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  1. Docnzhoss

    Just got my Uncle Deadly figures!

    Did you guys pre-order yours? I pre-ordered mine months ago and am still awaiting my Uncle Deadlys' arrival. I've emailed omgcnfo and they say they're on their way, but they said that in mid-July. Sometimes it's just hard to be patient.
  2. Docnzhoss

    Rough Times Ahead

    Hey Kathy, you've had enough going on lately to worry about which posts you've been able to read. Thanks for the kind words and I'll keep thinking about you, too. Thanks Dee. No, I know you've talked up Five People You Meet in Heaven, but I haven't yet read it or seen it. In fact, of the...
  3. Docnzhoss

    Vic Romano's Weekly Creative Muppet Visuals

    Oh that Bert...he's always raining on someone's parade. :(
  4. Docnzhoss

    Rainbow Connection Kermit Review

    I'm with you, PePe's Cousin; almost all of my figures are out and on display. Nice review; honest and heartfelt and gives everyone a very important reason to buy one or two. Kudos to Michael Crawford for so successfully bringing Cooper's story into the public eye. I hope this figure sells...
  5. Docnzhoss

    Rough Times Ahead

    Thanks Ziffel and DizzyIzzy. I just read The Twelfth Angel by Og Marangino and it was absolutely horrible. I only read it because my sick grandma gave it to me. It's supposed to be some kind of inspirational story about never giving up. Unfortunately, I could never get into it for the...
  6. Docnzhoss

    Opinions: The end of the Muppet line

    My least favorite accessory is probably Link Hogthrob's magazine. It's a photo of the action figure plastered on a piece of plastic. Also, I changed my mind about my favorite pack-in figure. Instead of the Muppaphones (with Marvin Suggs) I like the Koozebanians/Murdlidops with Koozebane...
  7. Docnzhoss

    NEW Muppets Plush & Tees @ Disney

    They are indeed coming out with much cooler stuff. I like the Muppet Show messenger bag. Maybe sometime they'll come out with The Muppet Show backstage jackets!
  8. Docnzhoss

    Rough Times Ahead

    Hiya Ziffel and thanks. Grandma has had a few radiation treatments and will begin chemo here before too long. Her memory is fading fast; I find that she repeats herself too often for comfort. For example, she had specifically asked me to begin bringing her the newspaper so she could read it...
  9. Docnzhoss

    Review: Paul Williams and Gonzo DVD

    I'll be buying a copy of the DVD tomorrow, as long as Suncoast carries it, that is. I'll be there celebrating Sin City day, and will use the occasion to pick up Muppets Wizard of Oz also.
  10. Docnzhoss

    Muppet penguins for sale

    With shipping and all, I believe I paid just over $18. I just received mine on Friday and love them. One had a horrible job done on the eyes (think Crazy Eyes on Mr. Deeds) so I did a quick fix and made him all better.
  11. Docnzhoss

    Vic Romano's Weekly Creative Muppet Visuals

    So how'd you get everyone to not blink? Whenever I get in on a group photo, there's always someone with their eyes closed. ;) Nicely done, Vic.
  12. Docnzhoss

    Ludo's face I sculpted

    That's incredible! Definitely keep up the good work!
  13. Docnzhoss

    Didja' ever get the feeling you're being watched?

    I'd rather be watched here than unknowingly be recorded by someone's camera phone. Those things are everywhere these days. Oh, and by the way all you watchers...I've come up with my own code. Crack this: Rezal Evad Gib si a ykoops ytied. You might be able to find out what it says, but...
  14. Docnzhoss

    My Muppet Collection

    That's a nice collection! Thanks for sharing!
  15. Docnzhoss


    I hate cancer with all I can muster. Just hearing about someone else stricken with it burns me up inside. I wish for the best for you and your family and will continue making my small contributions for fighting such that horrible disease.
  16. Docnzhoss

    Where are they now?

    Doubtful. I believe Batman pretty much took care of him in that last flick. ;)
  17. Docnzhoss

    Muppets display

    Cool idea! I got lucky; my mother in law purchased a curio cabinet for one of her sons but when I mentioned my desire for one, she just gave me that one. If not for that, I would seriously be considering stealing your idea. :halo:
  18. Docnzhoss

    New movies coming out...

    I'm still waiting to see March of the Penguins and Dukes of Hazzard. I saw a movie poster for X3. I can not wait for that movie to come out! Also, we should be seeing previews for Ghost Rider before too terribly long.
  19. Docnzhoss

    Opinions: The end of the Muppet line

    1. who are your top five favorite/ least favorite figures? A. Faves: Sweetums, S5 Gonzo, S2 Fozzie, S3 Lew Zealand, S9 Sam Eagle Least Faves: S2 Crazy Harry, S1 Miss Piggy, S9 Fozzie, S8 Phil Van Neuter, S8 Usher Scooter 2. were any figures better/ worse than you expected? A. Sweetums...
  20. Docnzhoss

    Frank Oz's Visit, Health, Parents, Etc.

    I called the ticket office and was finally able to get a response about the post-poned "Frank Oz and His Muppet Friends" lecture. They still don't have an exact date, but I was told that the event would be rescheduled for the end of September or early October. They told me to call back in...