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  1. Ziffel

    Gas Prices out of control

    I've seen this kind of thing attempted before. One radio host I like to listen to, Bob Grant, often mentions that if people would just agree to not buy any gas for one day (say, a Saturday or Sunday) it would make a profound difference. But he always adds something like, "But it'll NEVER happen...
  2. Ziffel

    What's your favorite letter segment?

    I just thought about the animated sketch with the little girl Martha. I see it has been mentioned by title in a few threads but haven't found one where someone detailed it. I also saw someone say it was included in the SS unpaved book, which I do not own. Here's my best memory of the segment...
  3. Ziffel

    This thread is brought to you by the letter H!

    Was this the same one where they frequently say, "Small h"? And at the end after the elephant laughs "ha ha ha ha ha ha" he says, "Small h" and they both whisper "Ha". And at one point in the segment the elephant says, "Owwwch" but don't recall why. (The boy didn't give him a hotfoot did he...
  4. Ziffel

    How's the weather where you are?

    Good thing at least that Katrina turned a little east and the eye apparently didn't give New Orleans a direct hit. Also was good news it was reduced to a category 4 from 5 this morning (and maybe further down to a 3 later?) But still very powerful and still causing some flooding and ruckus. Hope...
  5. Ziffel

    New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself

    Welcome to the forum, Alpha Centauri and Rizzo Rodent. Great to have you both! :)
  6. Ziffel

    2500 Posts

    Yeah heh heh heh, I used to sometimes overlap with people and give the same reply and then post an edit saying, "Sorry, I didn't realize we were posting a reply at the same time!" So now I scroll down after the preview post to check first. :)
  7. Ziffel


    Congratulations theprawncracker! Great milestone. And neat that it happened in such close proximity to That Announcer's 2500th!
  8. Ziffel

    2500 Posts

    A bother? A delight is more like it! Congrats on a quarter of ten grand milestone. :) Ah, and just before I hit "submit reply" I see theprawncracker had the same initial reaction (as I'm sure EVERYONE here will!) Haha and now after I hit "preview post" I see D'Snowth has now replied too...
  9. Ziffel

    Muppet Central Awards! Volume 2

    Funniest Member: GeeBee Most Prominent Poster: Beauregard Best Avatar: ceecee Best Signature: Together Again Best Gamer: McFraggle Best Moppet Family Member: ------- Best Dance Partner(Beau's Dance Thread): ------- Sesame Street Enthusiast: Dantecat The Muppet Show...
  10. Ziffel

    my awards!

    Coolest avatar: Ziffel See I'm living up to my award for "greatest fan of classic tv" by voting for the avatar with a classic tv character! :p Thanks everyone! Let me give a group hug to just a FEW of the very appreciated folks here: {{{{{{{{{That Announcer, Bear, mikebennidict...
  11. Ziffel

    Movie Conversations

    Oh no! I'm terribly sorry everyone. I just noticed that the idea of this thread is to continue a conversation through using movie quotes. Before I had thought it was simply quoting great movie quotes at random. So my quotes had nothing to do with the preceding quotes. Sorry about that!
  12. Ziffel

    Movie Conversations

    "Let's play chess!" (Blazing Saddles)
  13. Ziffel

    Movie Conversations

    "It's party time. P-A-R-T-Y because I got to." (The Mask)
  14. Ziffel

    Movie Conversations

    "Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?" (The Breakfast Club)
  15. Ziffel

    TMS Season 1 Amazon Sales Rank

    And being at #8 is good news since the last few days it's been at #10. And great that it's been in the top ten all this time! :)
  16. Ziffel

    How's the weather where you are?

    Temperature okay at 84F, 29C but overcast and muggy. Looks like a lot of rain the next few days from Hurrican Katrina, esp. Wednesday. But GeeBee, being in NewOrleans, will get the effects the worst of course. Hope you were able to get to another location today, GeeBee (or that you are one of...
  17. Ziffel

    Movie Conversations

    "I had to ask the guy next to me to pinch me to make sure I wasn't dreaming." (Airplane)
  18. Ziffel

    Nfl 2005

    What a career Brett Favre has had.
  19. Ziffel

    Movie Conversations

    "Boy I'll bet you were something before electricity." (Caddyshack)
  20. Ziffel

    How's the weather where you are?

    Pretty good once again. 75F, 24C right now going up to a high of 83F, 28C. Supposed to be more humid today but a nice gentle breeze is coming through the window on me right now. :) I'm headed in a few minutes to my brother's house. Gonna have a barbecue outside this afternoon. Should be great.