A Heart of Gold

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Wow... That's so heavy I don't know what to make of it.
Beauregard: What do you usually make of it?
Never mind.

So heavy... It's got one foot in the grave almost.
Three-Legged Screaming Thing: That's nothing, you should see the foot I left back in Cleveland.
Nurse Janice: And he's got another foot on the operating table Dr. Bob.
Nurse Piggy: Well, what do you make of that Dr. Bob?
Dr. Bob: What else... A yard!

Some levity there... Great chapter, now clean up your room so you can get back to non-existance on this day of Wednes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Yeah, I agree with Ed, it was very heavy, but necessary at the same time. I'm so glad to know what happened exactly. It's no wonder there's so much pain in Kermit's eyes everytime he sees Robin. My only hope is that he'll be able to...I don't know, I suppose you never get over something like that but yeah...Anyway, very well written chapter, I liked how you did it in flashback. Must read more so you'd better clean that room young lady!


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Dec 14, 2004
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Half!! said:
Miss Piggy nodded. "I know that," she whispered. "We know." She jerked her head towards the house. "We stick together, too."
*gasping breath* I just... That's so... Wow... Wow... *whispering* Wow...

Piggy... I can hear her say it... (Of course I could also do an impression of her saying it, but it's not the same.) That's just... Wow... I love it so much... I may have almost gotten sick when Kermit... Well... The kid... But Piggy... Wow. Thanks other half. More please.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Um Beth... Don't you mean young "ladies"?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<hugs all around>

Okay, so here's the deal. So far, I have found:
12 water bottles
11 square feet of carpet (roughly)
10 empty containers
9 kinds of paper
8 old worksheets from school
7 school years worth of notebooks
6 pieces of "trash" from Israel
5 notebooks in progress
4 pairs of outgrown shoes
3 abandoned hobbies
2 cow slippers
And a partridge in a pear tree.

...You think I'm joking about that last one, don't you?

...Okay so I am.

But I have also found the long-lost kitchen timer, a book, three bags worth of garbage, and infinite amounts of dust. And I'm not done yet. You know those roughly eleven square feet of carpeting I found? I lost the rest of my room. But by this time tomorrow, it should be all taken care of, and I won't have to wait until the rest of the house is asleep to come on.

In the meantime... The next chapter is only rough if you absolutely despise ushy gushy. If that's the case, you have my sympathy. If not, set your soft cuddly things aside and enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Sixteen

Miss Piggy opened the door and headed for the stairs. She did not intend to waste time. "Has anyone talked to him?" she asked Fozzie on the way.

"No," Fozzie said, struggling to keep up with her. "We thought he needed some time to think, and-"

"He's had enough."

She opened Kermit's door and closed it behind her.

"Kermit the Frog, get over here," she snapped.

He did as he was told.

She folded her arms and tapped her foot, waiting for him to get close enough, her eyes measuring.

He stood in front of her.


He slammed into the opposite wall and sat on the floor.


Pain seared in his shoulder, and he took his sling off to rub it properly.

She didn't seem to care about that as she marched across the room and knelt in front of him. "Kermie, he wasn't some innocent little boy- he was trying to kill you!" she implored.

"But he was just a child!" he argued, straightening up and forgetting his shoulder.

"But he wasn't innocent," she said, jutting out her entire face. "He wasn't what a child is."

"But that's just what bothers me!" he said, his arms finding her waist. "He wasn’t innocent!"

"And Robin is," she said sharply, her hands on his shoulders. "It's not the same at all, Kermie. Stop thinking it is!"

"But where was their innocence?" his arms tightened. "There wasn't any there, Piggy!"

"But you're not there! You're here! And there is here!" Each word edged her closer.



He kissed her.

The kiss caught her off guard, but not nearly as much as how passionate it was. She responded in kind.

He held his aggression, even as he pulled his lips from hers, and pressed kiss after kiss onto her cheek and down to her neck. "Piggy," he murmured between kisses. "You know something?"

"Mm?" She was busying herself on his neck and collar.

He pressed his cheek firmly against hers. "I've missed that karate," he said.

"Mmmm!" She pressed harder against him and put new energy into her kissing.

Feeling her energy, he brought his lips to hers again, and squeezed her closer, returning everything that she gave him in equal measure. When he felt most her weight pressing against him, he turned and pushed, following her with kisses as she lay flat on the floor, thrilling to his every touch.

"Mmmm...." He did not shy from his self-assigned duty, showering her neck and shoulders with kisses. "Tell me," he murmured, "My lovely pig... how faithful have you been... because you're the only woman I ever dreamed of."

"Oh Kermie!" Her arms firmed around him and she strongly locked her lips with his before digging her face into his neck. "You know I'm yours," she growled.

He pulled her back, his hands gripping her tightly, and looked straight into her eyes. "Mine," he said firmly.

"Yes," she whispered.

He waited, grinning as she caught her breath. Then he dove in for another passionate kiss.

"Mmm!" She pressed him close to her.

He found his flippers and slowly stood up, pulling her with him. "Come here," he growled, and with that, they tumbled onto the bed. In the same motion that sent them there, he scooped his hand under the short skirt of her dress and set it firmly on her waist once more, skin against skin.

"Kermie!" she cried out, surprised.

"What?" he asked smugly.

She swatted at his hand from above the dress. "Get your hand out of there!" But her sparkling eyes told him something else entirely.

"Like I've never had my hand on your waist before," he said, leaning in.

"Yes, but-"

"When you were in a bikini," he pressed on, kissing her collarbone. "You 'member that?"

"OH!" His kisses were progressing up her sensitive neck. "Oh... of course..."

He stopped just short of her lips. "So do I," he murmured, and he kissed her sweetly.

She squealed with delight as her arms swept around him.

"Mmm…" He merrily kissed her cheek. "I like this," he said. "I can get used to this."

"Good," she panted.

He brought the freer of his two hands up to the back of her head, and slid his fingers into her hair. "We should do this... a lot," he decided.

"Mm-hm, keep kissing me."

He did. He also kept talking, albeit a bit more intermittently. "And I'll be yours."


"And you'll be mine."


He pulled away and smiled at her slyly, with every intention of pushing just the right buttons. "And don't you even think about flirting with anyone but me."

"HA!" She flipped over- it was his turn to be on his back, and never mind what her dress was up to. "Like vous can tell moi what to do!" She kissed him passionately.

"Mmmm…" He responded physically until she moved her lips to some other part of his face. Then his mouth took a more verbal path, while the rest of his body... didn't. "Maybe I will," he said. "Just remember..." He dug his cheek into hers. "You're not the only one in the house who knows karate anymore," he growled.

"WHAT?" She pulled back.

"Part of basic training," he grinned smugly, and he pulled her back down.

"Mmm!" she whimpered as she melted helplessly into his arms.

He pressed her onto her side, pulled back, and looked her over with a dreamy satisfaction. He quietly nuzzled in close. "Hi," he said simply.

She giggled and cuddled him closer. "Hi Kermie," she sighed.

"Missed you," he said.

"Missed you too," she whispered.

"This is nice," he said.

"Mm-hm," she agreed.

He kissed her tenderly, then pulled back and looked at her, his eyes seemingly baffled. "Piggy?" he said quietly. "What am I missing?"

She smiled. "A ring?"

He grinned playfully and tilted his head closer. "I mean something I've all ready had," he said. "Before I left."

Her smile broadened as she noted that he did not deny that he was missing a ring. "Hm…" she thought for a moment. "You haven't talked to Robin yet," she said, looking into his eyes. "You were supposed to do that before this."

"Well I know, but besides that," he said. "There's something else."

She thought for another moment, and then gasped lightly. "The show," she smiled. "The theater."

"Hm," he said. He kissed her cheek. "I guess that's it."

She watched as his face vaguely developed a certain sort of annoyance that he was trying to hide or ignore. "What's wrong?" she murmured.

He nuzzled closer. "My shoulder hurts," he mumbled.

"Oh!" She sat up slightly. "Your sling!"

He scrunched his face up. "I hate that thing," he said.

She kissed his cheek. "You need it, Kermie," she whispered. "It will help you heal." She tried to get up to go get the sling.

He tightened his grip and she fell back down to his side.

She sighed as she gave him a half-hearted glare. "Naughty frog," she grunted.

"Mm-hm." He pressed up to her.

"Kermie," she sighed wearily, "Your shoulder..."

"Maybe you can kiss it all better," he said.

She stiffened to protest. "Oh- you-"

"Please?" He nipped her neck.

She sank down and soothingly kissed his shoulder.

He held her sweetly and touched his face to hers. "Thank you," he said softly. "That feels nice." He kissed her cheek.

She firmly wrapped her arms around him. "Sit up," she instructed as she pulled him upright, and she kissed the back of his shoulder.

"Aw." He settled against her. "Gee, Piggy."

She straightened up and looked into his eyes. "Better?" she whispered.


She kissed his cheek. "You need your sling." She tried to stand.

"Wait," he groaned. He tightened his grip and pressed close to her. "My hand is still in your dress," he growled.

"Then get it out," she giggled.

He did so reluctantly, looked her over, and grinned. "I'm no clothes expert," he said, "But I'm pretty sure your dress doesn't go like that."

She looked herself over. "Not even close," she smiled. "What have you been up to?"

He grinned smugly. "You don't know?"

She stood up, straightened her dress, picked his sling up from where it was still lying on the floor, brought it back to the bed, and sat down. "We should keep this on you all the time," she muttered. "You can't be trusted without it."

"Putting me on a leash, hm?" he grinned.

She helped him into his sling. "How bad does your shoulder hurt?" she asked softly.

He sighed heavily.

She looked at him. "Do you want some aspirin?" she whispered.

He shrugged, reached out, and squeezed her hand. "You don't wanna stick around?" He smiled at her.

"I'll be right back," she whispered into his cheek.

She stood up, but he tightened his grip on her hand. She tugged, trying to get free, and he grinned at her.

"Are you always going to be this difficult?" She leaned in and kissed him sweetly for a long moment. Then she pulled back, keeping one hand on his cheek as she smiled at him. "Just wait for me," she said merrily. "Dream about the show." She turned on her heel and walked away, stopping at the door to smile at him, barely containing how giddy she really was.

She opened the door to see that, instead of being the refuge from his sweet eyes she had thought she would find, the hallway was crowded with concerned faces directed towards Kermit's room.

Taking in her rumpled dress and slightly tussled hair, their concerned eyes were only more questioning.

"He's much better now," she said simply, and she floated away.

The Muppets exchanged glances, and Fozzie went in.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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And now I must go to school, but EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss ya, Lisa!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Oh!!!! Ushy gushy goodness!!! This was wonderful Lisa! I like how after all this time they were both so hungry for each other! It was really cute. Looking forward to whatever you have up your sleeve next! Now go finish cleaning that room!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*head tilt*

Welp, can honestly say I wasn't expecting that just as I woke up.

*eyebrow raise*

Can also honestly say that I've never seen Kermit so... Um... Well... You see the word is... Ahem... Sexational? Sure, that sounds about right.

Well, I've said it before, I'll say it again, Kermit, you are one hardcore frog.

Great chapter Lisa. But honestly, HOW long can it take to clean your room?? TWO days?? Good grief that's sheer insanity (The bad kind)! And I have stuff to tell you!! Get that stupid room clean! I expect you on tonight young half of mine (Yes, I KNOW you're older than me). Tsk, tsk.

More please.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chapter Seventeen

Kermit was reaching for his pillow to thoughtfully wrap his left arm around it and rest his chin. Fozzie noticed that the blankets on his bed, which had been extra-neat since his return, were now thoroughly scrunched and lopsided.

More importantly, he noticed that Kermit's eyes, though still distant, were not nearly as distant as they had been in the past three days. They were filled with a certain magic that was always just out of reach; he was pleased, but ambitious. Fozzie had seen that look before, and he was scarcely surprised at the words that came out of Kermit's mouth. He was more surprised that Kermit had known he was there.

"What's been going on with the theater, anyway?"

"The theater?" Fozzie said, sitting beside him. "We've been renting it out for concerts and stuff- mostly for fund raising."

"Fund raising?" Kermit looked at him, and his eyes lost a great deal of their distance without losing a trace of magic.

"For the soldiers," Fozzie said.

Kermit smiled. "Thanks," he said quietly.

Fozzie shrugged bashfully. "Don't mention it," he said casually.

"We should do something," Kermit said, and Fozzie would have sworn that the magic was dancing. "I mean, it's been long enough since we did, don't you think?"

"Absolutely!" Fozzie said.

"Yeah," Kermit nodded. He set his chin on the pillow again. "That's what we'll do."

After a moment, he pushed the pillow aside and stood up.

"Where'd I put my banjo before I left..." he said as he walked straight to the corner where his banjo had been resting for far too many months. He picked it up, brought back to the bed, and set it in his lap. He looked it over with all the affection of a long lost friend.

Fozzie grinned as he watched. From the doorway, many others were peering in with curiosity, and upon seeing the banjo, they spread wild whispers through the hall.

Kermit plucked a very familiar chord. He shook his head. He wasn't ready for that song, not yet. He plucked towards another song... But no, that song couldn't quite capture this moment.

He thought for a moment. Then he slowly smiled and began to pluck.

"When the curtain goes up and we hear the applause, it's the moment we live for, and you are the cause."

Fozzie jumped right in. "We're gonna keep on singin' if you keep bringin' your laughter and mayhem, well who's in guffaws?"

The Muppets in the hall gave up on hiding and burst into the room, ready to carry the song.

"And we're not gonna stop till we get to the top!"

Kermit grinned and kept playing, but he let his voice quiet until he wasn't singing at all. He had known they would come.

"With a stomp and a shuffle, a skip and a hop!"

With two pills in one hand and a glass of water in the other, Miss Piggy pushed through the crowed and leaned against the door jam to watch Kermit play. Most of the Muppets were still stuck in the hall, and Kermit's room was now standing-room-only. She jumped in at her solo.

"And wheeeeeeeeeeen the camera's flashing I will pose-a-doz-en-pos-es! And wheeeeeeeeeeeen my song is over I'll receive a dozen roses!"

Kermit grinned at her.

They flew through the song from there, and before long, it was reaching its close.

"Cause it's the sound that we adore! When you're shouting, more, more, more, more, MORE!"

They laughed with delight at the song. Miss Piggy noticed Robin, just on the other side of the door, peering into Kermit's room apprehensively.

She scooped him up and pushed into the room until she was sitting next to Kermit on the bed, with Robin in her lap.

"Here, Kermie," she said, holding out the medicine and glass of water. "This will help."

He wasn't paying an ounce of attention to her hands. He was looking straight at his nephew. "It sure will," he said as he set his banjo down, and he scooped Robin into his own lap and hugged him tight. "Hi-ho there," he said quietly.

Robin hugged him even tighter. "Hi Uncle Kermit," he said quietly.