maggie shmaggie," she growled, pulling him tighter. "You just got home..."

"I've been home a week," he said. He let his fingers walk up her back.

"Mm…" She nuzzled her head beside his. "Best week I've had all year..."

He sighed. "I can't back out of it now, Piggy," he said. "Robin's so excited for it..."

"It'll be fine, Kermie," she murmured.

He pressed against her. "Wish you could come with me," he mumbled.

She felt something stir inside of her. "You- you'll have Robin," she assured him.

"Yeah," Kermit sighed. He lay back on the bed, pulling her with him. "But there's some things Robin can't do..."

She curled up beside him and smiled. "For example?"

He smiled at her. "Things," he said simply.

She slid her arm across his stomach. "I'm afraid you'll have to... elaborate," she grinned.

"Get over here," he growled.

She propped her head up with her hand. "Make me."

He reached up and put his hand on her cheek.

She waited. Her heart raced. "Aren't you going to pull me down?" she asked.

He smiled at her. "I don't have to," he said.

He watched as her eyes accepted the challenge. "Wanna bet?" she growled.

"How much?" he grinned.

His hand softly stroked her cheek. Her heart was pounding, and he could see the effects. His hand trailed down to her neck and shoulder. She stiffened, but she refused to give in, even at the cost of looking away from his entrancing eyes.

"Come on, Piggy…" he murmured. His hand traced down her arm and back up, across her shoulder and to her cheek.

He set one finger on her lips and let them curl around it for a moment. When he pulled it away, she started to follow, but quickly remembered her resolve and stopped. He touched his fingertips to her cheek and made small, light circles.

When he slowly dragged his fingers down her cheek, and neck, and shoulder, and arm, she eased down to his side and kissed him tenderly with a soft, quiet whimper.

He wrapped his arm around her. "I win," he whispered. He pressed his lips to her shoulder.

She folded her arms around him. "Mm-hm…"

His lips were gentle and tender on her skin. "So, Nurse Piggy?" he murmured. "Can I take off my sling?"

"No," she gasped. "Yes- no… Oh, Kermie..."

He smiled. "Well which is it?" He nuzzled against her neck. "Yes or no?"

For a long moment, the only sound was her breathing.

"How long will you be gone?" she finally asked.

"Mm…" He kissed her neck. "Few days... Maybe a week..."

"Get the sling off," she gasped.

He didn't need to be told twice.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, relishing her sweet, passionate kisses.

She scooped him up, carried him to the head of the bed, pulled the blankets back, set him down, and pulled the blankets back up, kissing him all the while. She lay down beside him. "This," she whispered, "Is when I wish we didn't live with everyone else."

He pushed the blankets away. "Is it that late all ready?" he whined.

"Yes." She squeezed him tight and kissed him hard.

He tightened his grip and filled her neck with kisses. "Why not stay?" he said.

"Kermit! You-" She kissed his cheeks. "...Scandalous..."

He pressed her closer to himself and the bed. "I love you," he murmured.

"I love you too!" she whimpered. She kissed him. "I should go-"

"Nope." He pulled her tighter.


He nuzzled close to her. "Someday, Piggy," he murmured. "When my shoulder's better. I'll hold you so tight, you can't leave."

She caught her breath. "All night?" she whispered.

"All night," he murmured, and he kissed her.

When their lips parted, she focused on breathing. It was a talent that had somehow escaped her.

He reluctantly loosened his arms. "Someday," he sighed.

She kissed his cheek. "Someday," she whispered, and she pulled away to get his sling. "Don't argue," she said as she put it back on. "I know you need it to sleep."

"Yes ma'am," he grumbled. His good hand snatched hers and he pulled her in for one last kiss.

She kissed his cheek. "Good night, Kermie," she whispered.

"Sleep well, Piggy," he murmured.

She sighed as she straightened up. "Sweet dreams, Mon Capitan..." She watched him over her shoulder as she reluctantly trailed out the door.

Once in the hallway, she found herself face to face with Clifford, who was just coming up the stairs. Seeing her coming out of Kermit's room, he simply stared.

She glared at him. "You say one word-"

"Chill," he said. "I'm not stupid."

She folded her arms.

"I'm not suicidal, either," he said. "G'night, Piggy." He wandered on to his room.


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Dec 14, 2004
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She glared at him. "You say one word-"

"Chill," he said. "I'm not stupid."

She folded her arms.

"I'm not suicidal, either," he said. "G'night, Piggy." He wandered on to his room.
HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my gosh! I NEEDED that!! You KNOW how much I needed that half! Oh I hug you, glomp you, everything!! Love ya half! Great chapter! ((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))