Search results

  1. Docnzhoss

    Spare Palisades Figures

    Hey Cantus, I just shot you an email. I'm interested in Statler and Waldorf, Gonzo, Piggy, Fozzie and Sam. Thanks a lot!
  2. Docnzhoss

    Muppet Central the Movie!

    *The last time we left Ryan (Docnzhoss) he had purchased a Rocketeer jet pack and flew off to meet his friends. Unfortunately, his jet pack ran out of gas over the Bermuda Triangle and he has been lost in a strange dimension ever since... Me: Wow, I'm all alone in this strange, bizarre and...
  3. Docnzhoss

    If you were having a Muppet dinner party...

    With Link? Well, for starters, it's hard for anyone to take either of us seriously because we're both goofy (whether we try or not). We are looked to by others as leaders (he on the Swinetrek and Bear on Patrol and me with the kiddies) but we often have trouble sticking to our duties...
  4. Docnzhoss

    Need some advice!

    This is true. However, I have never had the opportunity to meet Greg J, despite the fact that he has been a member here much longer than I have. Since he mentioned that he would like to visit and post more frequently, I took the opportunity to welcome him to do so. If you want to know...
  5. Docnzhoss

    Sesame series 1 accesories revealed

    Not that I'm complaining about anything, I pledged to stop doing that a long time ago, but does anyone else here think it would be cool if Guy Smiley had come with some sort of pack in character like a talking food item or cloud? You know, like one of his old contestants or game show participants?
  6. Docnzhoss

    Something I'd really like to see on the TMS DVDs

    I agree with you, matleo. Though Jim was and is the lifeforce of the Muppets, Richard Hunt brought to life characters who may not have been so memorable without his talent. Perhaps a tribute to Richard could be included in the Season 2 DVD.
  7. Docnzhoss

    New movies coming out...

  8. Docnzhoss

    Happy Birthday Michael J. Fox!

    Don't forget Family Ties, Teen Wolf and Doc Hollywood!
  9. Docnzhoss

    Need some advice!

    Having worked in a major retail store I learned that it is perfectly okay to voice your long as it goes along with the company's. Okay, that's my cynical approach to the matter. First of all, it's flippin' awesome that you did work with the Muppets. Secondly, this is a...
  10. Docnzhoss


    Beau brings up an interesting point. Would Dave Goelz have gone along with the project if he didn't believe in it? It would be natural for him to not want to give up his most well-known character to someone else. So even if he didn't like the idea of Gonzo's "origin", I'm betting he was...
  11. Docnzhoss

    New movies coming out...

    I've been excited about Batman Begins for some time. I really like Tim Burton's Batman, and if it's better than that I will be quite pleased. Another movie I'm excited about is Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Brad Pitt is my favorite actor and this is the first real gun-totin', spy-smotin', body-count...
  12. Docnzhoss

    Any news on the remaining Muppet releases?

    Awesome news on the Penguins, Count! You are always on the ball with information from Palisades, thanks for always keeping us updated!
  13. Docnzhoss

    Sesame series 1 accesories revealed

    Check ebay or join Palisades Toys membership ($50, but it's a lifetime membership and I think it's totally worth it). Super Grover has been available for roughly a month now.
  14. Docnzhoss


    This is often true. It irked me more than anything when a girl left me for some trashy guy who was into drugs or some guy who wanted to go around fighting people all the time. However, girls eventually need to learn from their mistakes, like my wife. She had had her share of bad boy...
  15. Docnzhoss

    If you were having a Muppet dinner party...

    Rowlf-He's my favorite Muppet ever. Gotta have him. Dr. Teeth- My second favorite Muppet. See above. Sam-My third favorite Muppet (yes, I have a list) Guy Smiley-The guy's got personality Floyd Pepper- See above Gonzo-Definitely the strangest Muppet around Link Hogthrob-We're so much...
  16. Docnzhoss

    Happy Birthday Zack!

    Happ?y Birthday! I'm glad you had fun in Florida. What'd you bring us? :halo:
  17. Docnzhoss

    "Best of the Muppet Show" DVDs for sale

    D'oh! And I was willing to go over your asking price by hundreds if not thousands of dollars! Woe is me! Blast my terrible timing! Okay, so I'm just kidding. It just struck me that this seemed to be the most effortless and efficient transaction in the history of...
  18. Docnzhoss

    Muppets Season 1 releases Aug 9, 2005

    Where, indeed. Perhaps because his collar appears on the cover, they don't want his image on a disc so that people don't get tired of seeing Kermit everywhere they look. It may not be easy bein' green, but it's just as tough looking at it all the time. These are not my sentiments, I'm just...
  19. Docnzhoss

    Sad news

    That is very sad news, indeed. My thoughts are with you and your fiancee during these troubling times. I wish you good health and safety during your absence from one another.
  20. Docnzhoss

    Really bad night

    Well, the day has passed to dusk and I think we're all wondering (and hoping) was today a better day? Nights sometimes have a way of being harsh when people are having trouble sleeping. Sleepiness often gives way to crankiness and people sometimes say things they don't mean. I'm sorry it was...