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  1. EmmyMik

    Update on It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie Realese

    I stand by my Saved By the Bell comment. Zack Morris=Super Cute Guy!
  2. EmmyMik

    Update on It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie Realese

    I have no idea which is better news. The Christmas Movie on DVD or Saved By the Bell on DVD... **runs and hides from the taunting that I shall receive** :)
  3. EmmyMik

    Anyone else here Beatles Fans?

    My library has EVERYTHING! Well, not everything, but they have a lot of stuff. In the past I have reserved a few CDs, I was just too lazy to go over there an pick 'em up (or I had lost my library card)...
  4. EmmyMik

    Who do you never want to see with in 20 thousand miles of the Muppets

    Word. Actually, I don't want them anywhere near *me*. Not even the mention of their name. Evilness...
  5. EmmyMik

    Anyone else here Beatles Fans?

    I am a Beatles fan too. But alas, I only have 2 of their albums ("1962-1966" and "1967-1970". These record albums actually belong to my mom). I have borrowed a couple of my Dad's CDs ("1" and "Abbey Road". Love 'em both). I've been meaning to check out some CDs from the library, but I'm too darn...
  6. EmmyMik

    Bye everybody! I'm leavin' to audition for Disney!

    Break a leg, an arm, or whatever you need to break for luck (or to gain the sympathy votes). Say "hi" to the animals for me, and if there's a gift shop, be sure to stop by and ask, "What are your hours?" and "Do you have any playing cards?" :)
  7. EmmyMik

    New Muppet Show Update?

    He probably asked his Magic 8-Ball... "Magic 8-Ball, will there be a new Muppet Show?" :)
  8. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Plus we're "sisters" (because our Daddies rock!)! :)
  9. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    I'd be very cranky and give people dirty looks. Like if they're a Boy Scout (by the way, I don't mean to offend any current/former Boy Scouts. We get A LOT of them at the museum, and they are just HORRIBLE! Nasty little brats. So they have soured the image of Boy Scouts)...
  10. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    See of course *now* I'm not busy (ah, but wait until June. I just may explode. Or even in may when the museum will be INVADED by 15,000 Boy Scouts. I shall be very snippy). Of course having DSL helps. A lot.
  11. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    It could be worse. Jackie and I have been known to cause a lot of mischief in a short amount of time (although at the moment I'm busy and don't have much time for mischief). Like the time we decided that we were sisters (LOL! I still laugh). Or the whole "My Letter to Dave Goelz" thread back...
  12. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is an Ugly Muppet Mans!

    I was actually thinking of starting a thread like this... (of course that's not saying that I won't invent a holiday, call it "Fool Your Friends With Practical Jokes Day" and then get you all!)
  13. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Indeed. They should get a room! ;) :)
  14. EmmyMik

    MC Friends and Family Photo Album

    I think that's actually a pretty cool idea. Long before I joined MC I was at a Chichago Cubs website (go Cubbies!), back in the days when wasn't owned by MLB, but by the club, we actually had something like that. One member just put together a website with all of the pictures that we...
  15. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

  16. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    OMG! That made me laugh so hard (but trying not to laugh too loud 'cause people are sleeping) that my jaw made a funny sound. Now it hurts. :)
  17. EmmyMik

    Bill Barretta is a Sexy Muppet Mans

    Age is a number, Bill is forever! BBB! :)
  18. EmmyMik

    Members Survey

    Is there such a thing as bean eating movies? But I would love to go to a bean eating movie starring George Wendt...
  19. EmmyMik

    Members Survey

    Maybe he likes to eat beans and George Wendt movies too...
  20. EmmyMik

    Members Survey

    I like to eat beans at George Wendt movies...