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  1. DanDanStrawberry

    Speculation: Michael Bublé The Muppets...Again Cameo?

    Odd comment and wasn't sure where to post this, but Michael Bublé was on Chelsea Lately the other night, and Chelsea happened to point out his socks which had the Swedish Chef on. He seemed embarrassed and said "yeah I just came from...something else"-- I can totally see him in a cameo in...
  2. DanDanStrawberry

    Disney's "Rapunzel" sexist rename?

    That sounds pretty silly to me, I thought Rapunzel was supposed to be Disney going back to basics and telling a straight-forward fairytale with no shock twist and no modern slant or anything like that?
  3. DanDanStrawberry

    Lady Gaga's Kermit Tribute

    You too, missus! How on earth are you? :o
  4. DanDanStrawberry

    Lady Gaga's Kermit Tribute

    I've got to disagree with you saying she's untalented, have a listen to her singing Poker Face Acoustic on YouTube if you need proof that she's a lass with a good voice on her. Certainly better than her competitors like Britney and Katy Perry.
  5. DanDanStrawberry

    Lady Gaga's Kermit Tribute

    Just wondering if anyone has seen Lady Gaga's most recent cry for attention, with a muppet-y twist:
  6. DanDanStrawberry

    Happy Birthday, DanDanStrawberry!

    First off- Dee hello lovely, where have you been hiding? I haven't spoken to you in, like, forever! Glad to see you're still around! Second, thanks everyone I had an absolutely amazing birthday- me and all my friends got dressed up as Madonna (who else? :p) and just had a fabulous time dancing...
  7. DanDanStrawberry

    The 'What Song Are You Currently Listening To?' Thread

    The Anchor Song- Bjork Loves it haha
  8. DanDanStrawberry


    Duffy is fantastic, I saw her live in the summer and she was completely charming :)
  9. DanDanStrawberry

    The 'What Song Are You Currently Listening To?' Thread

    Piece Of Me- Britney Spears You simply can not beat it :p
  10. DanDanStrawberry


    I've gotta say, this year I've done Hamlet in my Literature class and it has absolutely blown me away. I think it is just the most perfect thing ever written
  11. DanDanStrawberry

    What movie are you planning on, going to see?

    I'm going to see Sex And The City tomorrow, and I really want to see The Happening as well
  12. DanDanStrawberry

    I won't grow up, I won't, I won't! - Peter Pan Appreciation

    My friend's a Peter Pan fanatic, I'm more of an Alice boy myself :p
  13. DanDanStrawberry

    Presenting: MC Rap - By moi...

    My lord. I just did a little squee dance.
  14. DanDanStrawberry

    What song represents you? :D

    Blech, double post. But I should put Love Is Free by Sheryl Crow on my list, because it's such a simple song but it's still really optimistic and it sort of looks colourful in your mind :p
  15. DanDanStrawberry

    Flavors of Entanglement

    Just wondering if there are any closeted Alanis fans on the board. Anyone excited for her new album, coming out 1st June?
  16. DanDanStrawberry

    The "What Are You Eating Right Now?" Thread

    I went to McDonald's twice today :o *slave to globalisation*
  17. DanDanStrawberry

    Behind The Squeedom

    Hahaha yesh. I lovesh me the babiesh. *grabs knife and fork*
  18. DanDanStrawberry

    Cyndi Lauper: Bring Ya To The Brink!

    I have Cyndi's Greatest Hits on my iPod, and it's pretty good, so I might get this album. She's a free spirit which I really admire.
  19. DanDanStrawberry

    Read any good books lately?

    I've just got two new books off Amazon (which my mam has hidden until my last exam is over on Monday :attitude: ). One is the events of Hamlet told from Ophelia's point of view, which I am pretty excited about reading, the other is Augusten Burroughs's new book who I absolutely ADORE.
  20. DanDanStrawberry

    Sara Bareilles/Ray Charles.

    My god, I thought she was amazing because I thought it was a song directed at a boyfriend or somehting. Now I think she's super-amazing! :)