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  1. Muppetsdownunder

    Collection For Sale on Ebay!

    By the way, here is the link to the auction.
  2. Muppetsdownunder

    Collection For Sale on Ebay!

    Thats right about collectings not selling! I've seen them on ebay Australia and they never sell. It is an excellent collection youve got there and I'd be willing to give an arm and a leg for it myself but don't have that kind of money at the moment. Plus it would be heaps in postage to...
  3. Muppetsdownunder

    The Tragedy in Russia

    This is a horrible tragedy that should never have happened. Its bad enough when other places are targeted but a school would have to be the worst, most evil. theyre only children, they should atleast keep them out of it. The hostage takers you wouldnt even be able to describe them as animals...
  4. Muppetsdownunder

    Happy Birthday Muppetsdownunder

    Thanks everyone! I thought I was seeing things when I saw this thread! thanks again!
  5. Muppetsdownunder

    This is rather sad...

    That is sad! I hate it when websites get closed down. Its pretty stupid that it happened cos even if if video and audio was being "sold" through the site which it wasnt noone would be losing out in it since Sesame Street don't really release much of the older stuff anyway.
  6. Muppetsdownunder

    Janice R Lew Zealand. Swinetrek R Swedish Kitchen

    Some online retailers don't always have what they have listed in stock, you might find that some older items arent available if you went to buy them.
  7. Muppetsdownunder

    Anyone seen Big Trouble in Little China?

    I think it was on TV here a few weeks ago and it was pretty good.
  8. Muppetsdownunder

    UK Disney Store now stocking Muppets!

    I've seen some of the Sababa ones in real life and on the internet and they all look pretty good to me, they may not look exactly like a certain muppet but I think they are great and very nice quality.
  9. Muppetsdownunder

    Dealing With Depression/Breakups/Life

    Sorry to hear that! Hope things start going better for you soon. :sympathy:
  10. Muppetsdownunder

    Happy Birthday Furryfella(Chuck)

    Happy Birthday Buddy! :) Hope you have a great day!
  11. Muppetsdownunder

    UK Disney Store now stocking Muppets!

    They do look a little, ....... deformed! lol Theres one bonus to that though, atleast I won't feel bad about not being able to get all of them! Miss Piggy looks like the best likeness to me. I like the sababa ones better, they seem better quality too.
  12. Muppetsdownunder

    My VHS and DVD Collection! Please rate it.

    Theres millions of DVD titles worldwide!
  13. Muppetsdownunder

    The Foam Book

    I know here in Australia at least NTSC DVDs/videos work just fine on Australian PAL TVs, even our old TV works ok with it and most DVD and video players here at least play both PAL and NTSC as some Austrlaian DVDs are released in the NTSC system.
  14. Muppetsdownunder

    My VHS and DVD Collection! Please rate it.

    Theres millions of DVD titles worldwide!
  15. Muppetsdownunder

    The Muppets at the Bank in UK

    I saw that on the site aswell. I'm planning to get to Trafalgar square so hopefully I'll be able to pick some up. Wish there was someone in London who wanted a meetup then I'd be able to get them to get some for me and pay them when I get there! Any pictures of these yet?
  16. Muppetsdownunder

    UK Disney Store now stocking Muppets!

    They sound good. are these the same ones as the ones found in the Disney parks? if not are they available there aswell? Are these exclusively made for UK disney stores or do they have them in the US aswell and Disneyland?
  17. Muppetsdownunder

    Muppet Show 2005 calendar

    Well we don't get any muppet calendars here so I'd be happy even with the same one year after year.