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  1. JimmyDeanDog

    Muppet Character on Cover of Seattle Publication

    Seattle STRANGER Cover Yes, I thought so too! Well, this weekly publication IS 'strrrange!"... :)
  2. JimmyDeanDog

    Muppet Character on Cover of Seattle Publication (changes after 11-8-06) Which Muppet character is this again? ..and is that supposed to be JESUS? WHY would they use this one?...anyone know?
  3. JimmyDeanDog

    ELMO on "Today" Show 9-6-05

    Thanks MelissaY1 - My whole point here (as the starter of this thread) is that there was not ONE MENTION of the Muppets during that interview! That struck a nerve people.... ================================================== Here's the video if you can get it...
  4. JimmyDeanDog

    ELMO on "Today" Show 9-6-05

    Elmo a Muppet Certainly after 22 years of doling Elmo, I have the utmost respect for Clash. However when watching this interview, I just thought he'd AT LEAST mention the Muppets and Jim Henson...who actually IS the creator OF Elmo, right?... It's like Carol Spinney being on TV and NOT...
  5. JimmyDeanDog

    ELMO on "Today" Show 9-6-05

    I just caught an interview with the man behind "Elmo" on NBC-TV's TODAY Show this morning. NOT ONE MENTION of the "Muppets" - or that if Elmo actually "IS" a muppet! Good segment, but I thought the no mention was rude and unthoughtful. Anyone else catch this?
  6. JimmyDeanDog

    New DVD Box Set This October!

    JUST heard the news about the release of the first shows to be on DVD this coming October! NOW, if they will only release the original FIRST Sesame Street RECORD onto audio CD, that would complete it!
  7. JimmyDeanDog

    Missing posts

    Must be OSCAR fiddlin' with the website again.....what a grouch! :)
  8. JimmyDeanDog

    Happy 80th to Dick Van Dyke!

    That was a great story BEAR - Thanks!
  9. JimmyDeanDog

    Happy 80th to Dick Van Dyke!

    Oh, that's right! "Muppets Go Hollywood"...Dick played himself!
  10. JimmyDeanDog

    Happy 80th to Dick Van Dyke!

    Did Dick ever do anything with the Muppets?....
  11. JimmyDeanDog

    Happy 80th to Dick Van Dyke!

    I just thought I'd share with all of you the news that Dick Van Dyke turns the big 8-0 today, Dec 13th! I swear this man will live to be 100+ A great showman with non-stop-flowing wholesome energy inside a very big heart! Did he ever do anything with the Muppets? I can't recall, but...
  12. JimmyDeanDog

    New Christmas avatars!

    Added a Christmas cap on Rowlf here.... :) Happy Holidays Everyone!
  13. JimmyDeanDog

    Frank Oz Interviewed in Chicago Tribune

    The Frank Oz Interview I missed it here... Does anyone have the text from the Chicago Tribune? PLease post it here or send it to me privately: Thx! -JDD
  14. JimmyDeanDog

    John Denver/Muppets Christmas Special

    Is this now available on DVD?.......what year did this first air on TV? I can't seem to find it! Would anyone HAVE this on a DVD they could possibly duplicate and send to me? - I could pay for postage... E-mail me privately at:
  15. JimmyDeanDog

    New thread on an old show:Electric Company

    Electric Company WAS a GOOD show
  16. JimmyDeanDog

    It's Official: Disney completes Muppet acquisition

    Does Disney also OWN prevous MUPPET material? Someone explain to me about all the Muppet merchandise: The toys, games, movies, recordings with Seseme Street (et al)... Would Walt's grave STILL be turning? Does Disney now OWN the past? -JDD
  17. JimmyDeanDog

    Happy BIG 60 to Frank!

    Happy Birthday Mr Magical OZ! FRANK OZ that is! (Piggy, Fozzie, Bert, etc..) HE TURNS THE BIG "6-0" TODAY.... FRANK, have a VERY special birthday today, and thank you always for being simply - YOU! I know JIM up above is "rooting you on", so don't EVER stop the creativeness in...