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  1. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    **gasps** I... Uh... Excuse me... **places "Buns of Steel" videos in gym** **places buns of cinnamon in kitchen** Now to find a great place to view the work-out (perhaps I should sell tickets).. :) :halo:
  2. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    Powell served in the military. And I respect him more than anyone else in this administration. But I wouldn't quite call Cheney the "experienced military man". Bush's decision was made before September 2002. We would have gone to war then had it not been for the uproar. Going to the UN was...
  3. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    You'd think he'd eat muffins. (Goodness, it's a miracle he doesn't weigh 5,000 pounds) :)
  4. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Now if only we could get someone stationed in his cereal cupboard. I'll bet he eats his Wheaties!
  5. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    But there is truth at the heart of the matter. Bush wanted war. Powell basically said "Let's not go to war just yet," and Cheney and Rummy got really ticked off. So did Bush. Peace was never an option for this lot. War was the first, last, and only solution for them.
  6. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    Ever since the summer, Bush has been wanting WAR.,,1059-370088,00.html Peace was not an option. He only went to the UN to make some people quiet down.
  7. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    Diplomatic measures with Iraq were rushed, at best. Bush wanted war and only went to the UN after there was an outcry from the international community. They were rather ticked off at us for wanting to go at it alone. The "diplomatic measures" were a joke.
  8. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    If this whole war is about WMD, then why aren't we invading North Korea? They have WMD. They are a lot closer to us than Iraq. They have threatened to use them against us. Why aren't we liberating the people of North Korea as well?
  9. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    I would like to bring up "The Great Letter C Boycott" as Exhibit A... ;) :)
  10. EmmyMik

    Hmmm. Curious...

    Potato chips. Ewwwwwwwww. They make me urpy. :o
  11. EmmyMik

    Hmmm. Curious...

    You're on your own there dude... :)
  12. EmmyMik

    War Coverage: Gratuitous or Necessary?

    One of the main things that upset me is how they were treating this like the freaking Super Bowl. "Countdown to Iraq" "It's like a coin toss." I half expected Terry Bradshaw to pop up and talk about how the US is on offense and defense as well as Iraq. I mean, don't these people...
  13. EmmyMik

    Hmmm. Curious...

    Yes, as the Unofficial Official Proofreader of MC. Wear your new unofficial title with pride, my friend. :)
  14. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    sidcrowe That was very well-thought out, and I couldn't agree with you more.
  15. EmmyMik

    Hmmm. Curious...

    I take it you don't like my new song. ;) (besides, why should *I* think about grammer and spelling and so on when I have you around here to proof-read my posts) ;) :)
  16. EmmyMik

    Hmmm. Curious...

    I'm glad someone noticed. It kind of expresses my thoughts on what's going on in the world (plus I *love* Dr. Seuss. Perhaps one of the greatest thinkers of our time. Seriously)...
  17. EmmyMik

    Your OTHER Name...

    My *real* name is Emily. My mom sometimes calls me "Molly" (that's my sister's name) or "Penny" (which is my poodle's name). But I don't think I have any names that really annoy me...
  18. EmmyMik

    Hmmm. Curious...

    That sound you just heard was my head exploding. I hate English. I hate grammer. I hate spelling. It is pointless and stupid. (that's actually my new song that I just now made up. Reading it isn't the same as me singing it in my 4 year-old like way)
  19. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    Re: Is that the First Amendment I see flying out the window on the back of that pig? Thank you. I'm surprised I haven't seen any headlines that say, "France and Germany are Poopy Heads" and "My Dad Can Beat Up France's Dad"...
  20. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    You sound like Mr. Rogers, lol...