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  1. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    Nice find. It's now not too hard to imagine an alternate reality in which Matt continued to play Gordon well into the 1980s.
  2. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    Carla Pinza. Here's the link to her one existing episode which is viewable at the library of congress:
  3. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    Less discussed is the first Maria... She was pleasant enough, but a little stiff with the kids. She probably would have loosened up with more screentime, but it ultimately made sense for Maria to be more of a young adult role, and Sonia was, of course, the perfect choice. Arguably worse than...
  4. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    Garrett was so forgettable that after filming 5 episodes with him, everyone promptly forgot his name for 40+ years... even his costars Bob and Loretta. To be fair though, I don't think Hal was really that much better.
  5. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    Yes, that was the one!
  6. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    Of course, I realize now that other Gordons were featured on some of the Sesame LPs I owned in the 70s. But I naturally assumed it was all Roscoe (even though I think Hal Miller appeared on the cover of one of them... it still didn't register).
  7. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    It seems like 2 years isn't quite long enough to be remembered as anyone's Gordon if you're bookended by two better actors. I imagine the older kids held onto their memories of Matt while the younger kids immediately latched on to Roscoe. But what about Garrett? Are there still a handful of...
  8. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    I grew up with Roscoe Orman, and I suppose that he will always be my sentimental favorite. I even got to meet him as a kid! But Matt Robinson is consistently very funny and edgy, and is probably objectively my favorite Gordon. He is all about improvisation and would be a completely different...
  9. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    I'd take Racecars Spies alone over virtually anything that has been produced by ctw in the last 40 years.
  10. dvakman

    Human Cast Catelogue--Please Check!

    Has anyone mentioned Kate?
  11. dvakman

    Mr. Hooper's Last episode

    You could still hear David on voiceover segments for a number of years, which was nice.
  12. dvakman

    Mr. Hooper's Last episode

    He was probably still appearing in inserts throughout season 14. But from a production standpoint, the writers would require several months at the very least to decide how to handle the delicate situation and then execute the plan. As we all know, episode 1839 was thoroughly researched and...
  13. dvakman

    Mr. Hooper's Last episode

    The nice thing is, if you ever get the chance to view episode 1790 at the library of congress or wherever, the last Hooper scene is actually hilarious. It's vintage Mr. Hooper and doesn't really leave you feeling sad at all.
  14. dvakman

    RIP Emilio Delgado

    When I think of Emilio/Luis, in my mind I see this youthful, vibrant guy, always friendly and willing to lend a helping hand, not too cool to get silly and goofy at times, and with a really pleasant, soothing singing voice. When I was a child, I actually thought it was Luis singing on all those...
  15. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    Fantastic news that 1814 exists! This has been a great week for SS fans, between that news and the vintage episodes added to HBO Max...
  16. dvakman

    Mr. Hooper's Last episode

    I was certainly unaware going into 1983, even though I would have been one of the older regular viewers by that time. I kept wondering why he hadn't turned up in a while, but the possibility that the actor playing Hooper was ill or had died wouldn't have occurred to me. I mean, Sesame Street...
  17. dvakman

    Unearthing previously "lost" Sesame Street episodes

    I have a question for our muppet wiki experts about the episodes with recycled plots. As far as you're aware, if back in the day you decided to "skip" the episodes with recycled plots, would you have missed out on any segments? In other words, did the episodes with recycled plots ever contain...
  18. dvakman

    Sesame Street Season 3 Episode 330 - Fix-It Shop Opens

    Well, he (or she) did say "please"! :stick_out_tongue: Fans will be fans. Fair enough. The word "fan" is derived from "fanatic", after all. But from your envied position, it's a small price to pay, surely? By posting in forums and elsewhere, you maintain a rather public profile, and given the...
  19. dvakman

    Sesame Street Season 3 Episode 330 - Fix-It Shop Opens

    Wow, that's pretty rich coming from a guy who already has access to all the episodes for free. In case you haven't noticed, HBO Max is a paid subscription service. I personally pay $14.99 a month for it. That adds up to $179.88 per year. I assume the poster you're referring to, SuperAJ71, is...