Muppets display


Active Member
Aug 14, 2005
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Hey all, I sorta stumbled on an idea to be able to display my MOC Muppets, loose without actually having to have them "loose", nor having to spend tons of money on display cases. I have often wondered about the football display boxes, you know, the ones you display an autographed football in?? I did some research and found that you can get them without a base inside to actually hold the ball. The only thing it had were two round "holders" on the inside of each end where the ball points would sit in. The two pieces fit together tightly, and resist dust. They are also acid free. Best part?? $20!! I set up my first one today. I am going to try and "theme" them. IE: Base stars, sidekicks, electric mayhem, varients, etc. I don't have a lot of Muppets right now, but here is a small sampling.

Although this might have been an obvious choice for some, it was a cool discovery for me.

Measurements of "cube": 11.75" w X almost 7.5" high X 7.5" deep
I can easily display one more Muppet in the above case, but have yet to decide who. I am really happy with how it turned out!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Cool idea! I got lucky; my mother in law purchased a curio cabinet for one of her sons but when I mentioned my desire for one, she just gave me that one. If not for that, I would seriously be considering stealing your idea. :halo: