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  1. Beebers

    Muppet Central Dreams

    Well, it's my fault that things got testy, I'm sorry. I was being stupid/silly just making meaningless jokes and it set people off, and I apologize. I hadn't meant to get anything going. xox. :cool:
  2. Beebers

    MC Book Of The Month Discussion

    Did they? I've no idea. Does that matter, that they've done it?? Okay, suggestions so far are Neverwhere, Wizard of Oz, something from Grisham, Clancy, Christie, et al., . . . any other ideas? Are we ready to vote yet?? :cool:
  3. Beebers


    Xtremely cool. It's always fun to see someone you care about in these things. :cool: :cool: :cool:
  4. Beebers

    Feeling down

    Thanks Erin. Was a long time ago now and I've also been very fortunate in many ways. There is always, always someone who has been, or is under worse duress than oneself. Makes our own troubles seem small indeed. xox. :)
  5. Beebers

    MC Person of the Month

    :D :D :D Well okay, I'll now forever wonder who wrote that first letter. That was smmmmmmokin', or they were, that would be it LOL. Zee cows and coyotes will be very pleased indeed about their Honorable Mention here on MC. There once was a forum called MC On which, there once was a...
  6. Beebers

    Muppet Central Dreams

    But, was it zee Lingerie Ladies doing the Pledge of Allegiance? :D :D :D . . . I pledge allegiance . . . to . . . oh, never mind
  7. Beebers

    Muppet Central Dreams

    :D :D :D Dream, when you're feeling blue . . . :sing:
  8. Beebers

    Feeling down

    By the time I was 19 both my parents were dead, my very beloved childhood home was sold and gone forever, and my entire sibling family permanently blown apart by grief, loss, accidents and mental instabilities. Of the 8 members of my immediate family I am the only one who survived in the actual...
  9. Beebers

    Muppet Central Dreams

    Zee busboy NEVER gets zee girl, not to worry. :cool:
  10. Beebers

    Muppet Central Dreams

    :D Right, yes, well, that could be what I had in mind, subconsciously anyway . . . :D :D There's certainly lots of potential here . . .
  11. Beebers

    MC Book Of The Month Discussion

    Yes, I think we'll need a bit of structure to it. Maybe six weeks, to finish a book? Maybe a Club Secretary, to keep track of things? *raises hand and volunteers*. I like the suggestion-then-vote idea too. We could post a Suggestion Post each time we're ready to start a new book, and we...
  12. Beebers

    Muppet Central Dreams

    Oh, ow, sorry Scoot, I meant, as zeee busboy or something, now Beau will be mad at me I'm doomed either way lol. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  13. Beebers

    Muppet Central Dreams

    omg. *laughing*. I was wondering why you'd written, "I never saw this thing before." In your reply post. Couldn't figure that out! Well, Beau, that was an old dream. You're probably in her dreams now dear. :D
  14. Beebers

    I Hate Muppets!

    Merely a technicality. ;) :)
  15. Beebers

    I Hate Muppets!

    That originated in Beauregard's fine mind. At 2 in zee morning, or thereabouts - and jediX and FISH'N'WOLFE were zee first to join him, at that hour, then me, and it just snowballed on its own from there, as we'd hoped it would lol. Phil loved it, (it's his avvie we stole,) the thread is in...
  16. Beebers

    Building the Puppet Workshop

    :D It's for April Fool's lol. (See MC Avvie thread in Fun and Games.) :D
  17. Beebers

    MC Person of the Month

    I think it must have been for April Fool's. They got us good . . . me at least; I actually voted and wrote a nominating letter. C'est la vie. :( :( :(
  18. Beebers

    MC Book Of The Month Discussion

    I'm somewhat overdosed on all things LOTR at this point, in part because I've read the series so many times and in part because of the films, though I'm crazy about them. However - I'll go along with the majority rule each time, n/p. I very much like Whatever's suggestion. I've not read...
  19. Beebers

    The perils of the sickness :(

    DO something, dear. DO NOT let it go any longer. It may or may not be strep any longer, may be other Germy Friends. But, beaker, strep can permanently damage the heart, among other things, please do something about it lol, you're making me crazy now. :concern: :concern: :concern:
  20. Beebers

    Building the Puppet Workshop

    When you have a table that big, there's the luxury of covering one section of it with plexi over the carpeting for cutting etc. Just screw it in with small screws, and you can then remove it any time, or have it on and off back and forth as suits you. If you do the carpet, and it's highly...