Search results

  1. Muppetsdownunder

    Crank Yankers: Henson influence or not?

    It comes back to the thing where lots of people think puppets are for kids or aimed at kids! THEY ARE NOT! PUPPETS ARE FOR ALL AGES! In the case of Crank Yankers this show is definately not aimed at kids. Most of the stuff in the show would go over a younger kids head anyway! Even the...
  2. Muppetsdownunder

    Wanted: Unedited Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas

    It probably would play because most homemade DVDs are region free. Commerical DVDs can also be made region free quite easily but it is illegal and especially if it is being sold. I dont think the "odd" trade here and there is bad at all especially if it hasnt been released officially but to...
  3. Muppetsdownunder

    Downloading songs from "Songs from the Street"

    Someone might be able to make a copy for you and send it to you. It shouldnt be illegal since you already bought the CD.
  4. Muppetsdownunder

    Free Fraggle DVD

    Thats a nice offer! You could have sold it to someone or even at a lesser price. Its nice to see generosity and see that not everyone isnt obsessed with money :)
  5. Muppetsdownunder

    Best deals at a flea market...

    I wonder why they were getting rid of it at the library, was it damaged?
  6. Muppetsdownunder

    Best deals at a flea market...

    I have that book too, theres a few muppet comic style books available. I love some of the books cos the illustrations can be so nice, especially books like Gonzo and The chicken and muppet manners.
  7. Muppetsdownunder

    Best deals at a flea market...

    I've found some good things in junk/op shops around here. I havent found much this year except for some old illustrated muppet story books and The Muppet Movie Record in near mint condition with poster for about 0.20c Aud. Last year Was the year that I found everything, I found an old...
  8. Muppetsdownunder

    The Tragedy in Russia

    I put my name on it. I hope everyone else does too. Its such a horrible tradgedy, lets hope that its the last, we can hope.
  9. Muppetsdownunder

    Getting cable in Australia

    Well thats good! I'm trying to get a trading group going within Australia so hopefully we can get a small group going for us Australian fans by the end of the year. I'd start one now but are going away for over a month next week so cant trade just yet.
  10. Muppetsdownunder

    What's that in the Swedish Chef's Kitchen?

    I found the jumper cables, I didnt realise that was what they were! I dont know what I thought they were though.
  11. Muppetsdownunder

    Hi, heed help to choose a new web hosting.

    I know! I thought I'd put the proper link in though! :)
  12. Muppetsdownunder

    The Tragedy in Russia

    I know, and thats the sad part. It would be so great if the world could be terrorism free.
  13. Muppetsdownunder

    Hi, heed help to choose a new web hosting.

    Heres the proper link to Koala Hosting in Australia. Koala Hosting :)
  14. Muppetsdownunder

    Mayhem's bus

    You are Lucky People! Most of us would be willing to give our limbs for that bus or even a ride on it! You could start a business with it to atleast cover the costs to keep it going and in good shape you could go round the country or even the world and charge a fee for a ride in it!
  15. Muppetsdownunder

    The Tragedy in Russia

    You can say that again! How could they do that to children!
  16. Muppetsdownunder

    Hi, heed help to choose a new web hosting.

    Well I can recommend an excellent host that I use and I think its the best around, it has everything you mentioned above and the cheapest plan is just $39AUD per year. Its an Australian company but can be used by anyone worldwide since I think the servers are located in the US anyway but its a...
  17. Muppetsdownunder

    Pro Monster Puppet. Angus Puppets

    She is one excellent puppet! I'd love to have that puppet but just dont have the money especially at the moment. Maybe one day I'll be able to buy an Angus puppet!
  18. Muppetsdownunder

    Happy Birthday Krazedmuppet

    Happy Birthday! theres sure alot of birthdays this month! :)
  19. Muppetsdownunder

    Mayhem's bus

    Are you one of the lucky ones who bought the bus?
  20. Muppetsdownunder

    Collection For Sale on Ebay!

    So would I, thats if I was a billionaire! Theres many more things that I could think of spending that money on, including a professionally built puppet! you'd probably get a pretty good one for that price too!