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  1. EmmyMik

    Members Survey

    But since they're so rare we could make a fortune!
  2. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Re: Re: dummyhead dummyhead Maybe not. Perhaps she has a thing for Gus Baretta, traveling harmonica player.
  3. EmmyMik

    Members Survey

    We've just entered a new area code of weird...
  4. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    BBB! :)
  5. EmmyMik

    Members Survey

    I like bean eating movies starring George Wendt!
  6. EmmyMik

    Members Survey

    <Southern accent> Would ya like to take a survey?</Southern accent> Computer: Mac or PC ? Mostly PC (I sometimes use the Mac lab at school) Model and/or year? Have no clue (I'm not much help. Plus I use various computers) Type (School, home, business)? Home and School Connection...
  7. EmmyMik

    The Sims

    Not the Warrick! :)
  8. EmmyMik

    Is Grover dead?

    I'm sure that if you play some Sesame Street records backwards you might hear, "Grover is dead. Grover is dead." ;)
  9. EmmyMik

    The Sims

    Yeah, I wanna borrow Greg. And Nicky! And Warrick! Goodness, I'm gonna need a bigger room, or I'm gonna have to start using the crawl space in the basement... ;) :)
  10. EmmyMik

    The Sims

    I got 'em from this site: Sadly, they don't have a Greg skin (and that's a shame, because I heart Greg. But when I created my CSI house, I just picked a Sim and made him Greg, the lab tech of my dreams)...
  11. EmmyMik

    The Sims

    Cheat codes rock. My Sims don't need to work (although one does, but that's because everyone ignores him. Poor Greg), yet they can have the most expensive stuff. They like to spend their days in the hot tubs (or the "Luv Tub" as I like to call it) and gril (every time Gil grill's he sets...
  12. EmmyMik

    The final "Farscape" shows...

    Nutbunnies!!!! I forgot that this was on last night. Of course I've been out of it lately (I woke up this morning, wondering what exams I had today. Then I realized that I didn't have any. And then that's when I realized that I missed the Back to the Future cartoon on Fox. Darn it all!)...
  13. EmmyMik

    The Sims

    Is anyone else addicted to this highly addictive game? I love it. I recently downloaded some CSI skins (because right now CSI is my super favorite show), and I have spent hours upon hours manipulating my favorite crime scene investigators to do whatever I want them to do. **evil laughter**...
  14. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    The only up those articles was to show that back in August and September, Bush wanted war then. Never peace, never diplomacy. Just war. Am I anti-Bush? Yes. I strongly believe that war should be the very last option for solving problems. And even then, you have to question, "Is this...
  15. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Well not off the top of my head. That's what my "I Luv Bill 4-EVER" diary is for. Duh. ;)
  16. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    This is what happens when I am on 5 hours of sleep, take a Biology final, and play the Sims all day. Or maybe it isn't. What do I know. :)
  17. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    This is true. Because I sent the survey to you, and I talked about Ding(us)... :)
  18. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Good answer my friend, good answer... ;)
  19. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    So this brings up the question: If Bill Barretta arm wrestled David Bowie, who would win? :)
  20. EmmyMik

    Interesting Gulf War News

    The invasion of Iraq didn't happen then, but the Republicans used it to their advantage (questioning the patriotism of the Democrats who questioned). And while we're on the subject of the 2002 elections, why was it that Bush wanted to invade Iraq in September, it was something that he said...