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  1. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    Em, well, actually the families in the audiences enjoyed the trailer for the new film a lot, and not just the kids. And the hard core fans there (the ones in uniform) are hoping for the best. I heard all of two reactions from the audience that sounded like a "Tsk!" The film's a glorified home...
  2. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    So yesterday the Tribeca Film Festival had a pre screening of a rough cut of the Ghostheads (a new documentary that focuses on the fans). But 2 hours before, turns out there was a free screening of Ghostbusters (1984). Just wanted to share some moments: Lots of families with little kids in the...
  3. CensoredAlso

    Weekly Box Office and Film Discussion Thread

    Oh for sure I mean Baloo's a lovely character (amazing how well he and Louie worked together on Talespin, who knew?). And I've gotta love the mop top vultures, lol. Btw, have you ever encountered fans of Kaa online? Very
  4. CensoredAlso

    Weekly Box Office and Film Discussion Thread

    I honestly don't mind them redoing The Jungle Book. The Disney version...has it's moments...but it's far from perfect. Disney started losing it around that time. That said, I'll probably wait to see this on TV or something. Jim Carrey was great as the Grinch, but I can't enjoy the rest of the...
  5. CensoredAlso

    Golden Globes - What's the Point?

    And the award for Trailer with the Most Spoilers goes to!...
  6. CensoredAlso

    Separating the art from the artist: Is it always possible?

    I simply feel an obligation to say that in fairness to anyone accused of a crime. Doesn't matter who it is. Even if a person is likely guilty, we can't let that principle go. Like I said, if he's disturbed, he probably doesn't have much insight (Again, layman's opinion). That's why I'm saying...
  7. CensoredAlso

    Separating the art from the artist: Is it always possible?

    It's not about being betrayed, you have to look at it more pragmatically. Be a little robotic about it, for now. If the allegations are true, then he's pretty disturbed. This isn't normal "guy acts like jerk" stuff (no offense to guys :p), this is strange behavior, like "he should been diagnosed...
  8. CensoredAlso

    Weekly Box Office and Film Discussion Thread

    Hehehe. ;) Yeah, I'm starting to see what you're always saying about fandoms romanticizing the past. It's not like this was the first time the franchise made a controversial decision. But fans have a way of sweeping that under the rug and saving their wrath for anything new. If they had...
  9. CensoredAlso

    Weekly Box Office and Film Discussion Thread

    I will decide that when I see it. No sooner. Seriously.
  10. CensoredAlso

    Weekly Box Office and Film Discussion Thread

    That is also what I'm waiting to see. I agree, it's hard to tell. I was horrified at the ::sigh:: "fart shoes" joke in the trailer for Muppets (2011). But thankfully the movie proved better than that. In any case, I'm definitely going to see Ghostbusters (2016). The overreaction and bile on the...
  11. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    I'm not sure it's my kind of humor either. But YouTube is irrelevant to me. A ton of people don't ever vote on YouTube. It appeals to a very specific demographic. I can see the humor in this film appealing to other demographics. If there wasn't going to be cameos from the original actors, I...
  12. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    The characters aren't real. The actors and writer who brought them to life are. And they are making an appearance in this film. I'll take a chance, for them. I don't see how boycotting this film is showing them any respect (no offence to you in particular). I will see this film, more than once...
  13. CensoredAlso

    Ghostbusters 3 finally on the way? You decide!

    I like Leslie Jones on SNL and I like her in this trailer. Like her or not, she has a personality and she's more memorable than any of the others thus far. It's clear they featured her in the trailer and they knew what they were doing. My Dad loved her bit at the Oscars, and he never likes...
  14. CensoredAlso

    Charlie Chaplin fans.

    "Aut Caesar, aut nullus. Emperor of the world..." Chaplin was not a perfect man, but he was very brave to confront just how evil the Nazis were. Most Hollywood WWII films concentrated on American patriotism and barely mentioned the Jewish people, if ever. Chaplin confronted the issue head on...
  15. CensoredAlso

    When you need to rant...

    Here's what interesting, all this fuss about Hillary being "the first woman President." Guess who is running for the Green Party - a woman. But no one knows because our election process is stuck in High School where only the popular kids with a lot of money get noticed.
  16. CensoredAlso

    Separating the art from the artist: Is it always possible?

    A friend of mine made a good point about this recently. You have the right to enjoy what you want and no one, not even the artist behind it, can take that away from you.
  17. CensoredAlso

    Dealing with depression and anxiety

    Yea I'm just not going to worry about other people's reactions and just see how this goes. That friend I said I was having trouble with? I told him I needed a break. He stayed away for a week or so, then tested me again. Still not having a clue that he did anything wrong, and trying to guilt...
  18. CensoredAlso

    Dealing with depression and anxiety

    Not entirely about depression, but I recently decided to sign up for Nutrisystem in order to possibly lose weight. My family's being supportive, maybe a little too supportive, heh, as if this will solve all my problems in life. My issue is emotional eating, and at the moment I don't know if I...
  19. CensoredAlso

    The dark day of Valentines Day is upon us...

    Think that's pretty much it for people. It doesn't help that couples can be very annoying (sorry, guys, you know it's true, hehe ;)).
  20. CensoredAlso

    Your Thoughts: Star Wars Episode 7 - The Force Awakens *Contains Spoilers*

    Like I said, I enjoyed the new actors a lot. :)