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  1. Beebers

    Muppet Central Dreams

    ;) :p ;) Also glad you came back hokayhokay. :cool:
  2. Beebers

    MC Person of the Month

    Aw, Fozzie, wow. I love it, thank you for being my driver, can't think of anyone better. *CRASH . . . could someone help those leetle olde ladies?* xox. You guys, such Nice Peoples. :D :cool: :D
  3. Beebers

    1000th post!

    YOWZAH. YAY. Gads, he's everywhere BUT the hot tubs! LOL. ;)
  4. Beebers

    Full-body costume puppets

    I knew nothing of any of this. It matters not. Public attacks, and public attacks over what should be private issues, are inappropriate. That's what private meetings are for, to hash these things out. And I hold as high an opinion of Buck now as I did before reading this thread. :cool:
  5. Beebers

    My Weird Al Concert Review!

    Don't believe that shoe stuff, John, Andy was the guy in the clown shoes. J/K. :D
  6. Beebers

    MC Person of the Month

    The black backfield is really sharp, not what I was expecting at all, really good-looking. And I'm relieved it doesn't actually read Person of Zee Month on it, would seem a leetle puffed-up to walk around with that all over zee place for a whole month. This is just right. Rather elegant...
  7. Beebers

    MC Person of the Month

    Thank you, Justin, and I love zee avvie, veryvery spiffy indeed. :cool: :cool: :cool:
  8. Beebers

    Happy Birthday Jamie Frogboy

    Many happy returns to zee Talented Mr. Jamie. :) :cool: :cool: :)
  9. Beebers

    What are your stories?

    :D Into each life, some plumbing must fall . . . :D :D
  10. Beebers

    Full-body costume puppets

    Ditto to zee ditto lol. Rubber chicken, anyone? :D
  11. Beebers

    What's Your Jedi Name

    Cool. Possibly zee first pronouncable one lol. :D
  12. Beebers

    Full-body costume puppets

    Eeeet was zee euphemism, lol. :D :D :D
  13. Beebers

    What are your stories?

    Welcome to MC. I'm still a bitty child myself so it all works out nicely lol. Actually, I'm hurtling rapidly toward the Other End of Life. Senior Member is literal, in my case. Enjoy your stay at MC. When you get to 1000 posts there are hot tubs and bellboys and popcorn and things in the...
  14. Beebers

    Full-body costume puppets

    Stop attacking Buck. Anyone who's doing it. *steps in, lands big fat right hook, returns to sandbox*. Really. I mean it. Buck's integrity brings considerable value to this forum. Agree to disagree, without attacking. :attitude: :attitude: :attitude:
  15. Beebers

    Old Forum: Need a picture next to your membername?

    Yes this is where People Are Nice. I can barely hang onto my own avvie lately let alone help someone else but I know that Fozzie Bear, Beauregard and JediX are all good at avatar help, and there are probably others I'm not aware of. Keep posting here, someone will help you out. :cool:
  16. Beebers

    MC Book Of The Month Discussion

    Here's what we have so far: LOTR anthology original Wizard of Oz John Grisham Agatha Christie Star Trek Tom Clancy Neverwhere Hitchhiker's Guide to Zee Galaxy :cool: :cool: :cool:
  17. Beebers

    My Weird Al Concert Review!

    But AndyWan, which clown shoes did you wear? The orange-with-multi-color-polkadots? The purple-green-blue paisleys? Or zee light-ups? Did you put out any streetlights for Al for entertainment? These are important questions and inquiring minds want to know. :D :D :D
  18. Beebers

    MC Person of the Month

    I've not seen it yet. The addy in my MC profile is defunct so if you decide to send it's It's a shared addy for now so just flag it TO LAUREL in zee subject bar and I'll see it. Justing has that addy, btw. And, thanx everyone for all zee good wishes...
  19. Beebers

    MC Book Of The Month Discussion

    :D :D :D
  20. Beebers

    MC Book Of The Month Discussion

    I'm up for anything other than LOTR. If we hash this out long enough we'll be like The National Procrastinators' Club . . . they've never had a meeting because they keep putting it off lol. :D